Game Informer visited Bethesda and talked to the developers on about the making of Fallout 4. Here are some excerpts from the article:
On the Adam Adamowicz's influence:
On Dialogue:
On narrative structure and player freedom:
On the Adam Adamowicz's influence:
Artist Adam Adamowicz, who passed away from cancer in 2012, was a key contributor in this form of Fallout 4’s world building. Many of his designs are a part of the final game. He brought a lot of color to the game, and made such a large mark on the project, he was mentioned numerous times for making the world more vibrant.
On Dialogue:
Sound also weighed heavily on the writers’ scripts, as they learned early on that giving voices to the protagonists meant that they had to approach their dialogue in slightly different ways. “Once Brian [Delaney] and Courtenay [Taylor] came in – the two voice actors for our protagonists – it was like, ‘Oh, this is what a professional actor can do with my words.’” Pagliarulo says. “In Fallout 4, some of the choices are different, but even when they are the same, the way [Courtenay and Brian] deliver them is so different that it actually changes the context. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s really interesting.’ In a lot of ways, Brian’s take for the male protagonist is a little bit more sentimental, whereas Cortenay’s tougher and in your face. That isn’t how we intended it, but we thought it was pretty awesome.”
On narrative structure and player freedom:
Pagliarulo recalls being a little too obsessed over the narrative arc with that game. “Whenever you start to think about just story, you can really screw yourself because you lock yourself into this narrative structure that doesn’t give a lot of player freedom,” he says. “We’ve been doing this long enough together now that we always think in terms of player experience. ‘Okay, if this is the high-level thing and we end up here, what is the player doing? What am I doing to get there?’ We do have our major story beats, but we also have our gameplay wish list.”
Fallout 4 offers more player choice than any Bethesda game has before. This even affects little things like conversations. If players want to play the entire game sarcastically, they can, as one of the conversation buttons often delivers that tone. If they want to veer off of the beaten path to build settlements for days on end, they can, and can even link them together to share resources.