I'm going to end up regurgitating what has already been said but whatever.
Contraption DLC
What 'is' the point of this DLC exactly? Armor racks? They were in Skyrim weren't they? I distinctly remember a house you could buy in Markarth or whatever that had an armor mannequin. So they basically withheld content and then release it in DLC form. The same could probably be said for weapon racks.
Was released in 2007. And Bethesda didn't get the hang of "weapon racks" until this very DLC? Bullshit. They held off on content and decided to be so gracious as to release it
for free as a DLC. How kind of them.
So what else is there in it? Elevators? I called it, I knew they were going to bring in elevators in it. Again, they withheld main game content (Gunner elevators, there's even crude super mutant elevators) so that they could sell it back to us to use in the workshop. But at least I can see a 'point' to elevators. By the greenhouse with robots there is an overpass within the build zone that would be neat to get up on so an elevator would work well there.
And what else? Crap. Utter crap that serves no damn point what so ever. What the fuck are we going to need a conveyor belt for anyway? I mean it. What could we possibly need that thing for? And it would not surprise me one bit if the thing glitches out and shoots away items every once in a while.
And the mouse
trap crap? What's the point? To show off to your friends? Yeah I think they're far more interested in seeing the Voyager built in Minecraft than they are seeing your shitty little mouse trap that glitched out and had to be reset, again.
Vault DLC
I'm speechless. It doesn't make any sense to be able to build a vault but even if we can build one what is the damn point? Settlements themselves are heavily criticized for being worthless gimmick shit and Bethesda's response? "Oh but it'll be different when you build a vault" No it fucking won't. It will be just as much of a waste of time as usual settlements are.
Yknow, these kind of game mechanics seems to me like a way to let non-artistic people create something that looks neat so that they can feel proud of themselves. See that? I, the mighty Lord Fish created that!
It feels pathetic. Praise Allah that I can actually draw, maybe that's why I can't be suckered into this? It's like... It's like kids who do shitty lineart of already existing art and then upload it to their deviantart account and go "I did this". Yeah, sure you did. This kind of settlement mechanic is a way to let those in-artistic ones "be artistic" by using pre-set stuff and just combine it differently. So yeah, you managed to create something nice looking
with someone elses pieces. Good job. Here's a cookie.

And I don't know what else to say about it. It's trash. The settlement feature in this game is sorely lacking and they ain't doing shit to fix it. Instead they just pile up more and more crap we can build.
Nuka World
Bethesda's going "haha, we're in on the joke guiz! Fallout is a themepark, well now we have an actual themepark! Haha, we're totes in on the joke!"
No, Bethesda.. You're not... You're not 'in' on the joke, you 'are' the joke.
Absolute dreck.
I would feel bad for those who paid for a season pass buuuut... They paid for a fucking season pass. Serves them right.