The war between the Console Peasants and the PC Master Race continues as some PC modders have chosen not to port their mods to the consoles, while some have decided to steal them anyway. This is happening for various reasons among those being the lack of script extenders on consoles and the general toxic behavior the console users have exhibited on Nexus. One modder said it best:
Want to know why we are not releasing mods for the console?! Because even though I told them it was not possible for the mod to work on the console due to needing a script extender, something that will never available on the Xbox or PS4 I still get a million requests, death threats and everything else from these same people.
The script extender is something my mod needs to work, no extender no mod, it won’t just work without it. The software is considered 3rd party software so Microsoft and Sony would have to open their boxes to this which would allow the game to accept outside code from random mod creators. MS and Sony are never going to allow this to happen due to the closed nature of their boxes.
I have this plainly written on my mod page and explain why my mod will not work, but I still get my inbox filled by some dumb twat that can’t read or thinks I am just holding out because I don’t want it on the console.
So after all this negative treatment by the console players why would I ever want to support that community at all? Why should I give one shit about them? Would you do free work for a group of people who constantly spam you, call you an asshole and even make threats? Because myself and many other modders sure the fuck aren’t going to put up with that entitled bullshit.
Mind you I have many mods that will work without the extender but after all this treatment I have changed them so that they will not work without it so no one can just upload my mods without it.