Some Fallout 4 Xbox mods are being stolen from the PC

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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The war between the Console Peasants and the PC Master Race continues as some PC modders have chosen not to port their mods to the consoles, while some have decided to steal them anyway. This is happening for various reasons among those being the lack of script extenders on consoles and the general toxic behavior the console users have exhibited on Nexus. One modder said it best:

Want to know why we are not releasing mods for the console?! Because even though I told them it was not possible for the mod to work on the console due to needing a script extender, something that will never available on the Xbox or PS4 I still get a million requests, death threats and everything else from these same people.

The script extender is something my mod needs to work, no extender no mod, it won’t just work without it. The software is considered 3rd party software so Microsoft and Sony would have to open their boxes to this which would allow the game to accept outside code from random mod creators. MS and Sony are never going to allow this to happen due to the closed nature of their boxes.

I have this plainly written on my mod page and explain why my mod will not work, but I still get my inbox filled by some dumb twat that can’t read or thinks I am just holding out because I don’t want it on the console.

So after all this negative treatment by the console players why would I ever want to support that community at all? Why should I give one shit about them? Would you do free work for a group of people who constantly spam you, call you an asshole and even make threats? Because myself and many other modders sure the fuck aren’t going to put up with that entitled bullshit.

Mind you I have many mods that will work without the extender but after all this treatment I have changed them so that they will not work without it so no one can just upload my mods without it.
They didn’t know PC modders wouldn’t release mods on console because certain modders believe console players don’t deserve them. It’s quite a spiteful attitude and I was surprised by it. It has nothing to do with technical differences and such, just “Console players don’t deserve it because they play on consoles.”
I really need to stop looking at comment sections, especially for an article in Kotaku. That's just stupid :wall:
God..I really hope this burns Bethesda...I feel no ill will towards modders or legit users but I kinda felt this whole mods on console shit was really going to mess things up.

I have used consoles most of my life, but I am older..I have a fucking brain and I understand what intellectual property is. I hope modders starve these depraved little twats.
One of the thief's responses to a stolen mod:

I don't want Bethesda to burn, and I don't hate consoles users (I have a PS4 for Bloodborne), but this guy makes all gamers look bad, and is a pathetic little miscreant.

A political activist? He's trying to play a smooth talker character with a CH of 2 and INT of 1.
Burning political activists would at least let them produce hot air that's useful for once...
One of the thief's responses to a stolen mod:

I don't want Bethesda to burn, and I don't hate consoles users (I have a PS4 for Bloodborne), but this guy makes all gamers look bad, and is a pathetic little miscreant.

A political activist? He's trying to play a smooth talker character with a CH of 2 and INT of 1.
Yea these people are ignorant.

Comments like this guy defending stealing mods remind me that a large proportion of gamers are still children and this is why big developers get away with so much BS - because one of their biggest demographics is like this. Which then makes the quality of recent Bethesda games make sense.

If we as videogame consumers want to be treated with more mature, less dumbed down content then we have to stop acting like petulant children and all this drama unfortunately does the opposite.
The only bad thing I can see coming from this is that it might help Bethesda's case for paid mods. Paid mods = more official support.

Otherwise, meh... let people show their true colors as entitled, spoiled little shits, let it be bad press for Bethesda (not purely out of spite and resentment - hopefully more scrutiny and getting knocked down a peg or two will lead to them stepping up their game), and let pc gaming get one up on console gaming.
I expect BGS to charge for "policing" the integrity of the site effectively charging for mods while not paying the authors a dime.

Yeah, that's my point. They might use this as a leverage to get a paid mods plan in the works.

Anyway, what I find most bizarre about this is how entitled people really seem to be. It's almost as if the consolers feel that they deserve the mods, and can demand them because they bought the game. Guess what. No one deserves a single mod, not even us "pc elitists". We should just be happy so many talented people are willing to do so much hard work for free, which makes the games better in all sorts of ways. Maybe this is also a testament to the fact that Bethesda's games aren't all that without mods, since now even the console players crave them.
I expect BGS to charge for "policing" the integrity of the site effectively charging for mods while not paying the authors a dime.
Yeah, that's where I see this going myself. Remember back when Bethesda promised curation of the mods uploaded to their site? They just flat-out lied to all of us once again.
Yeah, that's my point. They might use this as a leverage to get a paid mods plan in the works.

Anyway, what I find most bizarre about this is how entitled people really seem to be. It's almost as if the consolers feel that they deserve the mods, and can demand them because they bought the game. Guess what. No one deserves a single mod, not even us "pc elitists". We should just be happy so many talented people are willing to do so much hard work for free, which makes the games better in all sorts of ways. Maybe this is also a testament to the fact that Bethesda's games aren't all that without mods, since now even the console players crave them.
I wish I could say that I find the entitlement attitude "bizarre", but sadly I'm not surprised in the least by how widespread it seems to be.

Doing a bit of poking around, the current argument of the "I don't support stealing mods, but..." crowd seems to be, "The PCMR is a bunch of hypocrites because they all pirate games and music, but whine when their stuff is being "stolen"!"
I wish I could say that I find the entitlement attitude "bizarre", but sadly I'm not surprised in the least by how widespread it seems to be.

Doing a bit of poking around, the current argument of the "I don't support stealing mods, but..." crowd seems to be, "The PCMR is a bunch of hypocrites because they all pirate games and music, but whine when their stuff is being "stolen"!"
Yea the comments defending the stealing of mods are really stupid. They're just revealing themselves as petulant children.

Their statements show they are not only ignorant and entitled but also that they have no idea how a mod is made, or who makes them, or anything about mods. So they're screwed when modders require script extender because they definitely aren't able to make their own mods. It's going to be hilarious.
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I've spent a long time defending the actions on the PC modders whose mods are being stolen (applying the script extender, hiding mods etc.) on a thread about the mod thefts and some of the people I've encountered honestly think that the thieves are doing their community a 'service' and that mods do not need protection since mods are free etc.

There honestly needs to be a course these entitled idiots should be sent to so that they understand the time and effort taken to make a compatible mod that does not break saves and game files along with a course on IP protection.

The only bad thing I can see coming from this is that it might help Bethesda's case for paid mods. Paid mods = more official support.

Otherwise, meh... let people show their true colors as entitled, spoiled little shits, let it be bad press for Bethesda (not purely out of spite and resentment - hopefully more scrutiny and getting knocked down a peg or two will lead to them stepping up their game), and let pc gaming get one up on console gaming.
I have a bad feeling that Bethesda is going to spin this tale that way and give paid mods a comeback, judging by the way Pete Hines responded to the complaints.
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"The PCMR is a bunch of hypocrites because they all pirate games and music, but whine when their stuff is being "stolen"!"
Well I'm only using the PC and the only time I ever pirate a game is if it is a game I own on another console or that I've owned in the past but which I can't seem to find a copy to buy anymore and that doesn't happen all too often anyway.
I wouldn't really consider it pirating to get a copy of something I already own or have owned. I've already paid for it once and if I can't pay for it again to get access to it then fuck it, yarr matey.
"The PCMR is a bunch of hypocrites because they all pirate games and music, but whine when their stuff is being "stolen"!"
I kind of understand why they are saying that. Even I'm annoyed by bunch of retards proudly proclaimed , "Yarrr!" somewhere in the internet, how PC games are automatically 'free' because they were subjects to immediate piracy. Still, there's also quite a lot of those who carefully explained that they only pirate to truly see the games for themselves, to measure its' worth before finally deciding to actually buy it or nah. Also, there's also Steam and GOG's data, so while that kind of statement isn't wrong, it's obviously not right; not even 50% right.

Heck, thankfully this site and also RPG Codex actually have little to no people outright admitted they pirated games (aside from Mr Fish and that's a specific experience). Even though I haven't seen all of the Codex, the folks over there happily proclaimed the willingness to throw money on good games and even give away free copy to those who need the game more than themselves. You don't see much of those outside of these environment, let alone in console community (though I'm not familiar with console crowds, so I digress).
I kind of understand why they are saying that. Even I'm annoyed by bunch of retards proudly proclaimed , "Yarrr!" somewhere in the internet, how PC games are automatically 'free' because they were subjects to immediate piracy.
Just because someone does something wrong, doesn't mean you can do something wrong. That is the attitude of a child.

"I stole a mod but it's ok because that guy over there did something wrong also." - Nowhere in the adult world is that considered a valid excuse and it is depressing to see so many people trying to use such an "argument" to defend this behavior.

Just as bad is the "argument" that "mods are free therefore it's not stealing" which I keep seeing.
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