Nuka World Discussion

I'm going to say Gunners and Minutemen are the factions, with a sprinkle of synths because why the fuck not.
Remember when Fallout used to make fun of mindless consumerism like this? I mean really Bethesda? Really?!?
It might still have that, I could see a corporate theme-park being a parody of mindless consumerism. The funny part is that people use to call Beth's Fallouts theme parks because they didn't have any actual reactivity, now it's litteraly a fucking theme-park.
It might still have that, I could see a corporate theme-park being a parody of mindless consumerism. The funny part is that people use to call Beth's Fallouts theme parks because they didn't have any actual reactivity, now it's litteraly a fucking theme-park.
Even if it did I doubt it would subtle or humorous which the original Fallouts and New Vegas had. Bethesda subtlety is like a pie into the face.
I cringed so hard when that part appeared in the showcase... So instead of worrying about survival and rebuilding more of civilisation, wasteland survivors have time to build and visit theme parks with working rides and mascots? :wall:

Also, can someone clarify for me if Nuka World ever existed in Fallout canon before this? Someone is telling me that Nuka World has been mentioned in Fallout 2 and Tactics and I'm pretty sure they're lying through their teeth.
I cringed so hard when that part appeared in the showcase... So instead of worrying about survival and rebuilding more of civilisation, wasteland survivors have time to build and visit theme parks with working rides and mascots? :wall:

Also, can someone clarify for me if Nuka World ever existed in Fallout canon before this? Someone is telling me that Nuka World has been mentioned in Fallout 2 and Tactics and I'm pretty sure they're lying through their teeth.
I also can't remember any mention to Nuka World in older games. Ask for proof if they are so sure it exists. :confused:
Great, 2 shitty settlement DLC that were previously mods before becoming whatever this garbage is. Nuka World sounds fucking stupid. When I first heard the name from those leaks I prayed that wasn't true because the name itself just sounds retarded, turns out it is true and it is a fucking theme park. I am guessing it will be Synths vs wastelanders vs some retarded faction that should have died. I see no reason to even go to a theme park in the first place, maybe another mother needs to find her missing daughter.
It will have the worst enemies of all the Fallout games: The Evil Carnies! With their rigged attractions that no matter how many times you hit those bottles with a ball, they will never fall down, or the air rifles with slightly bend gun barrels so you miss all the targets... Also Super Mutant clowns that walk around giving balloons to little kids, molerat's candy floss, deathclaw's popcorn...
Oh the horrors!
I can't think of Bethesda doing a Fallout theme park and not cringe. I can see it now, a roller coaster where the cars look like little rockets, test your strength with a hammer that looks like a bomb. A spooky house of ghouls- but with actual ghouls inside! They just can't conceive of the Fallout setting as being a place where something other than atom bomb shit is going on, I remember looking at the Blast Zone board game in the intro and sighing.
I think Nuka World has some potential, according to most people here Far Harbor was all right and, you know, there's some fantastically creepy shit you could do with a theme-park.

I also can't remember any mention to Nuka World in older games. Ask for proof if they are so sure it exists. :confused:
No response from that person... Looks like I've managed to stump a Bethesdrone somehow. Though another thinks that adding a working theme park as a legit locale in a post-apocalyptic world that requires precious resources and raw materials to survive in makes sense (after pointing out San Francisco and Vertibirds - they should have used New Reno for their argument instead). I should really stop commenting in places with a lot of Bethesdrones, they seem to crawl out of the woodwork to defend a company that does not care for them in the slightest. (Seems like an abusive relationship now that I think about it)

there's some fantastically creepy shit you could do with a theme-park.

Well, thanks for the nightmares for the next few nights. It'll keep the memory of Nuka World repressed at least.
The DLC for Fallout 4 really just added on to the absolutely dismal mess the base game was. The only legitimate DLC that felt like it was on par with the DLC from 3 and New Vegas was Far Harbor, and it was disgustingly overpriced. The rest is either settlement DLC, including the DLC in which one man can build a Vault despite the fact it took billions of dollars, and years of labor to make one in the Pre-War world, a small mission pack, and whatever Nuka World is. At least with 3, The Pitt and Point Lookout were good, and the rest was somewhat passable,(besides Zeta). Far Harbor is decent, but that VR quest really had no place being in the game, and there was still barely anything that felt like a decent return to the gameplay of previous games.
You know what, fuck it.
I'll take what I can with F4, I just hope Bethesda actually do something all out nuts. Automatron shouldn't have taken itself that seriously, but I'm willing to take NW if it just goes crazy.
I don't care about constancy with F4, just give me something fun... Please.

(I've wanted £25 haven't I?)
You know what, fuck it.
I'll take what I can with F4, I just hope Bethesda actually do something all out nuts. Automatron shouldn't have taken itself that seriously, but I'm willing to take NW if it just goes crazy.
I don't care about constancy with F4, just give me something fun... Please.

(I've wanted £25 haven't I?)

Kind of my feeling on this DLC. If it's goofy yet fun, I'll be happy. Granted, this stems from a place of low expectations. I get the feeling this'll be a rehash of The Pitt, considering how Far Harbor's a rehash of Point Lookout, and how with Nuka World they keep hammering away about the place being over-run by Raiders. This is the one, sad thing I hope to see: Friendly Raiders we can faction with. Just the friendly super mutant in Far Harbor was enough to make me a little happy. That's all I'm asking for, some Raiders that aren't mindless mooks to shoot. And this is where I'm at. Hurray.