Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

Its like you're actively trying to look for something to bitch about.

Character motivations and reactions that make the difference between an element in a larger world and story, to being the person that the world revolves around, is "looking" for something to bitch about? That's just noticing the difference between good versus poor quality world building. In a proper RPG, you should be an insignificant drop in a vast ocean, and eventually your own motions compound into a wave. With what we know about Bethesda, Skyrim, and the trailers featuring Mr. Badass Sole Survivor, the character is shaping up to be an all-important Mary Sue for the player's power fantasy. Believe it or not, history and little actions taken can give these things away. Who else but an all important demigod would confront a pack of super mutants, without armor or backup (a dog isn't backup), or without weapons to appropriately take them on? Actions have weight.
Even if I could, hypothetically speaking, forgive them for giving the player a voice, I would still think that it takes nothing short of a retard to try to sum up entire sentences in two or three words.

Seriously, what are they trying to accomplish with this? Is there anything even resembling a logical explanation for this? It could be "people just don't like to read much", but would it then be so hard to just have the full text of what you're going to say appear when you hover over one of the choices?

I'm starting to remember why I haven't posted outside of the general discussion forum for such a long time.

And that's not it, they even made all those options match the color coded buttons of the xbox controller:

So people won't need to even understand the options they're choosing, they only thing they need to know is that green A is for good response, red B is for bad responses, blue X is for neutral, and yello Y is for questions.


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"That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."

Father Elijah was right, man....
Being a Bethesda shill = not actively trying to look for things to bitch and moan about.
I get that Bethesda's games are full of problems and shit but the complaining about this live action trailer is just ridiculous. It feels like people are just trying so hard to find something wrong with everything.
If I hated Bethesda so much, I wouldn't waste my time following all the news so closely and then bitching about it. I just don't see the point in following all the news about a shit game that I'm gonna hate for sure.

SO basically, instead of defending the RPG aspects of Fallout (and what made it famous) with rational points and breaking down sent media by Bethesda, critique it, and keep a cool-head, we should do what a fascist basically focuses: Don't talk about it and pretend it doesn't exist, and just act like they did a great job. Obsidian fucked up on some parts, and even Fallout 2 was a swing-and-a-miss for some, what gives Bethesda suddenly the right of not taking any criticism? Get the fuck over yourself.

I can apply your thinking on just about any subject, and I'd get the same, HUMAN, response:

we criticize it because we love Fallout. A fan who doesn't pinpoint issues or speak up in feedback isn't a fan at all, but rather a sheep who just nods their head and follows a herd. Fans who really do love their subject will always send in feedback and critique, true fans would, at least.

Trailers are usually there to represent a subject that a company is trying to sell/boost hype and show a representative of what to expect (Spoiler: This is also how people get massively disappointed, typical).
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Its like you're actively trying to look for something to bitch about.

Character motivations and reactions that make the difference between an element in a larger world and story, to being the person that the world revolves around, is "looking" for something to bitch about? That's just noticing the difference between good versus poor quality world building. In a proper RPG, you should be an insignificant drop in a vast ocean, and eventually your own motions compound into a wave. With what we know about Bethesda, Skyrim, and the trailers featuring Mr. Badass Sole Survivor, the character is shaping up to be an all-important Mary Sue for the player's power fantasy. Believe it or not, history and little actions taken can give these things away. Who else but an all important demigod would confront a pack of super mutants, without armor or backup (a dog isn't backup), or without weapons to appropriately take them on? Actions have weight.

I'm talking about the guy who was bitching about the live action trailer. Its just a trailer thats not meant to be taken 100% seriously and people are somehow offended by it cause "its trying to be cool"
Being a Bethesda shill = not actively trying to look for things to bitch and moan about.
I get that Bethesda's games are full of problems and shit but the complaining about this live action trailer is just ridiculous. It feels like people are just trying so hard to find something wrong with everything.
If I hated Bethesda so much, I wouldn't waste my time following all the news so closely and then bitching about it. I just don't see the point in following all the news about a shit game that I'm gonna hate for sure.

SO basically, instead of defending the RPG aspects of Fallout (and what made it famous) with rational points and breaking down sent media by Bethesda, critique it, and keep a cool-head, we should do what a fascist basically focuses: Don't talk about it and pretend it doesn't exist, and just act like they did a great job. Obsidian fucked up on some parts, and even Fallout 2 was a swing-and-a-miss for some, what gives Bethesda suddenly the right of not taking any criticism? Get the fuck over yourself.
Again I'm not saying you're wrong to criticize the game. All I'm saying is sometimes it goes overboard and starts being irrational. You are overreacting cause I didn't say Bethesda is my lord and savior like some fanboys do.
I'm talking about the guy who was bitching about the live action trailer. Its just a trailer thats not meant to be taken 100% seriously and people are somehow offended by it cause "its trying to be cool"
Interpretation doesn't seem to be your strong suit. By making a trailer with "a guy looking cool" Bethesda sends a message, it shows their priorities. For Bethesda "the rule of cool" is the highest tenet, the ultimate law of their very "creative" process. To them "cool" is what matters and it shows. That's why people pick on the trailer, because it reinforces what we already know about what Bethesda wants to do and it's something people around here don't like much. And since we live in a free world, we have the right to voice our points of view.
Its like you're actively trying to look for something to bitch about.

That's mostly what NMA does, cry bitter tears of betrayal when Bethesda does literally anything with the series lol

Sure, certain doctors might call a lobotomisation a cure. But I am not sure if the patient would agree here as well.

*replace doctor with Bethesda and patient with Fallout.
I wouldn't have a problem with a trailer that is just "guy looking cool" if we even knew anything at all about the setting or if Bethesda had even tried and showcase their quests or writting for us to know what is exactly the premise of the game. THis combined with Todd Howard's statement that what made Fallout special was to kill things to 50's music sends a very clear message of what their priorities are with this series they didn't even create.
I don't really see anything wrong with a trailer making things look cool. Fallout New Vegas' trailer had plenty of action, explosions, guns, and an "epic moment" at the end with the explosion and slow-mo walking. I thought this trailer was cool for what it was. Wasn't supposed to be some super serious in depth look at the game.

I'm assuming they didn't show us much story at all cause they want to keep it a surprise until the game, which is fine. Honestly not expecting much in terms of story. We all know how much Bethesda sucks at writing.
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What you seem to forget is the difference between serious criticism and irony/making-fun-of something.

Do you think that everyone here with his snippy comments is always 100% serious? We are not going to cut our wrists about Fallout 4 or Bethesda any time soon you know. Some of us are long time Fallout fans and ALSO long time NMA posters/readers. We just love to make fun about Fallout 3 and 4, particularly for the stupid stuff it contains. If someone can't deal with that. Well there is the door.

I mean hey! You like the trailer, we dig that! Awesome! Good for you! I don't want to take ANY fun away from you while jerking off to it in some dark corner of the internet. However, for some of us it is just yet another action packed featureless prerendered footage of stuff we have seen probably a thousand times by now. What about the other stuff? Something substantial for a change? Like snipets of the writing, dialog, a few bones of information about the factions, I mean ARE there even factions? For christs sake there are RPGs out there that make trailers dedicated to DIALOG!

No one's asking for a spoiler about the complete game here. But seirously ... at least they could remind us why this is also called an RPG, at leats once in a while.

Sorry if that was kinda blunt.
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Being a Bethesda shill = not actively trying to look for things to bitch and moan about.
I get that Bethesda's games are full of problems and shit but the complaining about this live action trailer is just ridiculous. It feels like people are just trying so hard to find something wrong with everything.
If I hated Bethesda so much, I wouldn't waste my time following all the news so closely and then bitching about it. I just don't see the point in following all the news about a shit game that I'm gonna hate for sure.

Being a Bethesda shill would be actively ignoring the things that are bitch and moan-worty.
Also, I'm not quite sure whether you understand the meaning of live action.
I don't really see anything wrong with a trailer making things look cool. Fallout New Vegas' trailer had plenty of action, explosions, guns, and an "epic moment" at the end with the explosion and slow-mo walking. I thought this trailer was cool for what it was. Wasn't supposed to be some super serious in depth look at the game.

Mostly because Obsidian also showed a Factions Trailer along with the gameplay trailer, which the gameplay trailer even portrayed the different factions in-game as well along with location, location and location. Action wasn't the only thing the portrayed there.
Being a Bethesda shill = not actively trying to look for things to bitch and moan about.
I get that Bethesda's games are full of problems and shit but the complaining about this live action trailer is just ridiculous. It feels like people are just trying so hard to find something wrong with everything.
If I hated Bethesda so much, I wouldn't waste my time following all the news so closely and then bitching about it. I just don't see the point in following all the news about a shit game that I'm gonna hate for sure.

Being a Bethesda shill would be actively ignoring the things that are bitch and moan-worty.
Also, I'm not quite sure whether you understand the meaning of live action.
It's live action. It just has a bunch of CG shit thrown in there. I'm not a fucking idiot but thanks for the link I guess?
"That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."

Father Elijah was right, man....

A bit off topic, What did he really mean by that? I get that it prevents cunning/creativity. Does Father Elijah more of a harden techno fanatic than the chapter in the Mojave waste? As in wouldn't he give it more praise than it's con? I don't know, I think i'm looking too into it. It's not that big of an issue. I'm just trying to collect others thoughts on this.
A bit off topic, What did he really mean by that? I get that it prevents cunning/creativity. Does Father Elijah more of a harden techno fanatic than the chapter in the Mojave waste? As in wouldn't he give it more praise than it's con? I don't know, I think i'm looking too into it. It's not that big of an issue. I'm just trying to collect others thoughts on this.

You are, it was just a way of the developers to poke fun at how the actual players depend so much on it. Elijah was a genius so he can say stuff like that.
Why does Boston look like the California desert?

Bethesda: Because Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas took place in a desert and people loved those, therefore if we set Fallout 3 and 4 in a desert even though the geography makes no goddamn sense it'll be popular right? Right?! PLEASE LOVE US!!!