Mafia III

Pretty much my feelings but more forgiving. I liked the characters and visuals but felt it had mediocre gameplay. Also, Ken Levine doesn't seem to understand how Christianity works. Which, fine, plenty of Christians of various denominations don't but being forgiven of your sins doesn't actually mean they become fine and you can do them over and over again.
I haven't played it since it came out. If I were to play it now I'm sure I'd be much more critical. I don't want to though, it's nice not having another game to get pouty over on the internet.
I haven't played it since it came out. If I were to play it now I'm sure I'd be much more critical. I don't want to though, it's nice not having another game to get pouty over on the internet.

I liked it for what it was, which was basically Bioshock 1 except reversed (clouds instead of underwater, Christianity instead of Objectivism, wide-open spaces versus cramped tubes) with Belle from Beauty and the Beast as your sidekick.


Okay, a good deal more into the game and there's some ups and downs.

1. The game gets rather repetitive and almost every single mission is a variant of, "sneak into one of these locations and get rid of the guards to assassinate someone or steal something." You can play it via murdering people or disabling them or sneaking them but there's very few missions which aren't like this. I also don't think there's a way to do car combat, which is ridiculous since it was a major part of Grand Theft Auto IV.

2. There's side-quests but they amount to doing favors for your underbosses to get their loyalty rating up. These are actually more interesting than the main quest as there's a bit more variety. However, when I stole a boat full of Reefer from the Dixie Mafia (Redneck Criminals), I was disappointed when it didn't become a boat chase because we had one in the opening of the game's sewer tunnels--which don't exist in New Orleans but they said they did it for the Rule of Cool.

3. Each of the Underbosses you employ has a different genre for their game. When you're working with Cassandra you're fighting the Redneck Racists, talking about the dictatorship in Haiti, and it's all very serious about the trauma of the past. When you're with Vito, it becomes Goodfellas with the fact you're a Black Man immaterial to all the usual busting up Unions, Wise Guys, and jokes. When you're with Thomas Burke, you're in Bayou Billy where YOU'RE the redneck moonshining Cajun.

Which is bizarre because he's Irish.

4. This game really did need more minigames and shit to buy. It feels like the entire past ten years of GTA clones didn't happen. Given all the money you're making, I feel like we needed Cribs, Clothes, and other shit to buy.

5. I'm dissapointed the Southern Union doesn't play a bigger role as they're a group I wanted to shoot up a lot but they're really just a single gang in the larger scheme of things.

6. The racism element isn't as prominent as the game has led to believe as while the Voice is always talking about how the Black Man is being kept down and has social commentary (the illegality of reefer, persecution by cops, and so on), the majority of quests just focus on Lincoln being a criminal for revenge and money.
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How is this game doing ? I heard its pretty buggy though how is everyone finding it
How is this game doing ? I heard its pretty buggy though how is everyone finding it

Bugs wise is the fact that if you go 90 mph then the game will not load fast enough and you'll see the environments magically fill up. I haven't had any crashes so far but I'm playing Xbox One. Interestingly, 2K has announced they're adding a bunch of "free DLC" which is bluntly stuff which was clearly planned for the main game.

1. Clothes to buy
2. Gas needed for cars
3. Minigames
Bugs wise is the fact that if you go 90 mph then the game will not load fast enough and you'll see the environments magically fill up. I haven't had any crashes so far but I'm playing Xbox One. Interestingly, 2K has announced they're adding a bunch of "free DLC" which is bluntly stuff which was clearly planned for the main game.

1. Clothes to buy
2. Gas needed for cars
3. Minigames

Could consider this game but seriously some of the bug I've seen in this game are bloody terrible. Not even patches will fix but yeah we will see how it goes. I might think of getting the game xbo1 as i did want it but these days some buggy messes are being released. I mean the top 2 should of already been fixed but i dunno. I defintly have to wait abit won't get paid in till the later in the month or something
No, that's actually the plot of the damn game. Booker was a half-Native American soldier who participated in the Massacre of Wounded Knee, proceeded to have a divergent history where Booker converted to Christianity and became Comstock but became violently racist as a way to cast his murderous actions in the past in a better light while the Other Booker (Our Booker) refused to convert to Christianity but became a Pinkerton Detective with anger issues. The two Bookers proceed to come together in a conflict with Our Booker allowing himself to be killed as a young man in order to prevent Comstock from ever being created--thus baptizing himself and dying for his sins and to give Elizabeth a new chance. Before you say the latter is me reading into it, he drowns AT A BAPTISM to die to save Elizabeth's life and repent his sins.
Wow... so it's a heavy handed Christian parable that still doesn't make sense to me?

So violently racist guy who wants to hide his past vs Pinkerton detective with anger issues. Throw in a naive girl as well.
Wow... so it's a heavy handed Christian parable that still doesn't make sense to me?

So violently racist guy who wants to hide his past vs Pinkerton detective with anger issues. Throw in a naive girl as well.

I've left out the part it's a quantum physics/multiple reality/time travel story as well. Basically, Comstock in Timeline 1# hires a scientist to build Columbia so he can have his flying city which will be a "true" America free of all those funny things like equal rights and respect for other religions. However, ironically, it requires a lot of foreign labor to get completed, which is the first big sign Comstock is an idiot.

The Scientist proceeds to have unlimited funding for her research (Comstock isn't sexist despite being a racist religious fanatic) and creates a gateway to another reality where she is a he and this is Timeline 2#. Scientist 1 and 2 start experimenting with their quantum mechanics devices when Comstock decides he needs an heir.

So Scientist 1 and 2 take him to a reality where Booker (who is an alternate reality Comstock) has had a daughter but is a drunken widower who can't take care of his baby daughter. This is Timeline 3#. Booker, in a fit of self-loathing, sells his baby to Comstock (who is elderly due to reasons and thus Booker doesn't recognize himself) but immediately regrets it and decides to go after her.

This results in him being dumped in Columbia.

Booker, because of reasons, doesn't remember this as Scientist 1 and 2 screw with his head and brainwash him into believing he's trying to recover a girl for a client to pay his gambling debts--not recover his daughter. Elizabeth, meanwhile, has grown up to be a 17 year old girl who has lived a completely isolated existence under Comstock's care as the exposure to quantum energies have given her superpowers he's decided to exploit to cleanse the Multiverse of all non-whites and non-fundamentalist batshit insane Christians. Booker "rescues" Elizabeth only for her to be repulsed by the fact he's a murderous antihero (and unbeknownst to her, her father).

There's a revolution in Columbia where all the Black and Irish labor in the city revolts against the racist WASP elite which fails but Elizabeth uses her quantum-mechanics power to succeed--resulting in everyone being massacred in the streets.

Stuff happens, stuff happens, and Elizabeth decides Columbia needs to never exist which requires Booker to die retroactively (but it doesn't effect her because she's a Quantum GoddessTM in the making).

Complicated story for a 1st person shooter.
I never knew I'd say this.

But over complicated and weird. Quantum mechanics with racist fundamentalists?

Also American exceptionalism and cartoonish Disney-like animation contrasted with ultraviolence.

Oh and turn of the century Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

It gets, I shit you not weirder with Burial at Sea which simultaneously shits on both Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite's plot in what I rank as, genuinely, the worst video game plot of all time.
Now I need to know.

In part 1, you are actually the Booker/Comstock of Timeline 4# (more like 10 but we'll go with 4) which is Bioshock 1. Booker is a private detective in Rapture despite the fact Rapture is set in the 1960s I think. Elizabeth from Timeline 1# is traveling through time murdering all of the surviving Comstocks, which is notable for being impossible by the game's own logic since she killed all of them with her godlike power before this. However, she's pretending to be a Femme Fatale because of reasons so you play Booker/Comstock as you search for a Little Sister so Elizabeth can serial killer torment you with allusions to your past at Wounded Knee and sins you didn't commit because you're not the Comstock of Timeline 1#. In the end, Elizabeth cold-bloodedly has you murdered by a Big Daddy to get VENGEANCE.

Note, Elizabeth has the personality of Belle from Beauty and the Beast in the main game so this is already bullshit.

In part 2, you're a suddenly depowered Elizabeth who has a freak-out about episode 1. You do a bunch of stuff for Atlas/Frank Fontaine before he tortures you and you die horribly saving the Little Sisters as well as setting up Jack for Bioshock 1#.

You know, rendering the entire Bioshock: Infinite game a prequel for Bioshock 1. Also, killing a beloved character in a horrible way in order to make Jack from Bioshock 1 look better. It actually pissed me off more than Mass Effect 3's ending for "emotionally nasty to gamer."

Fuck that DLC.


In part 1, you are actually the Booker/Comstock of Timeline 4# (more like 10 but we'll go with 4) which is Bioshock 1. Booker is a private detective in Rapture despite the fact Rapture is set in the 1960s I think. Elizabeth from Timeline 1# is traveling through time murdering all of the surviving Comstocks, which is notable for being impossible by the game's own logic since she killed all of them with her godlike power before this. However, she's pretending to be a Femme Fatale because of reasons so you play Booker/Comstock as you search for a Little Sister so Elizabeth can serial killer torment you with allusions to your past at Wounded Knee and sins you didn't commit because you're not the Comstock of Timeline 1#. In the end, Elizabeth cold-bloodedly has you murdered by a Big Daddy to get VENGEANCE.

In part 2, you're a suddenly depowered Elizabeth who has a freak-out about episode 1. You do a bunch of stuff for Atlas/Frank Fontaine before he tortures you and you die horribly saving the Little Sisters as well as setting up Jack for Bioshock 1#.

You know, rendering the entire Bioshock: Infinite game a prequel for Bioshock 1. Also, killing a beloved character in order to make Jack from Bioshock 1 look better. It actually pissed me off more than Mass Effect 3's ending for "emotionally nasty to gamer."

Fuck that DLC.


I don't throw the misogynist word around at video games often but Burial at Sea seemed to hate, if not women in general, Elizabeth and the gamers who liked her.

Which was most.

She's a really really popular character due to hitting all the adorable daughter/kid sister vibes.

It gets doubly "funny" with the back story that Burial at Sea was a "burn the franchise and run" because the developers were going bankrupt and the IP was going to be sold out from under them.
I honestly thought Infinite's story was pretentious. I mean, I liked Elizabeth and Booker well enough, but throwing all of the Columbia plotlines out of the window in favor of timey wimey BS didn't sit well with me, along with random shit like not-Plasmids being there basically just because it's Bioshock and bona fide undead. Bioshock 1 seemed like a relatively consistent package, even if ADAM was also an all-purpose plot device there. Infinite feels like a jumbled mess that doesn't know if it wants to be about racism, family, or made up quantum mechanics, and tries to mix all three to... well, mixed success. It's also why I didn't buy the DLCs, which was a wise move from what I saw. The amount of weapons-grade retconium being used is pretty shameful for what is supposed to be a story based franchise.

Then again, I mostly just hate time travel stories out of principle most of the time, it just seems so lazy, and writers treat it as a licence to just make shit up.

Also, I'm just going to facepalm at the prior ignorance about the Mafia not belonging in New Orleans. As if the city was only ever about voodoo priests with comical accents trying to ruin Mardis Gras. I guess everything is ''too pc'' if it doesn't fit into the clichés brought about by 80's and 90's movies.
I haven't played Infinite yet, but I'm very sceptical about any story that involves quantum mechanics and uncertainty relations and multiverses because fact is most people get these wrong.
Anyway, Mafia 3 looks pretty cool in principle (love the late 60's, love New Orleans), but from what I've heard it appears that the game suffers from a bit of Pesto-Gravying, meaning that you have to do tons of repeated menial tasks in order to advance.

But it reminds me that I should really reinstall Mafia, because that game was fucking awesome (pretty damn hard, too). Now that's a game that deserves a proper remake.
I haven't played Infinite yet, but I'm very sceptical about any story that involves quantum mechanics and uncertainty relations and multiverses because fact is most people get these wrong.
Anyway, Mafia 3 looks pretty cool in principle (love the late 60's, love New Orleans), but from what I've heard it appears that the game suffers from a bit of Pesto-Gravying, meaning that you have to do tons of repeated menial tasks in order to advance.

But it reminds me that I should really reinstall Mafia, because that game was fucking awesome (pretty damn hard, too). Now that's a game that deserves a proper remake.

Yeah I mean just watch a few re veiws from youtube they will put they game down to size. In many ways it is next gen but yeah what you think is big an expansive is actually not really. I mean i has lots of entrable buildings ect. Has really good enviromental sounds. And the way in witch the main story works is freshing. But seriously if you watch the game on consol when you drive the city does't even load not to mention that the cars sound well quite fake or something its kinda weird. I mean even gta 5 on ps3 loaded probably so yeah I don't really understand how they can get this wrong on xbox one ect. It also crashes alot apparently. No to mention theres no real end game ect. So i dunno. I think it will be worth a play but wait to get second hand ect. It prehaphs missing some features but more importantly sufferes from bugs. I mean watch game play thing will strugle to load when driving like 40 mph its really rediciluious. That for me would spoil the whloe game when I just want to drive round listien to the radio (Witch seems pretty good )

Postives; Good acting story, cool cars, Mission effect other mission, Sounds + music

cons; Bugs bugs bugs. Literally immersion breaking bugs. Cars sound werid canny, Enmeys are too easy to fight hand to hand, Missing some features
Actually, I applaud Mafia III for getting a specific bit of American mafia folklore correct with Sal Marcano being a transparent stand-in for Carlos Marcello. A.K.A. The Mobster who was supposed to have been involved in JFK's death.

I haven't played Infinite yet, but I'm very sceptical about any story that involves quantum mechanics and uncertainty relations and multiverses because fact is most people get these wrong.

Well, there's no attempt to make them realistic. They work entirely on the basis of pop culture variations on the concept and even reference Rosencratz and Guildenstern are dead.

Anyway, Mafia 3 looks pretty cool in principle (love the late 60's, love New Orleans), but from what I've heard it appears that the game suffers from a bit of Pesto-Gravying, meaning that you have to do tons of repeated menial tasks in order to advance

Weirdly, the repetitiveness is not something which bothers me as it's basically just a bunch of levels where you can decide how you want to take out the local thugs. You can do it gunplay, stealth, or, well, that's it but there's a lot of freedom in how you do your massacres. Also, it's not always murder but stealing or sabotage too.

But it reminds me that I should really reinstall Mafia, because that game was fucking awesome (pretty damn hard, too). Now that's a game that deserves a proper remake.

I've heard nothing but good things.
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Bioshock: Infinite Plotholes is the definition of pretentious. If there is a "Oscar Bait" of video games Infinite would fall into that category. So glad I don't have to hear the constant masturbating over it's subpar plot because they said some big words that the writers clearly don't understand or because someone got attached to the waifu bait permanent escort character.
