Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available


The Vault has has just processed a list of achievements for Fallout 4 originally posted on exophase. A brief analysis of the images and achievements has... Interesting conclusions:

  • The Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen are joinable factions.
  • You can apparently betray the Brotherhood of Steel, indicating a degree of non-linearity.
  • You will decide the fate of the Commonwealth at the end of the game, implying multiple choice endings.
  • Settlement building features are an actual part of the gameplay.
  • Blowing up the Prydwen is worth an achievement.
  • Companion romances are also a thing.
So there there will be at least 20 bobbleheads to collect. 20 points to increase your stats (2 for each stat maybe)?

Also the Railroad faction?
Bethesda in game romances have as much life as this:


I would advise them from going that path again, but i guess it's too late.
Figures the Brotherhood is joinable in this. (Curious how they're betray-able but the Minutemen don't seem to be.)

As for the other achievements, I'd say the possibility of the Main Questline focusing on androids is a real possibility. Mankind-Redefined is an obvious point towards that, as is Institutionalized and Powering Up. The Railroad is also in this from the list we see, and likely not far removed from the F3 interpretation.

That just leaves what happened to the Survivor. Odds are they're one of these androids, or were in stasis.
I have a bad feeling the BoS have to be betrayed and you have no choice. I mean, no achievement for betraying the Minutemen and an achievement to blow up the BoS Zeppelin?
Probably the Underdog, struggling against the Institute. Which may actually be allied with the Brotherhood. I'm curious.

I have a bad feeling the BoS have to be betrayed and you have no choice. I mean, no achievement for betraying the Minutemen and an achievement to blow up the BoS Zeppelin?

The Gold achievement indicates there's a choice, so it's probably not this. There seems to be other quests of a similar importance, like the Nuclear Option.
Well, couldn't we kind of betray the dark brotherhood in Skyrim?
Railroad, Minutemen, BOS, they might be guilds.
At least it's not completely straight-forwarded. Looks like some decisions can be made.

And looks like we get a minimum of 5 companions. How many were there in FO3 / FONV?

These do look like weapon achievements:
- Homerun!:
Get a Homerun
- Touchdown!: Get a Touchdown

Or do we get some sport events? %]
There was 7 companions in Bugthesda's Fallout 3 and 8 in New Vegas (excluding DLC's), but if I remember correctly they said that there will be 9 companions in F4 including non humanoids.

About news, well maybe the story will not be so damn linear this time? Yeah right, it's Beth you fool! Lol
Why would they bother with Level milestone achievements when there's no level cap and you can just keep playing forever if you are that much of a glutton for punishment?
What is the point of achievements anyway? If everyone gets them, it's not really an achievement.

Gratification. People like being "awarded" things and feel like they have accomplished something.

And since it is hard to actually make games feel rewarding by themselves the devs have to tell the player explicitly when to feel rewarded.
What a brave, new world...
Seriously though, I think the whole achievement-thing started with adding special challenges in games, but somehow simply playing the game yields achievements now.
Is there a game that has achievements but can be finished without getting any?
What is the point of achievements anyway? If everyone gets them, it's not really an achievement.

Gratification. People like being "awarded" things and feel like they have accomplished something.

And since it is hard to actually make games feel rewarding by themselves the devs have to tell the player explicitly when to feel rewarded.
What a brave, new world...
Seriously though, I think the whole achievement-thing started with adding special challenges in games, but somehow simply playing the game yields achievements now.
Is there a game that has achievements but can be finished without getting any?

The Swapper comes to mind.

Perhaps Braid as well?