It Wandered In From the Wastes

i did it for a while but it became increasingly frustrating eventually managing water, food, sleep and radiation. is there really any good bonus to doing it?
that... is good to know, i had low survival in my last game. once i finish this game, i definitely try that.
i cant remember but you didnt have to worry about eating/drinking/sleeping in fallout 1/2 originally right? it was just there to regain health?
Finishing NV on Hardcore Mode raises your manly attitude.
I haven't played on casual mode even once, I turned Hardcore mode on my first run and never looked back.
J Sawyers hardcore mod made it a bit more point-ful imho
Vanilla hardcore is more like """hardcore""", you must drink water every... twice a day or so? You can go for days and not eat a bite, and sleeping seems more a matter of personal preference, if you got some tobacco chew you never need to sleep again as long as you live.