Well I guess you could use they same logic as making an outhouse smell better, they are both very close in design and give similar feelings when exiting.
Rewording tricks to apply towards Fallout 3/4
How to Make Fallout 3 and 4 Unlike a Frequented Outhouse.
1 Lime the Smell Away
Lime is the traditional remedy for getting rid of shit smell. Its chemical name is calcium hydroxide (CaOH2). This product is available at hardware stores and garden centers. Simply sprinkle it over the pile of waste to keep the smell factor down. A word of caution if you decide to use lime to combat the smells of shitty writing coming from the 'game' installation: do not get any of it on the keyboard: the stuff will burn skin. You will need to wear gloves to protect your hands when working with lime at your installation of Fallout 3 and 4.
2 Sprinkle Some Sawdust
After playing Fallout 3 or 4, sprinkle some sawdust on the pile of waste. You only need to use a small amount of the stuff on a regular basis to deal with the smell of shitty writing and game design. The sawdust will absorb odor and still decompose over time, making it an easy and eco-friendly solution to the P.U. development in the studio.
3 Wood Ash it Out
If you happen to own a wood stove, don’t throw your ashes away once you have burned some wood. Let the ashes cool down and use them to make your privy smell pretty instead. Simply sprinkle them over the waste to deal with the smell of Emil and the poop squad.
4 Add Straw or Peat Moss
Consider adding some chopped-up straw or peat moss to the pile under your installation of Fallout 3 or 4. It will encourage a crust to form over top, which will help to keep the shitty writing down by containing the smell. Once the crust has formed, it will also help to keep flies away. This is a secondary benefit of using the straw or peat moss to keep the smell factor at bay.
5 Throw Some Kitchen Waste into the Mix
You can use your installation of Fallout 3 or 4 as a kind of composter. Add vegetable scraps to the PC or console on occasion to speed up the composting action and keep the smell of lazy development down. Make sure that you are not adding any meat products into the mix. If you ever eat cooked cabbage, be sure to include some of it to your “special” compost mix. This ingredient is especially good for helping the composting process along.
6 Pour Some Rid-X on the Problem
Rid-X is a product that is used for treating septic systems. It contains bacteria and enzymes that break down solid waste. To deal with Fallout 3 or 4 installation funk, your best bet will probably be to choose the liquid version of Rid-X, although this product is also available in powder and gel pacs, too. You may need to add some water to the product, since liquid is required to activate the bacteria and enzymes and start the process of dealing with the waste that is Fallout 3 and/or 4.