EU referendum: Leave Vote

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Well you heard the man folks! Watch as salty Earth gets more salty then the Dead Sea over this! :hide:
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Well you heard the man folks! Watch as salty Earth gets butthurt over this! :hide:

I'm merely stating my opinions. No need to be insulting. You don't agree with me, fine. Not sure why you've taken personal offence to me thinking political correctness isn't an issue.

@MutantScalper The fact is, members of the establishment like Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch support Leave. There's every chance this referendum could destroy the UK as we know it, regarding Scotland. Today has opened a can of worms and I'm worried at what the results will be.

Well you heard the man folks! Watch as salty Earth gets butthurt over this! :hide:
Firstly: stop insulting Earth, he's not salty because he has a differing opinion to you.
Secondly: stop banging on about how glorious democracy is, I'm fed up of hearing loads of Democracy lickers on about how awesome it is. To be honest, I cannot see why you'd need democratic choice with treaty. America does not hold referenda over treaties. Does that make it some kind of undemocratic monster? No. If we held votes for everything nothing would get done.
Firstly: stop insulting Earth, he's not salty because he has a differing opinion to you.
Secondly: stop banging on about how glorious democracy is, I'm fed up of hearing loads of Democracy lickers banging on about how awesome it is. To be honest, I cannot see why you'd need democratic choice with treaty. America does not hold referenda over treaties. Does that make it some kind of undemocratic monster? No. If we held votes for everything nothing would get done.
I am not banging on about how great democracy is, even though I think its the best we have at the moment, but I can understand why people are disgruntled if they believe they are not being heard or if their voices don't matter. Its frustrating.
Firstly: stop insulting Earth, he's not salty because he has a differing opinion to you.
Secondly: stop banging on about how glorious democracy is, I'm fed up of hearing loads of Democracy lickers banging on about how awesome it is. To be honest, I cannot see why you'd need democratic choice with treaty. America does not hold referenda over treaties. Does that make it some kind of undemocratic monster? No. If we held votes for everything nothing would get done.

To be fair, I'm a full-on democrat. I support the British people's decision (I mean, it's not like not supporting it will change anything) but I do find it funny that people will always say democracy works or doesn't work depending on the results. I know that sounds obvious, people are gonna be frustrated by results, but it keeps happening. Funny really.

I think the problem is less the direct democracy of a referendum and more that this is a huge change that might very well shatter the British establishment, which in my opinion will make the country less democratic. We are already seeing leadership elections happening in the Conservative and Labour parties which I'm sure the general public will have no say in (unlike Labour's last leadership election, which, like Corbyn or not, gave a leader the biggest democratic mandate seen in the party's history).
I'm merely stating my opinions. No need to be insulting. You don't agree with me, fine. Not sure why you've taken personal offence to me thinking political correctness isn't an issue.
I'm sorry. Forgive me for being bitchy that was uncalled for.
I'm sorry. Forgive me for being bitchy that was uncalled for.

That's cool. I just came back to quickly message before I head off. Apologies if I came across as "salty" earlier. It's been a bit of an upsetting morning. While I've been constantly flipflopping between Leave or Remain (so the result isn't that big of a deal for me) many of my friends and family were always for Remain so I've been in touch with a lot of upset people. Apologies for coming across as rude earlier.

#screwbethesdabros4life ;)
That's cool. I just came back to quickly message before I head off. Apologies if I came across as "salty" earlier. It's been a bit of an upsetting morning. While I've been constantly flipflopping between Leave or Remain (so the result isn't that big of a deal for me) many of my friends and family were always for Remain so I've been in touch with a lot of upset people. Apologies for coming across as rude earlier.

#screwbethesdabros4life ;)
No its alright. I can understand why you are passionate about this. My family is really passionate about our elections coming up even though I could care less so I can understand where you are coming from.
Also, #screwbethesdabros4life! :mrgreen:
I knew it was a stupid idea:
France has overtaken the UK as the world’s fifth largest economy after the pound plunged to a 31-year low.
The £120 billion that was wiped off the FTSE100 in 10 minutes this morning was enough to have paid EU membership fees for 9 years.
In two hours the UK economy has lost $350 BILLION. That’s equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions.
Old people man, fucking old people.
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I like lurking in political threads about issues in which I have no stake and am completely ignorant.
That way I can watch the discussion unfold in real time with as little bias as possible.
Or we get an old man whos level of pandering to the entitled is on par with Marx or Robespierre, or Lenin.

Wanting basic health care needs met so you get to live life fully even if you get ill/injured, and wanting people to earn a decent wage to live off of sounds to me like basic human rights, not entitlement.
Old people man, fucking old people.
Eh, Old people's opinions are just as valid as anyone elses, regardless of whether you agree with them or not:shrug:
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I doubt it's going to be all sunshine and roses for Britain now. Sure, the EU could be a bit of a PITA for them sometimes in regards to international treaties and economics, but in return they got unprecedented access to a wide variety of markets which the island (well anyone, but I think especially them) needs. I don't think the Pound will just ''work itself out''. I wouldn't be surprised if the British economy ends up being weaker than before in the medium term.

Plus, democracy-wise, yes it's good that the will of the people is listened to, but I fear that some of the country's right-wing fringe will be on the rise, like in France, emboldened by their success. Because make no mistake; while I don't doubt most people left for democratic or economic reasons, there was also a fair share of bigots or outright racists, or ye olde ''they took our jewbs!!'' routine.

Who gets to be the new Conservative PM, now that's a rather interesting question.
I congratulate the UK in their decision to exit the EU to solve it's own issues and take care of their own citizens inside the British Isles and improving everyone's lives there instead of getting entangled in the international and colonial intrigues of the EU. I wish you all the best in such respects.
Define basic healthcare needs?

Or define living wage?

Even at its most basic, these terms are very ambiguous.

Each individual has their own definition of what they need to survive.
I pretty much am thinking the same way. The EU is a sinking ship and it seems now that the Dutch want out as well. Can't blame people for wanting to leave. It just seems like the EU is making one bad decision after another.
The Dutch leaving the EU would be even more idiotic than the UK.
The Dutch are traders and largely rely on the traffic through their large sea ports.
What exactly do you think happens to those ports when they leave the EU?

Good for Antwerp and Zeebrugge, that's for sure.

Well Trump has already openly supported Britain leaving the EU.
Of course. He is for anything that dimishes the power of anything which is not the USA.
(not that that's bad from the american point of view)

I congratulate the UK in their decision to exit the EU to solve it's own issues and take care of their own citizens inside the British Isles and improving everyone's lives there instead of getting entangled in the international and colonial intrigues of the EU. I wish you all the best in such respects.
Funny. The EU has no colonial intrigue. I'll even go further, any involvement is an extension of the policies of the largest member states (UK, FR, DE).
As I remember, the country whose colonial intrigue you had issues with was the UK (without EU intervention). ;)

Either way, they regained some autonomy, sure. But they have lost a lot of advantages. They made their bed, now they can sleep in it.
So I've been giving this a lot of though over the past few hours (I was on a four hour coach journey, it was all I could do) and my conclusion is this, This could either be a total fuck-up or what we needed.

And that's not Britain.
To be honest, a lot of this vote came down to whether there was any confidence in Cameron and the current party.
We've know for a long time there isn't any.
Essentially, the tories have kicked themselves in the nuts.
If they go against the vote, they would be seen as undemocratic and riots would happen.
If they go forward, there is financial uncertainty and could lead to a major backlash against the tories.

Farage is already in the firing line for the bullshit he put out on the NHS.
Cameron is gone.
What we got left is a lot of major questions.

There's also the rise of the far right in Germany which is rather scary considering how much power they have in the EU.
There's also the thought that the TTIP has now gone from the UK (which is good, whoever thought of that deserves to be shot).

In many ways, this is a vote showcasing change needs to happen, and that can't be done under the current system with the ideologies we have. Essentially, the Far Right was to spread hate while the left want to point the finger.
Both are in some way built around hate and that's not what we should be doing.
I voted to remain, but after some thought, leave sounds okayish if it goes in the way I see it going.

I see a financial crises on a global scale. And that's not exactly a bad thing.
It prove that the current system isn't working, one change and everything fucks up.

We are already seeing a domino effect, other countries want to leave the EU, Scotland and Ireland want to leave the UK and in many ways we have the current party to thank for it.

On the subject of democracy, the UK's form of democracy clearly isn't working when it's the house of Lords saving our fucking back.
The one unelected group are the ones speaking out for the people of the country. What a load of bullocks.

But yeah, my generation won't vote tory, and neither would the generation before me and after me.
They've essentially lost about 50-60 years of votes for the amount of fuck-ups that have occurred in this current six years of power.

If people like Nigel say "We've got our country back" then it's time for us to say that "The people should get the UK back"
I congratulate the UK in their decision to exit the EU to solve it's own issues and take care of their own citizens inside the British Isles and improving everyone's lives there instead of getting entangled in the international and colonial intrigues of the EU. I wish you all the best in such respects.
It might also turn out to be good for the EU in the end as well. Who knows? Maybe this will be a great chance for serious reforms, and at least we don't have to give a fuck anymore if the Brits blame the EU for their issues.
But I am sure those crazy populists that cheer right now, will find a way to further blame the EU if things don't improve for the British people ...
Britain in 2050: Duh! Fucking EU! If our great grandfathers didn't join it, and our grandfathers didn't left it later, we wouldn't be so poor today!

As Sua says. They made their bed. Now they have to actually do it on their own and solve their issues without the rest of us.
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