EU referendum: Leave Vote


Britain has voted to Leave the EU.
Its surprising, but I think it'll be OK in the end. David Cameron will have to go and the pound has had a sharp crash, but once thats over I suspect everything will work out well.
What do you guys think of this?
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I hope they stop sanctions against Russia, but I doubt it. To do that would antagonize America too much, and Britain has already spurned one 'giant' (I say that hesitantly).
I pretty much am thinking the same way. The EU is a sinking ship and it seems now that the Dutch want out as well. Can't blame people for wanting to leave. It just seems like the EU is making one bad decision after another.
Well, like in all the best democracies money can buy/you can inherit the parlament can just flat out ignore the referendum, so it might not change anything.
I hope they stop sanctions against Russia, but I doubt it. To do that would antagonize America too much, and Britain has already spurned one 'giant' (I say that hesitantly).
I don't think so and it really has nothing to do with America but rather the fact that Turkey, who Russia is not on good terms with, is looking to join the EU. I think in order to not piss off the EU royally more then they already have they my still keep their sanctions against Russia.
I don't think so and it really has nothing to do with America but rather the fact that Turkey, who Russia is not on good terms with, is looking to join the EU. I think in order to not piss of the EU royally more then they already have they my still keep their sanctions against Russia.
EU is going to refuse, that much is obvious. NATO, the UN and the US all spit on the Turkish for being too oppressive (but they ignore Saudi Arabia) so I doubt the EU will ignore all that and let them in.
EU is going to refuse, that much is obvious. NATO, the UN and the US all spit on the Turkish for being too oppressive (but they ignore Saudi Arabia) so I doubt the EU will ignore all that and let them in.
Who knows. They might be desperate after this. Only time will tell. Also, I would love for my country to stop sucking on the Saudi's tits but oil talks sadly.
Who knows. They might be desperate after this. Only time will tell. Also, I would love for my country to stop sucking on the Saudi's tits but oil talks sadly.
Yeah maybe, though I'm not sure how much the EU get's from Britain. While ignoring Saudi's other lovers like ISIS, who they sell oil to.
The long-term effects of Brexit are gonna be interesting to say the least. Whether it be good or bad is something I doubt we'll know at the moment. These are interesting times we are living in.
Well god damn those crazy brits did it, to be frank I am shocked. Most of what I have been seeing has been against leaving so that could be why I am surprised. Not sure how much of a ripple effect this will have on the world economy and political situation over in the rest of the EU but we will see in time. Apparently the British Pound has already taken a beating, losing around 31% of its value after tons of stocks that were in the UK jumped fairly high because of the assumed staying vote. The vote was fairly close 51.9 to 48.1 but that is how most votes end up, almost even.

Also there are suggestions that Northern Ireland and Scotland will secede from the UK, not sure if it would happen but that would be an interesting turn of events.
Wonder what Obama and Putin will say?

Wonder what Clinton and Trump will say?
Obama will say he is sad/mad/disappointed in the UK for doing that then probably cry.
Putin will congratulate the UK for standing up to the stupid EU.
Trump will congratulate the UK for not taking shit.
Hillary probably will say that she is disappointed in the UK for doing that and then go on about how she did nothing wrong.

Seems like their normal everyday reactions to these things really. :shrug:
They did it, they actually left the EU! I'm both shocked and impressed, go Britain! May the sun never set on the British empire, and God save the queen!
Great, if Putin says it's good then it's good.
Too soon to judge. This whole EURef is recommendation sort, the last word is after Cameron. Dear UKers correct me if I'm now wrong.
Yeah so I'm not worried. There's been a big crash with the pound and probably going to be a lot of instability in the government, but once a new PM has been decided and the pound is up it'll be fine, apart from the damage to science which'll be shit.
Too soon to judge. This whole EURef is recommendation sort, the last word is after Cameron. Dear UKers correct me if I'm now wrong.
No if we decide to leave Cameron has to carry out the people's will
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