EU referendum: Leave Vote

They did it, they actually left the EU! I'm both shocked and impressed, go Britain! May the sun never set on the British empire, and God save the queen!
No, they didn't leave the EU, yet. The people voted for leaving the EU, but referendi are not binding. The parliament can just ignore the vote, keep calm and carry on.

No if we decide to leave Cameron has to carry out the people's will
Why? Referendi aren't binding as far as I know, parliament is sovereign. Cameron could just ignore it and hope for a majority among the MPs.
Oh, did you think you were in a democracy where the people actually ruled? Haha, you silly sod :)
Well, we'll see. I don't think Cameron will actually go against the vote, but nothing's decided yet.

Bye Bye funding for medical research

Nice Knowing you easy travel to other European countries.

See you soon regulations that are keeping our government in check.

Adios to all the benefits given from being part of the most powerful trading union in the world

Goodbye access to labor from other European countries.

Hello again spending an hour waiting for your passport to be checked because you want to cross in to a neighboring country
All hail mighty Putin!
Oh, did you think you were in a democracy where the people actually ruled? Haha, you silly sod :)
Thing is, is it the will of "the people" when it's about 50/50? Seems to me that the people in question are divided on this issue. Either way, half of them won't be happy with the result.
Thing is, is it the will of "the people" when it's about 50/50? Seems to me that the people in question are divided on this issue. Either way, half of them won't be happy with the result.

We use First-Past-The-Post in our general elections. We're used to no one being happy with any result.
Why? Referendi aren't binding as far as I know, parliament is sovereign. Cameron could just ignore it and hope for a majority among the MPs.
Oh, did you think you were in a democracy where the people actually ruled? Haha, you silly sod :)
Well, we'll see. I don't think Cameron will actually go against the vote, but nothing's decided yet.
Unless they want nationwide riots sure that's a good idea. Anyway Cameron has resigned and its almost certain the Conservative party will elect a eurosceptic so that's unlikely.
We use First-Past-The-Post in our general elections. We're used to no one being happy with any result.
At least we get majority governments.


Bye Bye funding for medical research

Nice Knowing you easy travel to other European countries.

See you soon regulations that are keeping our government in check.

Adios to all the benefits given from being part of the most powerful trading union in the world

Goodbye access to labor from other European countries.

Hello again spending an hour waiting for your passport to be checked because you want to cross in to a neighboring country

Yeah you guys are right, the EU does have many benefits and it is a good thing, but the reason we've left is because of high turnouts on council estates, which are full of thickos who are not as cerebral as the rest of us. Not saying they're all dumb, but many of them are.
Yeah, the thing is I don't trust millennials. Especially considering how 40 percent of millennials are in favor of censoring "hate speech", ie. anything that they disagree with or find offensive. Not to mention that many of the 18-24 year olds were born when Brittan was part of the EU. They don't know any other government.
Yeah, the thing is I don't trust millennials. Especially considering how 40 percent of millennials are in favor of censoring "hate speech", ie. anything that they disagree with or find offensive. Not to mention that many of the 18-24 year olds were born when Brittan was part of the EU. They don't know any other government.
So we should trust old people with large pensions, time to waste and 5 years left to live with our future?
So we should trust old people with large pensions, time to waste and 5 years left to live with our future?
Are you saying old people can't vote because I have been seeing a lot of the Remain people saying that old people should never vote and that there should be laws against people of a certain age voting. Jesus I shudder to think how I would be treated when I am old.
The restriction of EU workers emigrating to England for work will definitely solve the non-EU refugees trying to enter Britain problem.
Do not underestimate the power of political correctness gone overboard.

A student who I had classes in highschool with, a self proclaimed liberal activist, is currently screaming Corbyns praises on FB. He seems to believe the financial problems that might come from this situation might encourage some kind of revolution and the brits will, 'stick it to the man'.

This is the same type of guy who regularly screams fuck the police and encourages us to baby criminals.

Like our friends in the UK, I too am worried about the future of my country.

Normally, someone like Trump would never have a chance, as proven by how deeply he has divided the GOP. But people like Hillary and Pander simply won't compromise. Atleast Fiorina was willing to give on illegal immigration and other things. So the folks who would normally be center right now see Trump as their only weapon against the loud mouth leftists, race baiters like BLM, and social policies that benefit latinos and blacks while literally fucking over every other ethnic minority that lives in this nation. Of course the center right is mad as hell and the only way to fight is to use fire against fire, AKA Trump. It is a fucking shit show here.

On the one hand, we have Trump who is a xenophobe isolationist that would make an early 20th century American proud. Someone who plans on gutting NATO and weaking our alliance with Europe and other allies.

Then we have a criminal who we cannot trust. Or we get an old man whos level of pandering to the entitled is on par with Marx or Robespierre, or Lenin.
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Are you saying old people can't vote because I have been seeing a lot of the Remain people saying that old people should never vote and that there should be laws against people of a certain age votin
Nah, just saying its wrong that not enough young people are voting and old people are deciding the future of the EU when they have about a decade to 5 years left to live.
Nah, just saying its wrong that not enough young people are voting and old people are deciding the future of the EU when they have about a decade to 5 years left to live.
Well that is the Remain side fault for not trying to appeal more to the younger voters. They should have really tried to appeal to them more. Like giving reason why they should remain united and the benefits of being in the EU. To be honest and not to offend anyone but all I've seen from the Remain side was fear mongering. They should have learned from the American right back in 2008 and 2012 that that type of campaigning doesn't really seem to work on the younger voting crowd.
Well that is the Remain side fault for not trying to appeal more to the younger voters. They should have really tried to appeal to them more. Like giving reason why they should remain united and the benefits of being in the EU. To be honest and not to offend anyone but all I've seen from the Remain side was fear mongering. They should have learned from the American right back in 2008 and 2012 that that type of campaigning doesn't really seem to work on the younger voting crowd.
No it fucking isn't because the majority of younger people who voted, voted remain, and were overpowered by the stronger oldie voting block, so we ended up leaving because more bigoted old coots voted leave than the young future of our country (more important than some asshole old people with little time left).
In fact, we shouldn't give up our seats for the elderly now, eye for an eye
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