Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

To be fair, I've heard that Underrail has been in far longer development time than we could've expected, but that doesn't speak in Fallout 4's favor, eh?
As far as I know it had the same development time as Fallout 4, only it was made by 1 person and was a better post apocalyptic RPG than the abomination that Bethesda crapped out their bum.

He also made the entire game engine for this game in that time. LOL when was last time Bethesda made new engine?
To be fair, @Bond Fan mentioned that the 150$ were for two games and there was no mention of pre-ordering but I agree that one has to experience the older games to be considered a proper Fallout fan. One needs to know the history of a franchise to appreciate the franchise (and even see how far its come or fallen). As Ulysses once said "Who are you, that do not know your history?". Whenever I see someone who claims to be a Fallout fan after playing 3 and 4 only but does not attempt to play the older games, I feel that they are not true Fallout fans. As @Crni Vuk puts it, they are tourists that gawk at "LOL" random sights and glitter without understanding its roots.

As for not wanting to spend money on the older Fallout games, I've managed to get the older Fallout games (including Tactics) for free when GoG had a special promotion once and those games are usually on sale (or rather cheap at the very least) so I have no idea why choosing to spend 150$ for games of uncertain quality is a priority over using a paltry amount for two gems of gaming.

Have fun being a lowly member of the lowest common denominator that makes up the Bethesda fanbase!
Its "optional"


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He also made the entire game engine for this game in that time. LOL when was last time Bethesda made new engine?
Yeah, the fact that Styg actually made a whole new engine from scratch was a bonus point I gave the game when I discovered about it much, much later after I bought it. Now all we need is for Styg to implement other features (like sprinting, and arguably map system, etc etc), him stepping up his writing (or hire someone to do it or help him), and we should be, theoretically, getting a true successor to Fallout franchise.

Uhh... controller?
we should be, theoretically, getting a true successor to Fallout franchise.
Wasteland 2 and hopefully 3 also fill that void that Bethesda left when they destroyed the entire Fallout franchise with Fallout 4, because I sincerely doubt they're going to ask Obsidian to save the franchise with a second New Vegas.
You never know. New Vegas was remarkably successful, and was well loved by both newer fans and fans of the originals. Zenimax would be smart to continually hire them to make more Fallout.
I'm hopeful but I have zero faith that the developers who made Fallout 4 actually like RPGs or Fallout.

If you can take Fallout and turn it into that kind of idiotic abomination then I really don't have any faith in the franchise anymore.
You never know. New Vegas was remarkably successful, and was well loved by both newer fans and fans of the originals. Zenimax would be smart to continually hire them to make more Fallout.
Here's another thing to consider: we have seen what's Fallout 4 like, and what effect it had on Far Harbor (which is, from what I've heard, better than the base game), what effect it had on whatever quest mods planned by modders, that even modders admitted that someguy2000's series-level of quest mods would be impossible (without a way to completely trash the dialogue format).

What I fear for Obsidian (or whoever granted access for a spin-off) is that they had to put up with Bethesda's design principles for Fallout 4, with little to no chance to completely scrap that format and went back the way it were before. We already seen Obsidian having to 'inherit' Gamebryo's shitty system and, even though they did great, it could've been better (preferably with other engine, especially since I've heard they DID have an engine ready for New Vegas). If there's no possibility to just hurl away FO4's system into the trash bin, then I'd rather Obsidian (and whoever wanted to make a spin-off) stay away as far as possible since Bethesda's 'mods will fix it' attitude in them and their fanboys would endanger the future of those developers. Especially with Todd Howard who, seemingly just can't let go of his ego, carefully stated that the dialogue wheel 'didn't work as intended', instead of outright admitted it was a mistake.

Inb4 Bethesda's Apologists 'reminding' me how the dialogue wheel had been 'fixed' by a mod, and 'reminding' me how it's better than nothing.
:lmao: oh boy, thanks for a new sig idea.

On a more serious note, Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are currently 50% off on Steam, $15 for 3 games individually, ~$10 if you buy the bundle instead, won't hurt your savings for WOW:Legion coming out in 2 months and DOW3 coming out in 2017. Heck, GOG Summer Sale a month ago was much more generous of putting those classics on 75% (or was it 80%?) off, $5(!) for 3 games? Man, oh man. There's also the Winter Sale, so you should really consider it.

On an even more serious note, though, you should really hold back from buying any games these days on Day 1 release, unless the game has been receiving a lot of fan feedback (like through proper Early Access or Demos)

I'm going to proudly proclaim that Underrail is my first(!) cRPG ever(!). It's the game where I genuinely step out of my comfort zone in gaming, and the one that truly motivates me to finally try Fallout 1 and 2. Back then, I was afraid I couldn't get into the classics just because they looks outdated and shit. But the disappointment generated by Fallout 4 AND the final release of Underrail a month after Fallout 4 made me go for Underrail instead. Even though the writings and the overall narrative isn't Fallout level, it's close... very close indeed.

To be fair, I've heard that Underrail has been in far longer development time than we could've expected, but that doesn't speak in Fallout 4's favor, eh?

Dude, what about that wasn't clear. You missed out the saving for other games part. I guess it must affront you guys that I prioritise other games before Fallout.
Dude, what about that wasn't clear. You missed out the saving for other games part. I guess it must affront you guys that I prioritise other games before Fallout.
Oh, I didn't missed that part. How the hell did you even come to that conclusion? I guess YOU missed this part then:
On a more serious note, Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are currently 50% off on Steam, $15 for 3 games individually, ~$10 if you buy the bundle instead, won't hurt your savings for WOW:Legion coming out in 2 months and DOW3 coming out in 2017. Heck, GOG Summer Sale a month ago was much more generous of putting those classics on 75% (or was it 80%?) off, $5(!) for 3 games? Man, oh man. There's also the Winter Sale, so you should really consider it.

On an even more serious note, though, you should really hold back from buying any games these days on Day 1 release, unless the game has been receiving a lot of fan feedback (like through proper Early Access or Demos
Nothing wrong with priority, but holding back from buying games that was ~$5 a month ago, which could have been easily ~$5 again in 4-5 months BEFORE the game you planned to buy (with an even more expensive price on top of that) even releases? It's baffling me, you plan to save ~$150 for 2(!) games of which quality you can't get assured of yet, but didn't plan to spare a mere ~$5 for 3(!) games that's been out for ~19 years and reviewed here and there, and also critically acclaimed on top of that?

But I digress, you probably don't like RPGs.
No, not really. We don't give two cents about what games you like. We just think it is strange that in all those years (you played F3 and Vegas, right?) you can't be arsed to get the old games to experience them by your self at the price of two packages of cigarettes or a night at the movie theatre, while calling your self a true fan of the series.

See, this same thing sometimes comes up with Stat Trek - and I love Star Trek! Star Trek has once started as this small, quirky and sometimes controversial Sci-Fi show in TV. But it has outgrown it self since then. And thus attracted a lot of new folks to the franchise, people that hardly know what kind of character Kirk was, or what the role of his other two peers served in the show, McCoy and Spock.

There are now more or less two types of fans, the rather small minority who likes Star Trek for things like those :

And there are those fans that know Star Trek only as this ...

Battles and kickassary in space! Guess which one of those groups are the larger audience. But they are not really fans of the franchise. They are well ... tourists! When Star Trek is loosing it's appeal to the masses, those fans will simply move to the next thing, while leaving the old fans with a damaged franchise.

We can sneer and ridicule all those crazy nerds and fans that love to dress up as Klingons, and a bit of fun and joking is allowed. But the truth is, those people make those shows so succesfull and great in the first place. Not the explosions, the wow effects and one liners while kicking ass in space or the visuals. That's just the surface. And why both Fallou 3 and 4 are just mediocre games, where F1 and F2 are classics in the RPG genre.
God I hate "casual fans" it feels weird that there even is such a thing. Seems unnatural and contradictory.

@Crni Vuk
As much as I hate rebooted trek I have to admit that Zachary quinto is a really good spock.
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Dude, what about that wasn't clear. You missed out the saving for other games part. I guess it must affront you guys that I prioritise other games before Fallout.
So what you're saying is, you are on such a tight budget that you can't spend less than $10 on an entire trilogy of games.

And besides, if you can afford Fallout 4, you can afford The Original Trilogy.

And we aren't insisting that you place priority on Fallout, it's just that you have come to a Fallout Fanbase, talk as though you are a Fallout Fan and trying to make valid contributions to the discussion. If you want to sit at a table and discuss wine tasting, first make sure that you know about wine. If you come here to discuss a franchise you haven't played much of, obviously people are going to insist you play more of it and come back later.
Especially with Todd Howard who, seemingly just can't let go of his ego, carefully stated that the dialogue wheel 'didn't work as intended', instead of outright admitted it was a mistake.
Todd let Obsidian rework the Fallout 3 dialogue system, and that didn't even receive much criticism. If Obsidian offered to rework a dialogue system that he acknowledged was universally hated, I can't see him having any strong objections.
Hey @R.Graves! I havn't said those movies are bad or not enjoyable. Call it a guilty pleasure. I liked the Star Trek movie with the new cast, the first one that is. The actors do a decent job, the scenes are ok, the action is solid, decent action movies no doubts about that! But there can be no denying that those are now nothing more but generic ass kickery just in space with super effects, the fact that that it is done well doesn't change that it has less and less to do with ST. You could call it Kicking Alien Buts in Space IV with totally different names and locations and no one would notice the difference between this and your random summer block buster Sci-Fi movie.
You never know. New Vegas was remarkably successful, and was well loved by both newer fans and fans of the originals. Zenimax would be smart to continually hire them to make more Fallout.
I was under the impression that new Vega was near universally hated by fo3 fans.
I was under the impression that new Vega was near universally hated by fo3 fans.
I don't think any Fallout 3 fans actively hated New Vegas, it's just a lot of people who don't know what Fallout is said stupid things like "This Desert not have big scary monsters and places 2 loot. 3 therefore = better" and "Fallout is a game where everything is constantly destroyed for 200 years, not a tribal warfare game"

I think most fans of 3 liked New Vegas but preferred 3 for dumb reasons.
Call it a guilty pleasure.
My biggest guilty pleasure is Howard the duck. Watched it for the first time last summer. I Thought it was one of the greatest things ever despite the fact that it has roughly zero redeeming qualities.
Well Fallout 3 was more of a shooter where New Vegas was more of a role playing game. So yeah, people liked both games for different reasons I guess. But it is nice to see that a lot of F3 fans kinda prefer Vegas over Fallout 4.
Well Fallout 3 was more of a shooter where New Vegas was more of a role playing game. So yeah, people liked both games for different reasons I guess. But it is nice to see that a lot of F3 fans kinda prefer Vegas over Fallout 4.
I hate that from now on whenever I mention fallout people are gonna be like I love fallout when they're referring to fallout 4.
And they talk like fallout 4 is what defines fallout for them.
Todd let Obsidian rework the Fallout 3 dialogue system, and that didn't even receive much criticism. If Obsidian offered to rework a dialogue system that he acknowledged was universally hated, I can't see him having any strong objections.
Hmm... I assume what you mean by that is Obsidian was allowed to change the format of %-based dialogue checks into the static one. Even if that's not what you meant, I don't see how much of Fallout 3's dialogue system that needed rework. The format was fine as it was.

Still, there IS quite a number of people who willingly defended Fallout 4's dialogue system:

and as you can see, they aren't few in numbers (especially if you take other places into consideration). So I don't see how Obsidian would be 'allowed' to scrap FO4's system with THAT many people defending the format.