Skyrim and Oblivion

Skyrim was just meh for me. Sure, nice landscapes, but the lack of depth, lack of character specialization that actually mattered, the linearity, the fact that it was mostly just a god-simulator in which you could basically do everything, the bad writing, the uninspired quests, generic dungeons and enemies and loot and npc's made it a pretty boring experience for me.

Also the whole levelled loot and enemies thing didn't help. It takes away the whole point of levelling your character, if enemies just level right along with you. You could easily finish the game as a level 1 character, probably. The same goes for Oblivion, which also was a horrid mess.

I liked Morrowind, though, but maybe I've got my nostalgia goggles on when it comes to Morrowind. I can still play the game (heavily modded of course), but I see its shortcomings (mainly the linearity) now. At least Morrowind didn't employ levelled lists as heavily as the later games, which made certain places actually hard to reach. The sense of accomplishment you got when you cleared a dungeon that had been impossible for ages was huge. Neither Skyrim nor Oblivion had that for me.

I see why people like the game, though. If you're a casual and want to just grind and enjoy pretty graphics, yes, Skyrim's your game, but I didn't enjoy it very much.
Meh, I think we could respect his opinion. If he thinks it's the best game evar, that's fine by me. After all, we all want different things. Although I will admit that it's kind of an unpopular opinion on these boards.
Remember this is my opinion so you can just disregard it totally.
I'm not disregarding it just trying to understand it. There's not a lotta great things about skyrim. 'Cept the lore. The lore is fun to learn about. But still morrowind's got all TES games beat in that department.
Meh, I think we could respect his opinion. If he thinks it's the best game evar, that's fine by me. After all, we all want different things. Although I will admit that it's kind of an unpopular opinion on these boards.
I have a lot of of unpopular opinions on these boards. I'd find somewhere else, but here is the only place I do because its the only forum I have encountered thats not full of children. So I just say it here.
I'm not disregarding it just trying to understand it. There's not a lotta great things about skyrim. 'Cept the lore. The lore is fun to learn about. But still morrowind's got all TES games beat in that department.
I love all of it. But specifically the lore, story, mechanics, places world etc.
awful stories of Oblivion

How dare you. Oblivion's story is brilliant.
The problem with Skyrim's story is if you take away all of the "go here; do this" of quests what you have left is: you are dragonborn; kill the dragons.
you forgot radiant quests, Theives Guild, DB, Companions, DLC and general exploration.
None of that is story. And I don't remember anything about Skyrim's companions. Radiant quests are the devil. And the guild quest of skyrim pale in comparison to oblivions guild quests.
I enjoyed Skyrim a lot when it was released, modded it silly and must've put it in about 200+ hours. But, the more critically I examine it, the more lazy and uninspired it seems.