CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Why don't we make a game where we're a Jewish gangster (cough Banker) going around killing and robbing the evil Jew hating scum of Germany while trying to make a gang including a Russian Communist, French Stripper, Italian Fascist and a Polish ex-soldier.
10/10 IGN.
Wolfenstein: The New Order reveals that BJ is Jewish and he assembles the team of a Brit, a Polish girl, a disabled woman, and an autistic woman. He also recruits a man from an ancient Jewish secret society of inventors. I felt he needed a gay and Russian teammate too. Then again, my go-to Nazi-killing game is actually the much-underrated "The Saboteur" where the country of France has its Resistance saved by a sociopathic horny Irishman.
Its almost like game devs of AAA studios are more concerned with shoving their politics and messages down gamers throats instead of letting gamers have, oh whats that word, fun.
Also I wish devs will stop locking their fps at 30 for fuck sakes!
Is "Racism is bad" really politics that can be shoved? I mentioned this is a game where you murder your way through the Italian mob and Klan like a Black Frank Castle.Then again, I think games should aspire to be a form of art with messages, themes, and great storytelling. It's a medium which has a lot of potential that way.
Mafia 3, however, is the following movie.
Except, I think it'd be more fun if Lincoln Clay enjoyed himself like Dolemite.
Anyway, back to why Mafia 3 is a buggy mess and why devs need to stop releasing games that are broken on launch!
Because the developers couldn't decide on how to simulate driving, shooting, or language so they did all possible versions? This game hedges its bets tremendously. It's weird because I'd normally praise them for this but can't help and think it'd have been better to just choose one style and stick with it. It might have given them the time to actually finish the game's cinematics.
It gets worse when you discover that there were a lot of Fallout-esque choices left out too. In the original plans for the game, there was a Karma system. The more people you killed, the more violent and brutal Lincoln Clay would be in cutscenes. Also, how damaged and brutal New Bordeaux would become when you took it over. Alas, the game couldn't decide on its protagonist's level of violence and it feels like the choice should be there.
And the game will be beautiful when you can actually SEE it.
Interestingly, in light of my Nuka World praise, there's actually some of the mechanics from it in Mafia 3. The mobsters are always at each other's throats in Lincoln's organization so if you don't dole out territory fairly evenly then one of them will rebel and you'll have to exterminate them the way you've exterminated the other gangs which compete against your organization. There's an achievement for keeping them all loyal to you.
Anyway, back to the game.

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