Preparing for the future


So I posted this in a Fallout discussion thread, but then I realised that was a bad place to put it, so I came here instead.

I am a doomsday prepper, which means I prep for scenarios.
I saw a thread here about Russia's annexation of Ukraine, that is a scenario, and that could have got a whole lot more messy. Its still messy now, with western special forces there. Since this unstable situation concerns you I thought I could try to help as best I could.

To prep, you will need stuff like this:

  • Iodine tablets, water purification
  • Food, I try to make sure we have canned un perishable food like rice and beans.
  • A survival knife,a multi tool/ jackknife.
  • A survival kit, including a fire starting kit, 30 feet of cordage,a tent
  • Just follow the five c's: cutting tools: cutting tools, cover elements, combustion devices, containers, and cordages.
  • If you are thinking of buying a knife make sure you look at knife laws.
  • A stereotype is the dumb American with six guns and a container underground. many cannot afford this, and live in a place which has tight gun laws. Guns arent really required, as long as you have bushcraft (wilderness) skills.
  • I am buying walkie talkies in case of an EMP blast, which could destroy communications.
  • Hunting skills are also very useful, to find food

You might think a global catastrophe is unlikely, but you would be surprised.
Go analyse some scenarios.
I'll give examples:

  • If Britain leaves the EU then there could be a debilitating trade war, leading to riots
  • Communist China is becoming more aggressive, building bases and islands
  • Russia is aggressively strafing American aircraft carriers and pursuing a hawkish foreign policy. They are also flying bombers over British cities.
  • If a protectionist wins the US elections (sanders/trump) there will be could be a disastrous spate of trade wars between the US, China and Mexico.
  • Natural disasters: Yellowstone blowing, earthquakes, volcanoes, asteroids, floods, tsunamis.
  • Domestic terrorism: ISIS, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood Etcetera
  • Government tyranny, revolution
  • Nuclear war, of course
  • Economic Collapse, leading to rioting, huge unemployment, poverty and more
  • A collapse of Deutsch Bank, and if that goes under, it will be Lehman Brothers on steroids. Its stock crashed 10%, and it had to defend it liquidity, implying 70 billion derivatives may be on the verge of collapse.
  • Pandemic disease could kill up to and way over 600 million people. Because half of Homo sapiens lives in cities — plus, we have airline travel, so we can ship the pandemic disease around the globe in less than 24 hours. If the disease is virulent enough, humanity could be wiped out in a matter of months.
  • A bolide is a really large chunk of matter from space, often on fire, that can form a large crater when it smashes into a planet. One possibility is that the planet will be wrapped in fire, burning everyone who isn't deep underwater or underground. Another is that debris from the impact will cloak the planet in dark clouds, cutting off the sun and killing all plant life.
  • Climate Change: Right now, it's changing fast, and that means storm patterns are getting more intense, rainfall is coming erratically, and some areas are suffering major droughts. Though you'd think the scariest part of climate change would be superstorms, the real damage is long-term.
  • Invasive species: Sometimes transplanted organisms become invasive species. With no natural predators, they take over every last habitat, eating everything in their paths — or covering everything in a thick blanket of vines. Cue the food riots and famine and long, slow death of the Human Race.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse Blasts can destroy communications and computing
  • Black Swan: a sudden improbable event. We might discover plate tectonics is moving a bit faster than we thought.
There may be the need to go AWOL any time so I am training myself in Bushcraft and Survival skills just in case. I am attending courses in it and buying the required tools and learning the knowledge I might need.

Now I am not saying a knife and a kit will help you if a asteroid immolates the planet, but in other scenarios it could save your life.
Prepare, because you never know

Don't listen to idiots who believe in zombies.
Its not feasible.
Literally nobody in the prepper community is stupid enough to believe in zombies, and its ridiculous, given how deteriorated there bodies are, and what a bullet or even a knife could do. And why would they eat you? I dunno, its a bullshit story.

PS: if you are going to be rude and tell me I am wasting my time and money and I am stupid,or have power fantasies, don't bother. I just want to help, because I am passionate about this kind of stuff, and I am not trying to troll/spam, so dont abuse me.
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I also do bushcraft because its fun and useful when I explore the Woods. You could try it, camping and bushwalking/woodswalking etc. is enjoyable. hiking is healthy for you, and its a good hobby to have
Survival skills are cool and all, but I think focusing on actual hunting would be way more beneficial come doomsday.

A literal zombie apocalypse is unlikely, but I always took them as metaphors for race riots anyway.
the apocalypt might not be sudden enough for you to realize. it could be slow, but surely societal collapse like in deus ex.
but I think focusing on actual hunting would be way more beneficial come doomsday.
you make an excellent point, and I'll add it into my paragraph, but survival skills like shelter building and fire making are indispensable.

Anyway, what's the benefit of prepping for a doomsday that will almost certainly not occur in your lifetime?
Did you read any of the scenarios?

A literal zombie apocalypse is unlikely
edit: pretty much impossible
Did you read any of the scenarios?
Yeah, the only one that could happen on an apocalyptic scale is disease and then the black plague wasn't exactly the end of the world, a super-virus is possible I suppose but it's not likely and then it's even less likely to happen during your lifetime.
Also nuclear war, but the geo-political landscape would have to change erratically and, suddenly for that to occur.
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Yeah, the only one that could happen on an apocalyptic scale is disease and then the black plague wasn't exactly the end of the world, a super-virus is possible I suppose but it's not likely and then it's even less likely to happen during your lifetime.

what about a Deutsch bank collapse. Domestic terrorism: ISIS, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood Etcetera

It's fun and might come in handy one day.
Yep he hit the nail on the head there.
Yeah but it seems like one should focus on survivalist skills for the hell of it rather than doomsday prepping.
I focus on survival and bushcraft skills for many reasons: prepping, but mostly to help when I go bush/woodwalking, since that is my main hobby

Also nuclear war, but the geo-political landscape would have to change erratically and, suddenly for it to occur.

heh, that could happen any time

The biggest problem is overpopulation, and nature will find a way of culling the pack...... I just wanna be the alpha male that survives
My doomsday preparation is a leather jacket, motorcycle boots, an assortment of spikes and studs and a hair trimmer to go full mohawk. Gotta get some goggles and store a pipe or rebar or some chains somewhere, too.
But it can't happen anytime that's not how the world works.
Again, within your lifetime, overpopulation isn't a worldwide problem.
Aww, don't ruin their little power phantasies. Just imagine the look on Brad-The-Quarterback's face when he comes banging at your door with radiation poisoning begging for help, and you whisper "No."
But it can't happen anytime that's not how the world works.
dude the shit can hit the fan at any time, things can escalate very quickly. even the vague threat of nuclear war is a huge problem. Remember in the early 60's, nuclear war was the most likely it had ever been, In the 50's things were pretty stable, not completely, but stable comparatively.

Again, within your lifetime, overpopulation isn't a worldwide problem.

7 Billion people is a lot of people though mate, and pandemics will spread quickly, because its a small world as humans like to boast.

Aww, don't ruin their little power phantasies. Just imagine the look on Brad-The-Quarterback's face when he comes banging at your door with radiation poisoning begging for help, and you whisper "No."
Fuck off. What did I say in my original paragraph about not coming and saying crap to antagonise people.

this is a discussion forum where I am giving prepping advice, and discussing geopolitical scenarios, your facetious drivel isnt required, and I dont have power fantasies

if you are going to be rude and tell me I am wasting my time and money and I am stupid, or have power fantasies, don't bother. I just want to help, because I am passionate about this kind of stuff, and I am not trying to troll/spam, so dont abuse me.
.. a super-virus is possible I suppose but it's not likely and then it's even less likely to happen during your lifetime.
Another doomsday scenario is common bacteria developing immunity to the most potent antibiotics, that's happening right now.
Another doomsday scenario is common bacteria developing immunity to the most potent antibiotics, that's happening right now.
You are absolutely correct my friend, and I am still unsure about how to prepare for this scenario

I think if everyone got some master disease that's transferable, I would go AWOL with food supplies into the woods. Its why I am studying natural foodstuffs.
But it can't happen anytime that's not how the world works.
dude the shit can hit the fan at any time, things can escalate very quickly. even the vague threat of nuclear war is a huge problem. Remember in the early 60's, nuclear war was the most likely it had ever been, In the 50's things were pretty stable, not completely, but stable comparatively.

Again, within your lifetime, overpopulation isn't a worldwide problem.

7 Billion people is a lot of people though mate, and pandemics will spread quickly, because its a small world as humans like to boast.

Aww, don't ruin their little power phantasies. Just imagine the look on Brad-The-Quarterback's face when he comes banging at your door with radiation poisoning begging for help, and you whisper "No."
Fuck off. What did I say in my original paragraph about not coming and saying crap to antagonise people.

this is a discussion forum where I am giving prepping advice, and discussing geopolitical scenarios, your facetious drivel isnt required, and I dont have power fantasies
Calm your tits, mate, tis but a joke.
Calm your tits, mate, tis but a joke.
Thats great, I'm sorry.

I take stuff like this seriously because a lot of people abuse and mock me for being prepared and its immensely frustrating

Thanks for explaining (:
dude the shit can hit the fan at any time, things can escalate very quickly. even the vague threat of nuclear war is a huge problem. Remember in the early 60's, nuclear war was the most likely it had ever been, In the 50's things were pretty stable, not completely, but stable comparatively.
Yes but that was because the geopolitical situation of the Cold War was a shit-show, if you were prepping for Doomsday then I wouldn't have questioned your reasoning but now we're in a period of relative stability (well at least first world countries are).
7 Billion people is a lot of people though mate, and pandemics will spread quickly, because its a small world as humans like to boast.
Did you know there are 19 billion chickens on the Earth? Should they start worrying about over-population? The world is huge, the entire population could fit in Texas and, the moment a pandemic begins quarantines will become commonplace anyway, so that rhetoric is meaningless.
Another doomsday scenario is common bacteria developing immunity to the most potent antibiotics, that's happening right now.
This is a serious problem but I still feel as though this will be the next generation's problem and then it's still not exactly doomsday, we have as a species gone without medicine before.
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