Trump is winning

Wow, Trump must be a violent serial rapist then because he made lewd comments. Did you actually listen to the whole audio yourself? It's fucking nothing, literally just them joking around. He wasn't literally saying "oh yea I go around grabbing chicks by the twat all the time" he's saying "yea being so rich and famous I probably could these chicks are so easy". He also talks about a chick he failed to hook up with in the past. Earth. Shattering. I thought liberals were supposed to be the "sexual liberated ones" but a few promiscuous comments from Trump in private and all of the sudden you're all victorian era prudes. If you really think dudes don't ever joke around and shoot the shit like this you've got to be sheltered as hell.

Heres the full tape btw because I'm assuming you haven't even listened to the full thing based on your huffington post-tier summary of it.

Yea I wasn't saying polygraph's work, the polygraph itself is besides the point and that picture wasn't referring to Bill Clinton. It's referring to a rape case where she was defending the rapist. The point is she's literally laughing about getting a rapist who she knew was guilty off almost scott free.

Hey guess what this isn't?
An argument.

Keep assuming wrong. I heard the whole thing. And - I'm a dude. I'm a very sexually motivated dude. Never have I had anything near of what Trump said there. It's repugnant across the board. And I do doubt most guys who go along to 'I'm so rich and powerful I can just go up and kiss a beautiful girl and grab their pussy', which is sexual assault in any world. That's the big difference. If you think what he said was anywhere even locker room level guy talk, I would doubt you've been in a locker room with dudes.

And I don't care if it's an argument. An argument implies I care enough to debate. There's nothing left to debate. In fact, my post here wasn't even for debate or to change your mind or to argue, but to update since no one else was talking about this gaffe.

You're also the one trying to use Clinton's judge obligated defense of a rapist forty years ago to paint her as evil and even to then go off and argue that from that she'll defend her husband against sexual misconduct accusations, while again, all I have to do to look at Trump and have my opinion validated about him is to look at what he types in rage - seems like you have to jump through more hoops than I do.
Keep assuming wrong. I heard the whole thing. And - I'm a dude. I'm a very sexually motivated dude. Never have I had anything near of what Trump said there. It's repugnant across the board. And I do doubt most guys who go along to 'I'm so rich and powerful I can just go up and kiss a beautiful girl and grab their pussy', which is sexual assault in any world. That's the big difference. If you think what he said was anywhere even locker room level guy talk, I would doubt you've been in a locker room with dudes.
Oh my good Lord yea Trump was being totally serious. He goes around just grabbing the pussy left and right, can't keep the guy off of them. Never ever has someone made an edgy sex joke with a friend. Men never EVER boast about how easy they can get laid. They WOULDN'T DARE over exaggerate about something like that, totally unthinkable. It's more reasonable to assume that Trump thinks he can go around crotch grabbing and actively partakes in this kind of behavior (despite there being 0 evidence to support this) than it is to say this is just a couple of guys bullshitting on a bus ride. It sounds less like this is some serious deep dark confession on Trump's and more like you're too autistic to read social situations.
And I don't care if it's an argument. An argument implies I care enough to debate. There's nothing left to debate. In fact, my post here wasn't even for debate or to change your mind or to argue, but to update since no one else was talking about this gaffe.
Continuing replying to me to show how much you just don't care enough to debate.
You're also the one trying to use Clinton's judge obligated defense of a rapist forty years ago to paint her as evil
Wrong. I'm using her LAUGHING. ABOUT. GETTING. A. RAPIST. OFF. SCOTT. FREE. Not that she was obligated to defend him, but that she thinks it's hilarious. Most people wouldn't be laughing it up if they knew they just got someone they know is guilty of rape off easy.
and even to then go off and argue that from that she'll defend her husband against sexual misconduct accusations,
Wrong again. I literally never said this (although she ALREADY HAS DONE JUST THAT BEFORE). You get on my case about "assuming wrong" and then engage in wild mass guessing. Are you actively trying to misinterpret everything I say? Is English not your first language? A reading comprehension issue maybe?
all I have to do to look at Trump and have my opinion validated about him is to look at what he types in rage
So you base your political decisions and beliefs off of tweets and not actual policy? lol good luck with that "I don't have to do research, he said mean words on twitter! >:( ".
seems like you have to jump through more hoops than I do.
Well you have to basically
A: Assume Trump is always 100% literal even when fucking joking making deep, horrific confessions privately with a friend.
B: That you can fully judge Trump on some posts on Twitter and not his policy or successful business background or anything else.
C: That Clinton laughing about getting a rapist off easy is totally A-OK as long as she doesn't make any sexual comments cause that's just not right :(
D: Get almost everything I'm saying totally wrong to the point where I'm concerned for your health in order to continue this discussion
So you've got quite the mental gymnastics to run through to make your little belief system there work friendo.
It's ridiculous. No one called Bush Hitler when they invaded Iraq.

Errr, yes, shedloads of people did. I still remember it, and I was 14. You mass protests across the world, including the USA, and so on. Far more protests than for Russia's invasion as I recall.

As for what Trump said in 2006, yeah that's really reaching (no pun intended). I mean, that Trump is a douche was beyond question to me, but two guys making lewd jokes in private isn't exactly indictive of much in regards to one of them being elected.

It mostly ''works'' because Trump already has a reputation as someone disrespectful to women, and really he kinda asked for it with how he treats some of them publically to this day. And these quotes surfing about, as asinine as they are, is kinda the last thing he needs since he desperately requires the votes of women.
Errr, yes, shedloads of people did. I still remember it, and I was 14. You mass protests across the world, including the USA, and so on. Far more protests than for Russia's invasion as I recall.

As for what Trump said in 2006, yeah that's really reaching (no pun intended). I mean, that Trump is a douche was beyond question to me, but two guys making lewd jokes in private isn't exactly indictive of much in regards to one of them being elected.

It mostly ''works'' because Trump already has a reputation as someone disrespectful to women, and really he kinda asked for it with how he treats some of them publically to this day. And these quotes surfing about, as asinine as they are, is kinda the last thing he needs since he desperately requires the votes of women.

Long post.

Your a talker. Listening to talkers make me thirsty........and hungry. Being me one of those chickens.
As for what Trump said in 2006, yeah that's really reaching (no pun intended). I mean, that Trump is a douche was beyond question to me, but two guys making lewd jokes in private isn't exactly indictive of much in regards to one of them being elected.

It mostly ''works'' because Trump already has a reputation as someone disrespectful to women, and really he kinda asked for it with how he treats some of them publically to this day. And these quotes surfing about, as asinine as they are, is kinda the last thing he needs since he desperately requires the votes of women.
People seem to forget that Hillary said that she didn't support gay marriage until 2013/2014.
If you're going to hold one accountable for things said 10 years ago, do it to the other as well. If I was an American I'd either reluctantly vote Trump or not vote at all.

Being me one of those chickens.
Another quality reference.
Errr, yes, shedloads of people did. I still remember it, and I was 14. You mass protests across the world, including the USA, and so on. Far more protests than for Russia's invasion as I recall.
Fuck... um... no one called Obama... no shit they did... um... Jesus, Hitler is now a buzzword for people you don't like.
Gonna hand this one to Trump, he was far more prepared than for the first debate and it showed. Clinton was far worse on the defensive this time around. I actually get what she tried to say when she justified her leaked speech (as in, politicians always have to keep their agenda hidden to a degree, and people are fooling themselves if they think Trump isn't doing it), but trying to compare herself to Lincoln? Ye gods, woman, what next, compare your virtues to Jesus Christ's himself?

Then again, I thought those debates couldn't get lower after last time, but holy shit was this low from beginning to end. Mud slinging again and again and again, Trump being himself and Clinton hiding behind the veneer of politeness but being little better if any. Trump's non verbal language was also very telling, man looked ready to freaking burst at times. So little of value said by either. And the threat to prosecute another presidency candidate? Man, talk about upping the hostility ante. They didn't even shake hands, for pete's sake.

Unfortunately for Trump, it is possible that people will also remember some of his missteps on top of his good hits. The biggest of which is him disagreeing with running mate on an important foreign policy issue. Like, seriously, what? I'm not sure I've ever seen that one. What kind of intern did that fuck-up?

I need a drink to celebrate the fact I'm not a US voter. And another to lament the fact that the policies implemented by whatever joker is in charge will end up impacting me nevertheless. And then a third, bittersweet one when I remember whoever gets voted in will get stonewalled by Congress so hard it will make the 300 movie look like a picnic.
Virtue: Signaled.
This is what I interpreted from your post: "I'm just going to let his point fly right over my head and put words in his mouth. Yeah, that'll kill his non-existent ego." I am not supporting these candidates because I think neither of them are fit to run for president, but then again, I am not eligible to vote to begin with, so you can rightly fuck off with your bullshit assumptions. Even if I was, I simply would not vote; and it does not make me "above it all" when there is many people on this forum who feel exactly as I do about this, because this is actually one of the worst elections in U.S. history.

People who based their perspective just on what they hear without a second thought are dumb, not those who simply vote; again everything I said just went over your head for some reason. Those are the same exact people who regurgitate drivel, such as Trump being "literally Hitler" and that Hillary Clinton should be president "because she's female". A lot of people vote for these two for incredibly stupid reasons, and supporters of both candidates often fling shit at each other like children.

Maybe calling these my first two posts I made today were unwarranted, but people are ignorant when it comes to politics. That is not a goddamn superiority complex, that is just a cold, hard fact. People often try to twist facts around so they will fit their on views, I seen it on the internet and IRL as well as on TV.
This is what I interpreted from your post: "I'm just going to let his point fly right over my head and put words in his mouth. Yeah, that'll kill his non-existent ego." I am not supporting these candidates because I think neither of them are fit to run for president, but then again, I am not eligible to vote to begin with, so you can rightly fuck off with your bullshit assumptions. Even if I was, I simply would not vote; and it does not make me "above it all" when there is many people on this forum who feel exactly as I do about this, because this is actually one of the worst elections in U.S. history.

People who based their perspective just on what they hear without a second thought are dumb, not those who simply vote; again everything I said just went over your head for some reason. Those are the same exact people who regurgitate drivel, such as Trump being "literally Hitler" and that Hillary Clinton should be president "because she's female". A lot of people vote for these two for incredibly stupid reasons, and supporters of both candidates often fling shit at each other like children.

Maybe calling these my first two posts I made today were unwarranted, but people are ignorant when it comes to politics. That is not a goddamn superiority complex, that is just a cold, hard fact. People often try to twist facts around so they will fit their on views, I seen it on the internet and IRL as well as on TV.
If you care so little about this election why were your first two posts in a long time about this election and the candidates and speaking as if people who support either candidates are just sooo un-intellectual.. Not saying you're not allowed to but it looks like you're doing a bit of virtue signaling to me....
If you care so little about this election why were your first two posts in a long time about this election and the candidates and speaking as if people who support either candidates are just sooo un-intellectual.. Not saying you're not allowed to but it looks like you're doing a bit of virtue signaling to me....
Probably because I actually do care about the election because it will possibly affect the area I live in some way.

...speaking as if people who support either candidates are just sooo un-intellectual...
Nope. YouTube comments are already has that cover. Those two posts could mean anything. You can call it "virtue signaling" all you want, all you did was made a meme, or whatever the hell that was supposed to be.
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If you care so little about this election why were your first two posts in a long time about this election and the candidates and speaking as if people who support either candidates are just sooo un-intellectual.. Not saying you're not allowed to but it looks like you're doing a bit of virtue signaling to me....
Ugh god, don't use the fucking 'if you don't care about this election why do you partake in the discussion'. Oh I don't know... because America is the world's biggest super power and it's foreign policy affects large parts of the world?