Mafia III

I honestly thought Infinite's story was pretentious. I mean, I liked Elizabeth and Booker well enough, but throwing all of the Columbia plotlines out of the window in favor of timey wimey BS didn't sit well with me, along with random shit like not-Plasmids being there basically just because it's Bioshock and bona fide undead. Bioshock 1 seemed like a relatively consistent package, even if ADAM was also an all-purpose plot device there. Infinite feels like a jumbled mess that doesn't know if it wants to be about racism, family, or made up quantum mechanics, and tries to mix all three to... well, mixed success. It's also why I didn't buy the DLCs, which was a wise move from what I saw. The amount of weapons-grade retconium being used is pretty shameful for what is supposed to be a story based franchise.

I appreciate the fact they didn't try to redo Bioshock 1 the same way Bioshock 2 did. Bioshock 2 was fine, really, but they needed something entirely new. I will say, though, I believe strongly in a progressive agenda but B:I is more interested in the not even proven to be true theories of the Multiverse and storytelling as a medium looking at itself than things like, "Racial injustice" and "Reconciling guilt." In short, they were more interested in naval gazing than anything actually relative to real life.

Then again, I mostly just hate time travel stories out of principle most of the time, it just seems so lazy, and writers treat it as a licence to just make shit up.

I threw away a 60K manuscript because it was a time travel story and I realized offered nothing of remote interest to reality.

Also, I'm just going to facepalm at the prior ignorance about the Mafia not belonging in New Orleans. As if the city was only ever about voodoo priests with comical accents trying to ruin Mardis Gras. I guess everything is ''too pc'' if it doesn't fit into the clichés brought about by 80's and 90's movies.

I'm actually going to credit Mafia III for causing me to do a lot more research in NO as well as its history with the mafia (as well as the KKK, Civil Rights movement, and organized crime in general). It made me change my mind on the fact I didn't want a New Orleans Fallout game. Now I very much want one with Chris Avellone as the head.

That's always nice of the developers, though honestly it should have been there in the first place.

100% agreed. This very much feels like Grand Theft Auto IV except it's lacking a lot of that game's features. There's a massive indoor world in the game but there's nothing to do in it. If there's a bowling alley, really, you should have a bowling minigame.

I feel like they could have had a great game if they'd spent another six months in this game versus a very good one.

Even so, it still feels like a last generation console game.
If there's a bowling alley, really, you should have a bowling minigame.
That's not... that's not what I meant. That's just gimmicky shit, I mean important features.

Actually, I'm speaking of the larger context that the game doesn't feel quite "lived in" for a wide open sandbox. I say this as someone who doesn't do minigames.
There's currently a debate whether the game would have been better not as a wide-open sandbox but as a more linear story-based game. I think, as offputting as the repetitive sidequests are, New Bordeaux is too awesome to make smaller.

I should also mention this is a tie-in to Red Dead Redemption 2.


New Bordeaux is part of the map.
I played and finished Mafia 3 last weekend. I actually liked it. Its a decent game. I'll just list the pros and cons of the game to make it simple.

  • The story is very good. I was engaged the whole time. The game also has a great cast of characters.
  • The gunplay is smooth but easy. I'll get on that part later.
  • New Bordeaux is full of character.
  • The music in this game is fantastic
  • Lincoln clay is relatable (to me anyway)
  • Its a buggy mess. I have crashed multiple times while playing the game.
  • Driving in this game is meh, but in car chases its a total nightmare.
  • Its so easy. You can go full Rambo and not lose one health bar. The only times I did die was because I was fooling around.
  • Graphically, it doesn't look great
  • The AI in this game is retarded.
If you're willing to over look the cons, the game is good. Its not fantastic but it isn't atrocious either. Its good, just good.

Also the game isn't anti-white. The game doesn't pull the SJW card, and say every white person to ever exist is evil. It takes place in the 60s. Obviously, there is going to be some racism. Obviously, you're going to have people like Cassandra or The Voice. Obviously, you're going to have people like Remy Duvall or the Dixie Mafia. Again, it takes place in the 60s.

Edit: The game is really repetitive.
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Forbes did a good article on this game as compared to Grand Theft Auto V, which is a bit like comparing The Avengers to a movie made by a studio owned by a studio owned by Disney. However, it's actually a decent enough comparison.

GTA is a graphical powerhouse and an amazing amount of minigames as well as level design stuck with three completely unlikable assholes. GTA always does antiheroes but I felt Michael, Franklin, and Trevor were particularly, "why should I give a shit?" Ironically, I think Trevor was probably the most sympathetic of them and that makes me feel unclean thinking about it.

By contrast, Mafia III is a graphical 90-pound weakling with none of the minigames or side activities a wide-open sandbox should possess. However, it's story is one I'm invested in from the beginning to the end. The story is pretty much carrying the game from beginning and it does a pretty good job but I can't help if it had GTA V's care or even Saints Row 2 then it would have been one of the big releases of the year.

I played and finished Mafia 3 last weekend. I actually liked it. Its a decent game. I'll just list the pros and cons of the game to make it simple.

  • The story is very good. I was engaged the whole time. The game also has a great cast of characters.
  • The gunplay is smooth but easy. I'll get on that part later.
  • New Bordeaux is full of character.
  • The music in this game is fantastic
  • Lincoln clay is relatable (to me anyway)
  • Its a buggy mess. I have crashed multiple times while playing the game.
  • Driving in this game is meh, but in car chases its a total nightmare.
  • Its so easy. You can go full Rambo and not lose one health bar. The only times I did die was because I fooling around.
  • Graphically, it doesn't look great
  • The AI in this game is retarded.
If you're willing to over look the cons, the game is good. Its not fantastic but it isn't atrocious either. Its good, just good.

I pretty much agree with this, 99%.

Also the game isn't anti-white. The game doesn't pull the SJW card, and say every white person to ever exist is evil. It takes place in the 60s. Obviously, there is going to be some racism. Obviously, you're going to have people like Cassandra or The Voice. Obviously, you're going to have people like Remy Duvall or the Dixie Mafia. Again, it takes place in the 60s.

I actually felt the game didn't go quite far enough. There's some good bits like the Voice's lectures against racism and their antithesis in "Native Son" but the vast majority of the game could have a White protagonist without changing anything. After all, a veteran returning home from war only to have his family attacked by the Mob then REVENGE is the plot for the following:

* The Godfather
* Mack Bolan
* The Punisher

There's elements of Rambo involved too. The only difference is the color of Lincoln's skin. I think they could have gone further and had the Dixie Mob and Southern Union play bigger roles in the game.

The people Lincoln hates aren't hated because they're racists. They're hated because they killed his family for money.

Forbes did a good article on this game as compared to Grand Theft Auto V, which is a bit like comparing The Avengers to a movie made by a studio owned by a studio owned by Disney. However, it's actually a decent enough comparison.

GTA is a graphical powerhouse and an amazing amount of minigames as well as level design stuck with three completely unlikable assholes. GTA always does antiheroes but I felt Michael, Franklin, and Trevor were particularly, "why should I give a shit?" Ironically, I think Trevor was probably the most sympathetic of them and that makes me feel unclean thinking about it.

I 100% agree with you on GTA V's protagonist. I didn't really like them or their arcs. Michael's arc could have been really good, but the supporting cast (Tracey, Jimmy, Amanda,etc) were really annoying, so annoying I stopped playing the game for a good two weeks. Franklin's arc is bad mainly because of Franklin. He bitches and moans all the time. His supporting cast (Lamar, Denise, etc) were hilarious. Trevor felt like the sterotypical psychopath. I didn't hate him but I didn't love him either. His supporting cast (Wade, Ron, etc) were dull.
Polygon has a pretty good review.

Last week, after my first six hours with Mafia 3, I wrote that I was concerned that the issues of race would dissipate as the game continued. Those fears were semi-confirmed; race is an element throughout Mafia 3, but beyond a mid-game scenario where you have to fight against the Southern Union (the game's stand-in for the Ku Klux Klan), it drives the narrative less and less.

In general, Mafia 3's plot is full of promise that the the game's structure rarely delivers on. Its characters are sharply written, smart and easily relatable. Lincoln Clay is a likable protagonist — if only just slightly deeper than the average action game hero — and he interacts with a wide cast of interesting friends, such as Father James, a priest torn between helping Clay and chiding him for the terror he's causing. Even bad guys, such as the goofy, glad-handing "Uncle" Lou Marcano are a lot of fun to watch in cutscenes.

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I'm enjoying Mafia III but I have to say that it's a lot more bugged for a Triple A game than it should be. The whole controversy where the PC version was stuck at 30 fps when it should be 60fps is just one of the major problems which never should have been on the release version. Patching these is very important in order to get the maximized experience for those who actually like the game like myself.

Some of the things the developers have promised which I really want to see inserted in quickly (but will probably be DLC) is:

* The Clothes Stores
* Car Customization
* Street Races
* Extra Save Slots

I can wait on those but the bugs should be something they handle ASAP.