Tiny Tim
Still Mildly Glowing

The thing that has bothered me the most about Fallout 4 is that the whole game is build around a nostalgia for the good old pre-war america . There's a " let's make america great again " thing going on that is so very anti-fallout .
In the beginning , life in the pre-war usa seems awesome . Everyone is rich and happy , like they're living in a commercial . You are a brave soldier ( or his sexy lawyer wife, though the game has been clearly designed from the man's point of view ) living with your baby and your robot-butler in a dreamy neibourhood . For the first time in any fallout game ( including even fallout 3 ) this way of life is not being criticized or at least satirized . Happy times ! Nuka Cola , my favourite ! Hard to imagine misery , hunger and war in this real life tranquility lane .
Then , the chinese throw the bombs and the world goes to hell . Thankfully , good people like you and the minutemen still exist so they take back fort independence from the monsters , play patriotic music on the radio ( basically music from the enclave radio of fallout 3) and help the settlers by killing the bad guys . " We're the good guys again " , as the sole survivor ( sorry , the general ) puts it .
It's so freaking stupid . Why even start the game with " war , war never changes " if it wasn't exactly the pre-war way of life that led the world to hell ? Oh yeah , because your brave grandfather fought in world war II and nuked hiroshima . I suppose war is a good thing then . So is nuka cola .
PS : In the fallout 1 intro , this might have been the sole survivor killing the unarmed tied man on tv and cheerfully waving , just before asking for funds for his leaders , just before the commercials . Essentially , fallout 4 is glorifying everything fallout stood up against .
In the beginning , life in the pre-war usa seems awesome . Everyone is rich and happy , like they're living in a commercial . You are a brave soldier ( or his sexy lawyer wife, though the game has been clearly designed from the man's point of view ) living with your baby and your robot-butler in a dreamy neibourhood . For the first time in any fallout game ( including even fallout 3 ) this way of life is not being criticized or at least satirized . Happy times ! Nuka Cola , my favourite ! Hard to imagine misery , hunger and war in this real life tranquility lane .
Then , the chinese throw the bombs and the world goes to hell . Thankfully , good people like you and the minutemen still exist so they take back fort independence from the monsters , play patriotic music on the radio ( basically music from the enclave radio of fallout 3) and help the settlers by killing the bad guys . " We're the good guys again " , as the sole survivor ( sorry , the general ) puts it .
It's so freaking stupid . Why even start the game with " war , war never changes " if it wasn't exactly the pre-war way of life that led the world to hell ? Oh yeah , because your brave grandfather fought in world war II and nuked hiroshima . I suppose war is a good thing then . So is nuka cola .
PS : In the fallout 1 intro , this might have been the sole survivor killing the unarmed tied man on tv and cheerfully waving , just before asking for funds for his leaders , just before the commercials . Essentially , fallout 4 is glorifying everything fallout stood up against .