This ghoul has seen it all

Someone got really mad, lol.
Why do Beth fanboys always talk about "butthurt" when people don't like Bethesda games? Are they equating Bethesda games to getting ass fucked against your will? Are people who like them then "Butt pleased"?
Kind of makes their religious adoration of the company get some rather creepy undertones....
Severite I wasent talking to you I was talking to Irwine John Finster. Same mannerisms and same probably fake claim at liking 3.
To answer your question I simply dont care if a gameis a "good rpg" or any other "good ___" because I believe such distinctions are simply copouts to go ahead and admit a product is in fact good but then one last dig in.
"But it's not a good ___..."
It's completely phony.
They also added in the "Atom Cats" which continue Bethesda's proud tradition of Gimmicks over characterization and garbage writting. Because the world of Fallout 4 totally got enriched by a bunch of Clowns that just say "Daddy-o!" while wearing Power Armor.
They also added in the "Atom Cats" which continue Bethesda's proud tradition of Gimmicks over characterization and garbage writting. Because the world of Fallout 4 totally got enriched by a bunch of Clowns that just say "Daddy-o!" while wearing Power Armor.
I think it could have worked out well. Given that there are power armours at every corner it would make sense for more people to wear it. Even without plates it could be used for construction and manual labour (Proctor Ingram uses it as an exoskeleton to substitute her legs, at least). Having several "power armour gangs" around that focus on fixing and hotrodding them could work well in the setting.
But sadly, there's only one power armour gang, and they're somewhere at the ass-end of nowhere, and they have no effect on anything.
So much wasted potential.
I actually liked the idea of Power Armor staying on the map when not wearing it and the "getting in" animation is actually really well done. That part is not bad.
The armor would be much cooler if they had all of the armors from all of the games. I need to see that Tactics armor in the vanilla game. It doesn't matter if it makes sense at this point.
Actually, I would argue that quality is a subjective opinion, as is the metric by which you grade quality, ergo, there is no "right" way to judge a game's quality.Assessing quality in anything other than abolustist and binary terms is a cop out, you heard that right here folks. The average Bethesda fanboy's logic doesn't even need mocking, it's a living parody of itself.
Actually, I would argue that quality is a subjective opinion, as is the metric by which you grade quality, ergo, there is no "right" way to judge a game's quality.Assessing quality in anything other than abolustist and binary terms is a cop out, you heard that right here folks. The average Bethesda fanboy's logic doesn't even need mocking, it's a living parody of itself.
I for one prefer to judge games by how much fun they are to play, not by how they rank amongst their predecessors. If I didn't, my massive OCD would flare up and my inner lore fiend would become very angry.
Oh there most certainly is. I could ask 'is there a way to see Spacemarine as a AAA quality part three to the Dawn of War series'... but sadly some could actually see cool visuals and alien gameplay as a plus, simply because it's new and different.Actually, I would argue that quality is a subjective opinion, as is the metric by which you grade quality, ergo, there is no "right" way to judge a game's quality.
The only people to use the "art is subjective" thing are always people that don't really know anything about art or design in the first place.