Repairing Fallout's story from Bethesda


First time out of the vault
I wonder if it's possible to fix or repair the errors of what Bethesda did to Fallout's plot or rather how would Obsidian or the original Fallout creators would have imagined the East Coast would have actually been like?

Although the easiest way of course is to ignore Fallout 3 and 4 from ever happening and always consider Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas being canon but if we ever taken the route of 3 and 4 ever happening at all, I wonder what is the best way explain it from the context of the original series and a attempt to fix it? Like for example, the events of 3 and 4 are a result of some type of a Pre-War drug experiment for example?

Any ideas?
There are plenty of threads that have dealt with this topic, some which are intended as jokes, other which are critical in their approach. Look around Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 subforums, as well as this one.
You'd have to scrap the whole thing and start over.

I'm serious. You can't salvage that mess of a story that they have. You simply can't.

Let's do something simple. Right? In Fallout 3, where does Stimpaks come from? There is a scientific branch on Rivet City so a logical conclusion would be that those doctors over there produce and sell stimpaks so that they can buy other resources to further study and explore scientific methods. But... Where do all the stimpaks in Fallout 4 come from exactly?

Bethesda solved the "what do they eat" question from Fallout 3 but they just left a whole lot of other questions unanswered. Where does the ammunition come from? Where does the energy to power a lot of buildings come from? How do raiders support themselves when there isn't enough to even raid in the first place?

How about Super Mutants? It doesn't make a damn lick of sense for them to be there or for The Institute to have access to FEV so they have to be removed. That means that anything that touches upon super mutants has to be rewritten.

And feral ghouls need to be removed completely. Ferals are not canon. Ghouls don't turn animalistic like that, they can go crazy like regular human beings but they do not turn into 28 Days Later rip-offs.

And would you look at that? All of the sudden the wasteland is an awful lot safer. Less raiders because the amount of raiders need to be in ratio fitting to the amount of civilians simply trying to live and let live. No super mutants or ferals running about.

So... That makes Diamon City's famous walls pretty damn useless at this point doesn't it? I mean not 'completely' useless but useless enough to not be such a bit thing anymore.

But whatever. Settlement crafting! Removed. Completely remove that piece of shit feature from Fallout like the cancer it is. Why? Cause it doesn't make any damn sense for you to just fart out fairy dust and magically poof together an entire community. Shit like this takes time, it takes time for it to grow and the people that come and settle down need to have personality and their own agency. If anything the only compromise I can see is to reduce the number of places you can craft down to one and only one.

So without settlement crafting all of the sudden there isn't a whole lot of places left that are populated. We have a greenhouse that magically survived for 210 years because.... It's cool? Is this what Bethesda thinks is cool? Or is it supposed to be humorous... Fuck if I know but it's god damn stupid. It would need to be rewritten completely. I'm thinking of a pre-war agricultural facility where they tested robots to maintain plants and shit so that in the case of nuclear war then vaults could be outfitted with robots to handle these sort of tasks to ease the burden on the people living in the vaults. But bombs dropped before it got out of its testing phase and now the robots' protocols have changed to defence mode and that any communist that is not registered in their data-base is to be shot on sight. Since you're pre-war it means you can get in there and potentially change their protocols or add others into those protocols and establish a community.

But a fucking greenhouse in the middle of nowhere who's windows largely survived the blast of a nuclear bomb? A couple of robots with valuable parts that hasn't been shut down and stripped for parts? It's ridiculous.

My point with all of this is that you'd need to rewrite so much stuff that it wouldn't even be Fallout 4 anymore. And if that much work is required you might as well just create a new game as it doesn't come with a bunch of baggage.


And then we have main story itself.

We're forced to have a certain kind of background, fine. If that has to be in the game then fine, it can work. But the vault representative that knocks on your door 'just' got your signature. How the hell are you allowed into the vault? Like, I sincerely doubt that they have had time to run a background check on you or anything so a name on a list is pretty much meaningless. If anything the vault representative is more of a valid candidate for the vault (as they can just look at his vault tec ID badge and go "ayeah, you're in") but they don't allow him inside.

So then we have the blast, right? How come not a single soldier was like "fuck this shit, I ain't dying!" and jumped on the platform going down? Why were all those soldiers so willing to just die when they knew what was coming. It feels robotic. Like they aren't even people. None of them act like a human being would in this panic inducing situation. Even the people who aren't allowed in are acting far too subdued. Maybe if there was a couple of corpses that had been torn apart by minigun fire then it would have made sense but they're just standing outside of the gates pouting. So that blast happens and the representative survives. Remember the blast that you can see above you when going down? How the hell did the representative survive the blast? Have ya'll seen videos of nuclear blasts and how much force they pack? Yet he survives.

So we get frozen down cause vault tec experiement. Right, whatever. Nevermind the whole unfreezing process from the cancelled content from FO2, we're gonna assume that that isn't canon. So being unfrozen isn't a complicated process. Fine. Now comes Mr Cornflakes who opens up the cryo pod to your wife/husband and shoots him/her and takes the baby.

Hold up...

Why are they shot? Why not just bring all three of them? Is The Institute really that crowded at that point in time that they can't support 3 people? And why are the rest of the people dead? The vault hasn't been breached and everyone else would've been frozen too. So if everyone else got unfrozen but you then why didn't they unfreeze you? Cause I distintcly remember there being vault-suit clad skeletons littered around the vault, so they didn't all die in their cryo chambers. None of this is making any damn sense.

So you survive and get out of the vault and move your way down to Sanctuary and find your old robot butler. Who's survived. On his own. For 200 years. With no one taking him down and stripping him for parts. Uhm... It's a Mr Handy. Not a Mr Gutsy. He should be dead.

Anyway, you move on down to Concord and find The Minutemen who's story is that of a horror-story, they came for their people and started picking them off until there's now only a handful of them left! Raiders. Low level raiders are apparently bogeymen.


No wonder Preston promotes you to the leader if they're 'that' fucking useless.

Anyway, so what part of this needs to be rewritten? How about; What of this 'doesn't' need to be rewritten?

The entire sequence at the start needs to be rewritten. The whole thing with the vault going to hell and Mr Cornflakes stealing your child needs to be rewritten. Robot butler needs to be rewritten to be deader than dead and the Minutemen? The concord situation? Quincy? The questline of becoming their leader? All of it needs to be completely scrapped and rewritten so that it isn't as low IQ as a bagful of drowned kittens.
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Yeah I am also in the camp of just ignoring Fallout 3 and 4. Personally I still wish Van Buren was made and released.
I like Fallout New Vegas but VB could have replaced it and given a good conclusion to the series. Because if Fallout 3 and 4 is what the franchise would inevitably develop into, it would be better just to finish the series on a high note and then move on.

But face it, the series is not going to be 'fixed'. Bethesda is going to sit on this franchise for a long to come, either until they go bankrupt, or something happens to human society that video games, least of all Bethesda's ones are no longer of our concern as we have more important matter on our mind like real survival.

Just enjoy the games you like and pretend that there aren't any more games in the franchise.
Cause as good as the writing is in FNV I simply think that FVB got way better concepts in it and I prefer it's gameplay as it will be like Fallout 2 again. I can't stand FNV's gameplay, I merely put up with it so I can enjoy the quests, characters and writing. FVB(fan-made) would be a proper Fallout game whereas FNV is the best you can get out of a genre-abomination.
Yeah I have to disagree on this one, part of Van Buren's appeal is also that it would have put Fallout in 3D (but in such a way that all the designs of Fallout 1 and 2 would also be recreated, rather than reimagining them like Fallout 3 did)
I honestly don't hate 2D graphics as otherwise I would not be playing Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission over and over again, but other than the storyline and quests the updates in appearance and controls (SPECIAL and the skills and perks were also being redesigned/rebalanced) were also something I was really interested in.

I am more than willing to give the mod a fair chance and if it is good I will remember it as a good fan creation but it can never be what the original was going to be.

The design of New Vegas also incorporated the gameplay of Fallout 3, if New Vegas would have been remade as a Fallout 1/2 style game the gameplay and some of the quests would also have to be designed in a different way.
I don't like the 3D aspect.

Underrail and Pillars Of Eternity look way 'waaay' better than Age Of Decadence, XCOM, Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin. There's just something so crisp about the former titles I listed that 3D simply can't reach.

And as to the other stuff; They wanted to lump Big Guns, Small Guns and Energy Weapons into one single skill and I do not like that idea one little bit.

So to me? Good riddance. :shrug:

Anyway, I don't really mind it if the mechanics are still the old Fallout 2 mechanics, I enjoy them even to this day so the only thing I care about is the quests and writing.
And as to the other stuff; They wanted to lump Big Guns, Small Guns and Energy Weapons into one single skill and I do not like that idea one little bit.

There was some talk about adding in perks and such in order to boost the skill when it came to certain weapons.
I believe the decision was also made to make 'unarmed' and 'melee' using builds more appealing as Fallout 1 and 2 were sometimes rather unbalanced in those departments. They could be done but the games favor those builds that use ranged weapons.
I wonder if it's possible to fix or repair the errors of what Bethesda did to Fallout's plot or rather how would Obsidian or the original Fallout creators would have imagined the East Coast would have actually been like?

Although the easiest way of course is to ignore Fallout 3 and 4 from ever happening and always consider Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas being canon but if we ever taken the route of 3 and 4 ever happening at all, I wonder what is the best way explain it from the context of the original series and a attempt to fix it? Like for example, the events of 3 and 4 are a result of some type of a Pre-War drug experiment for example?

Any ideas?

Okay, here's how I'd do it:

Step one: Place Fallout 5 as far away from the Commonwealth as possible. I want no references to it or its endings.

Step two: Reintroduce several key gameplay points in Fallout New Vegas

Step three: Release a neo-Fallout bible that corrects the mistakes of Fallout 4. That means that T-60 was invented on October 22nd, poorly distributed outside of the Commonwealth and New York and ect.

Step four: Mothership Zeta was a hallucination from inhaling the alien ship fumes.

Step five: Boy in a fridge and Cabott quests are "Wild Wasteland", meaning they are fiction. Non-canon.

Step 6: Fallout 3 and 4's plotline are still salvageable in my opinion. Here's what we do for that; Fallout 3- Good ending, purifier goes to brotherhood, decent enough I suppose. Fallout 4- Minutemen are eradicated due to them being so few in numbers at the start, Brotherhood busts in to the Commonwealth and brute-forces their way into the Institute, kills everybody. Maxson faked his initiation as elder. No references to Kellogg, Piper, or just about any specific character in Fallout 4.

Oh, and Preston Garvey was drawn and quartered by the raiders in Quincy.
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No use in trying to repair stories that are this broken tbh. I say tear it down completely and begin again.
Elijah was right all along, we need to wipe the slate clean.

Like for example, the events of 3 and 4 are a result of some type of a Pre-War drug experiment for example?
Perhaps the writers could change the stories of 3 & 4 into mere mad ramblings by two lunatics (or storytellers with failing memory) who have no clue about what they were talking about. That could clear up inconsistencies rather quickly and wipe the slate for the East Coast clean. If Bethesda loses the rights to the franchise (I can only dream), the new owners should retcon 4 out of canon like PoS (while leaving little bits of 3 semi-canon).

@Mr Fish brings up a lot of good points on why the entirety of Fallout 4 needs to be scrapped from its story to its 'optional' settlement mechanics.
Yeah I have to disagree on this one, part of Van Buren's appeal is also that it would have put Fallout in 3D (but in such a way that all the designs of Fallout 1 and 2 would also be recreated, rather than reimagining them like Fallout 3 did)
I honestly don't hate 2D graphics as otherwise I would not be playing Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission over and over again, but other than the storyline and quests the updates in appearance and controls (SPECIAL and the skills and perks were also being redesigned/rebalanced) were also something I was really interested in.

I am more than willing to give the mod a fair chance and if it is good I will remember it as a good fan creation but it can never be what the original was going to be.

The design of New Vegas also incorporated the gameplay of Fallout 3, if New Vegas would have been remade as a Fallout 1/2 style game the gameplay and some of the quests would also have to be designed in a different way.

I can recommend "Muramasa: The Demon Blade" by Vanillaware to you if you like 2D graphics. It's one of the best games I've ever played hands down.
Fallout is a trilogy for me.
We have 1,2 and New Vegas, with the last being an epilogue of sorts to the first two (think of a spin-off that's actually part of the main series) while Tactics is a companion to the series.
The best way to describe would be 1&2 being Harry Potter 1-7, New Vegas being the new play they made, and Tactics being that spin-off book that was produced.
BoS is a failed experiment that should be shot. But as it stands, I consider it a distant spin-off.
Fallout 3&4 are just a different series entirely, but taking the same concepts as the actual Fallout series.
Just put a title like 'Aftermath' or so with a sub heading of 'Fallout 3' for good measure.
Well I guess you could use they same logic as making an outhouse smell better, they are both very close in design and give similar feelings when exiting.
Rewording tricks to apply towards Fallout 3/4

How to Make Fallout 3 and 4 Unlike a Frequented Outhouse.
1 Lime the Smell Away

Lime is the traditional remedy for getting rid of shit smell. Its chemical name is calcium hydroxide (CaOH2). This product is available at hardware stores and garden centers. Simply sprinkle it over the pile of waste to keep the smell factor down. A word of caution if you decide to use lime to combat the smells of shitty writing coming from the 'game' installation: do not get any of it on the keyboard: the stuff will burn skin. You will need to wear gloves to protect your hands when working with lime at your installation of Fallout 3 and 4.

2 Sprinkle Some Sawdust

After playing Fallout 3 or 4, sprinkle some sawdust on the pile of waste. You only need to use a small amount of the stuff on a regular basis to deal with the smell of shitty writing and game design. The sawdust will absorb odor and still decompose over time, making it an easy and eco-friendly solution to the P.U. development in the studio.

3 Wood Ash it Out

If you happen to own a wood stove, don’t throw your ashes away once you have burned some wood. Let the ashes cool down and use them to make your privy smell pretty instead. Simply sprinkle them over the waste to deal with the smell of Emil and the poop squad.

4 Add Straw or Peat Moss

Consider adding some chopped-up straw or peat moss to the pile under your installation of Fallout 3 or 4. It will encourage a crust to form over top, which will help to keep the shitty writing down by containing the smell. Once the crust has formed, it will also help to keep flies away. This is a secondary benefit of using the straw or peat moss to keep the smell factor at bay.

5 Throw Some Kitchen Waste into the Mix

You can use your installation of Fallout 3 or 4 as a kind of composter. Add vegetable scraps to the PC or console on occasion to speed up the composting action and keep the smell of lazy development down. Make sure that you are not adding any meat products into the mix. If you ever eat cooked cabbage, be sure to include some of it to your “special” compost mix. This ingredient is especially good for helping the composting process along.

6 Pour Some Rid-X on the Problem

Rid-X is a product that is used for treating septic systems. It contains bacteria and enzymes that break down solid waste. To deal with Fallout 3 or 4 installation funk, your best bet will probably be to choose the liquid version of Rid-X, although this product is also available in powder and gel pacs, too. You may need to add some water to the product, since liquid is required to activate the bacteria and enzymes and start the process of dealing with the waste that is Fallout 3 and/or 4.
Any ideas?
The problem honestly isn't so much what they use as plot. I mean honestly, Fallout 1s serch for the waterchip or Fallout 2s "Save our tribe! Chosen one!", is as unsiprired like Fallout 3s "Where is my dad? He's a midle aged guy" And Fallout 4s "Where is my son? WHERE IS MY SOOOON!". Those are just your typical McGuffin, to get the story started.

What sucks is the stuff that happens between the begining and the end. The mind-nubing quest design, the fucked up writing and the boring NPCs. And they would be still there, even if you had this amazing and interesting plot line. This is where New Vegas really shines. I mean the Legion vs NCR. That's hardly spectacular or interesting. What makes it interesting is your role in all of it. The fact that you can define your own goals. Actuall role playing.
In other games the plot keeps scaling to surprise everytime. I remember when I discovered Lou, or the cathedral... or the Enclave, the president, etc. Those where WOOOOOOOOOOOOW moments.

In 3 or 4 there aren't any. Sadly. Maybe I played it growed an adult, but thinking objectively the plot is irrelevant to the world.

Factions of 4 are not "bad" at all. You can deliver a better story with the same factions but propperly written. I particullary get annoyed easily with Railroad ideals, because they are really senseless. But... the same could be done really really better.

The BOS being saviors of the wasteland is a really annoying thing, I thought they would change it after the critics, and also after NV implementation, but well, still the same shit. Elder Maxson is a terrible terrible character, maybe the worst of all. None of the BOS characters inspire the "respect-terror" feeling that a fascist BOS knight should inspire. You can put BOS in the main storyplot (I hate it, but well), but do it right. Do it as selfish "Detect tech and want it for me, and I am to kill everyone in the Commonwealth to it", or something like that.

The institute could be far far better thought. But it is for me the most "respectable" faction of this game. But as an anthagonist, it sucks. If you compare it to FO2' enclave, or FO1' master's army, Institute really sucks. Although it is "better" than FO3. FO3 anthagonists were... the worst in the franchise.

Minutemen.... irrelevant. Preston irrelevant. Settlements irrelevant.

So you have plenty of work to do... the world doesn't help any much with it. 95% are raiders, there are 3 crowded towns and... well, they lack.

So I don't know, there is a lot of work to do if you want to fix/rewrite that mess.