Obsidian and Paradox to announce something on March 15th

My results :
Final Score: DANGEROUS
Your brand of evil is bold and invigorating, like a fresh cup of coffee that someone may or may not have spat in. You’re dangerous, and you like to let that out once in awhile -- it’ll keep the rest of these peons in line.

I hope it's a new Vampire game, but whatever it is I'm fucking STOKED!!
I really hope it's not a medieval-fantasy game, because there are plenty of those and PoE was one. I have very limited interest in that genre. I like Tolkien and the classics still because they set the precendent.

Honestly I really hope that's what this is. Obsidian's parent company did buy out White Wolf Entertainment after all, and went on to say they wanted to use the licenses for good. Considering how New Vegas is in my top 10 favorite games despite the fact they had to rush the game thanks to Bethesda, I'd say a new Vampire game by them could be the best thing ever. Especially since they'd be working on their own schedule and not forced to hurry. New Vegas is nearly perfect and it would be more than perfect if they'd just gotten that extra year to work on it. I expect nothing less than the best from these lovely devs.

Oh, I'll also point out this quiz is pretty much a near replica of the one used in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines to decide your skill points (sorta like Doc Mitchell's ink blot test as another example), so that better damn well be what this is or I'll be extremely disappointed.
I don't care what it is. I love both of the companies involved so it has to be good. Right?

I don't care what it is. I love both of the companies involved so it has to be good. Right?


Fair enough, I love both companies involved too. But considering a looooooot of the staff on the Obsidian team were also part of Troika, the same guys who made Bloodlines, it makes perfect sense that they'd want to make another Vampire game. It's kinda like how most Obsidian employees are pining to make another Fallout game, like J.E. Sawyer and Tim Cain. It's their passion.
I hate to break the news, but Obsidian's Facebook page says it will not be a World of Darkness game, which means it is not a Vampire The Masquerade game.

If this is medieval-fantasy, as good as it will be, as I've said, I'm not going to be interested in it. I'm not a fan of that genre.
I hate to break the news, but Obsidian's Facebook page says it will not be a World of Darkness game, which means it is not a Vampire The Masquerade game.

If this is medieval-fantasy, as good as it will be, as I've said, I'm not going to be interested in it. I'm not a fan of that genre.

Well. Damnit. That's extremely disappointing. What the hell will it be then I wonder? Clearly it has to do with being evil and the questions revolve around modern day situations, so.. I doubt it's medieval-based.

EDIT: I just checked Obsidian's Facebook page, I don't see anywhere where it says this isn't about a WoD game. Where did you see it at?

EDIT 2: Nevermind, it's on Paradox Entertainment's Facebook page. This makes me sad, but whatever it is I trust Obsidian to make it great. If nothing else it'll help me fill my penchant for evil that's completely absent from FO4.
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I still need to play PoE (which I may pick up along with DLC for a discounted price)
I adore Obsidian, the only game I've played by them in which I feel slightly disappointed by was South Park, even then I think it's a great game.
I know it's unlikely, but damnit I want New Vegas 2 and I want it now. I just want Obsidian to reveal they've been working on it since Skyrim and it's getting released in November or something. Please? Can I please have that?
If they do bring out a VTMB game then I really hope that Ms. Voerman makes a return also. Bouncy bouncy :aiee::crazy:
It'll never happen, literally never because they don't have the rights to it and, it'd probably cost to much to license but I would really like to see a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy RPG; the humour from Old World Blues, Planescape and, Fallout 2 proves they can make a fucking awesome HGttG game. Oh well, one can dream.
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If this is medieval-fantasy, as good as it will be, as I've said, I'm not going to be interested in it. I'm not a fan of that genre.
Yeah I'm feeling like that too, I'm getting pretty sick of medieval/high/low-fantasy RPG's. I was getting into PoE and I wouldn't mind seeing that one expanded upon but yet another fantasy game with its own lore? I have a hard enough time remembering all of the lore for one fantasy game without it blending together with another so adding another to the mix is just bleh...

What about a pirate RPG?
What about a space bounty hunter RPG?
What about an RPG in a modern setting where the world has fallen to pitch black darkness?
What about an RPG set in the 50's that has a bit of body-snatchers sprinkled onto it?

There's so much interesting stuff you could explore in an RPG setting but nope, let's go with 'yet another' fantasy game.

What a waste if that is what they're doing.
Well, there are a bunch of isometric RPG's out now.
Pillars Of Eternity.
X-COM 1/2
Wasteland 2
Dead State
Divine Divinity
Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/HongKong
Age Of Decadence
And then there's Tides Of Numenera coming out later.

So there is stuff to tide you over for a while.