J Sawyers hardcore mod made it a bit more point-ful imho
Vanilla hardcore is more like """hardcore""", you must drink water every... twice a day or so? You can go for days and not eat a bite, and sleeping seems more a matter of personal preference, if you got some tobacco chew you never need to sleep again as long as you live.
The problem with doing a "caffeine addict/never sleeping" run is that a couple of the DLCs break the SLP meter and you only fix it by sleeping.
I noticed that, but that just adds to the frustration - the meters keep breaking, and if the point is to cheat the system, then all you have to do is turn off Hardcore mode

Turn it on - to add some extra substance to it, like eat, drink and sleep, for then not to even have to, cus when the meters dont break, you can still run around for ages without really caring about it
That's what I liked about the Sawyer mod, that I actually had to watch out a little. Even then, my aspie-hoarding-instinct grants me 100 bottles of purified water by mid-game, I store them in my Novac fridge - it's completely pointless, in one save I have ended game, play-post-ending-mod - no more tasks to do, and some 60 "reserve" gecko steaks

Then I get philosophical - so - food is this abundant, cus - sure - it IS! NCR grows crops, geckos litter the wasteland, there's water everywhere, so... yeah, communities thrive, vendors don't starve, so why should you? And as a result: 100 bottles of purified water in my fridge, along with 60 gecko steaks, tons of tobacco chew - and a bed and bedrolls AND a portable bedroll!
The survive-angle was probably best used in Fallout, as in 1 (but then comes the problem of sorting out long-distance travel, with hunger, fatigue and thirst, how thirsty are you if you travel directly from Shady Sands to Boneyard? Would you have to stop at every square to drink and eat?)
In the end, I can't make my mind up. My last NV playthrough was the first in a long time, where I didn't pick Hardcore mode, simply cus I decided to just... role-play thirst and hunger... at my own leisure, just as well, in the end (although weightless ammo feels a lot like cheating, tbh)
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