This ghoul has seen it all

I guess I'll just make a bunch of those moth devoured couches. Altho no idea why Sanctuary is hurting for beds when there are 27 beds and 20 settlers...
I have a question about something mentioned during the latest episode of IGN's Fallout podcast:
At the 15 minute mark or so, Miranda says that when companions kill things you don't get the XP for it? Is this true? Cuz in New Vegas if a companion kills something you do get XP for it. This something they changed? Or was it that way in FO3, Obsidian changed it for NV, and then Bethesda changed it back for FO4?
I don't get how that shit is supposed to work, if it does at all. Settlement happiness just decreases when I am not there, people in Sanctuary Hills are complaining about lack of beds but there are more Beds than people in that fucking place, they have all the food and water they could ever ask for and I set up a bunch of supply routes but none of the settlements actually reach max happniess ever, some Settlements tell me there are 19 people in there but I can barely find 6 people... It just works, of course...
I don't get how that shit is supposed to work, if it does at all. Settlement happiness just decreases when I am not there, people in Sanctuary Hills are complaining about lack of beds but there are more Beds than people in that fucking place, they have all the food and water they could ever ask for and I set up a bunch of supply routes but none of the settlements actually reach max happniess ever, some Settlements tell me there are 19 people in there but I can barely find 6 people... It just works, of course...
I don't get how that shit is supposed to work, if it does at all. Settlement happiness just decreases when I am not there, people in Sanctuary Hills are complaining about lack of beds but there are more Beds than people in that fucking place, they have all the food and water they could ever ask for and I set up a bunch of supply routes but none of the settlements actually reach max happniess ever, some Settlements tell me there are 19 people in there but I can barely find 6 people... It just works, of course...
Ok, so I'm not the only one having that problem with the decreasing happiness. Fucking annoying. Sanctuary Hills has a fucking beer brewing robot with all beer recipes, their fucking happiness should be through the roof! I even built 'em a fucking outdoor bar because you can't move Buddy to a different place in Sanctuary...
I've had that problem myself where one of my test run videos happened to be seperated into two videos for some odd reason. On another note I found a comment from someone stating that "Fallout 1 and 2 is boring and that Fallout 4 is a technical piece of art" in a nutshell <- LOL. I want to post the comment but I shouldn't, besides it's very painful to read.Hiccups as in the video just turns into green squares at random and the audio skips. Also Shadowplay doesn't seem consistent wit video length, sometimes it will record for 30 minutes at a time, giving me a good length of video, other times it will just record a bunch of 9 minute videos without me doing anything different.