Trump is winning

Ugh god, don't use the fucking 'if you don't care about this election why do you partake in the discussion'. Oh I don't know... because America is the world's biggest super power and it's foreign policy affects large parts of the world?

Because obviously anyone who doesn't have a shrine dedicated to worshiping Trump and posts memes of the man at every available opportunity is an idiot.

This is simply part of the overly partisan bullshit that makes the American system what it is.
I hate the republican party just as much as i do the dems
Im just saying coming in to say "lol both sides suck were all doomed" is just useless and false.
I am convinced that the song Fairytale of New York was actually written about the US Presidential Elections
Vergil, don't you think you would be much better off in the Youtube commentent section of some clip about the ellection? Many people there seem to share your mannerism in discussing :).
Vergil, don't you think you would be much better off in the Youtube commentent section of some clip about the ellection? Many people there seem to share your mannerism in discussing :).
Only if you agree you'd be much better off in the commemts section of comedy centrals facebook page. :D
or a gas chamber
I hate the republican party just as much as i do the dems
Im just saying coming in to say "lol both sides suck were all doomed" is just useless and false.

At the risk of repeating myself, the guy who posts giant memes about grabbing Clinton's pussy doesn't really have a leg to stand on when calling other posts ''useless'', as far as I see it, and opinions contrary to yours aren't always ''false''.
At the risk of repeating myself, the guy who posts giant memes about grabbing Clinton's pussy doesn't really have a leg to stand on when calling other posts ''useless'', as far as I see it, and opinions contrary to yours aren't always ''false''.
You've made the first mistake.

Taking someone on the internet seriously.
I mean if you ignore my other (and the vast majority of my posts) massive and constant serious posts with statistics and facts to back my arguments then yea probably you'd be right. Difference between me and them is I indulge in the occasional jokey post, especially to celibrate a heated presidential debate where my canidate won, and not the only thing I ever have to say is "both sides are dumb, feel the power of my moderate wisdom". It's the boring overused white noise of ploitical discussion. Theres nothing interesting, provacative or worth reading in general about the 100th guy popping in to say "lol every1 is dum ;^)".
I mean if you ignore my other (and the vast majority of my posts) massive and constant serious posts with statistics and facts to back my arguments then yea probably you'd be right. Difference between me and them is I indulge in the occasional jokey post, especially to celibrate a heated presidential debate where my canidate won, and not the only thing I ever have to say is "both sides are dumb, feel the power of my moderate wisdom". It's the boring overused white noise of ploitical discussion. Theres nothing interesting, provacative or worth reading in general about the 100th guy popping in to say "lol every1 is dum ;^)".
And you think people here havn't heard already a million times your so called wisdom about Trump? Get real ...
Yes, Adolf!
Debunk this then:

.... literally look at the past two pages where this was already discussed.
ISIS is cutting off heads, Clintons are getting away with rape and theres a 20trillion dollar debt but let's all slow down and focus on two guys bullshitting around in the back of a bus with some jokey macho locker room talk 11 years ago. Nothing they said there is any more extreme than shit any of us have said in jest with our friends, come on. Clinton has bullied Bill's victims and laughed at getting a child rapist off on charges. Sorry Trump is just like 90% of all men and when in private he makes some lewd jokes. I never figured it'd be the "sexually liberated" liberals who'd start clutching their pearls at some raunchy talk. Weren't you just complaining about Americans being overly puritanical?

EDIT: Also the media needs to quit this bullshit. Trump isn't talking about "all women". He's talking about groupies, fangirls. The type of women who are attracted to a rich, powerful, tall handsome and aggressive guy. Fun fact btw, the woman they're talking about in the purple dress? She admitted in an interview she was attracted to Trump lol
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.... literally look at the past two pages where this was already discussed.
ISIS is cutting off heads, Clintons are getting away with rape and theres a 20trillion dollar debt but let's all slow down and focus on two guys bullshitting around in the back of a bus with some jokey macho locker room talk 11 years ago. Nothing they said there is any more extreme than shit any of us have said in jest with our friends, come on. Clinton has bullied Bill's victims and laughed at getting a child rapist off on charges. Sorry Trump is just like 90% of all men and when in private he makes some lewd jokes. I never figured it'd be the "sexually liberated" liberals who'd start clutching their pearls at some raunchy talk.
Stop making excuses. He is about as presidential as a mole rat, and this proves it. With the temperament of a 3 year old.

Still want him to win so we get an immediate trade deal and I can watch E̶v̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ the utter farce across the pond with an even stronger sense of detached amusement than usual.
Stop making excuses. He is about as presidential as a mole rat, and this proves it. With the temperament of a 3 year old.
So jokes over a decade ago proves he's totally "unpresidential" now?
You do know this is the same country whose had candidates call eachother hermaphrodites (and then win the election) and get in over a hundred duels to the death, host cheese eating parties at the White House and beat people with his cane and be considered one of the greatest American Presidents of all time right? And these are both early Presidents who are also considered founding fathers. (Jefferson and Jackson).
So jokes over a decade ago proves he's totally "unpresidential" now?
You do know this is the same country whose had candidates call eachother hermaphrodites (and then win the election) and get in over a hundred duels to the death, host cheese eating parties at the White House and beat people with his cane and be considered one of the greatest American Presidents of all time right? And these are both early Presidents who are also considered founding fathers. (Jefferson and Jackson).
That was all 150 years ago mind you. Different time.
That was all 150 years ago mind you. Different time.
Yea, a different time, namely the creation of America and the formation of what the America people consider to be the "quintessential American President". To say Trump is "unpresidential" is ludicrous. From the beginning of the country to recent times we've had Presidents who weren't exactly "politically correct" in their private time. The American people didn't let retarded bullshit like what two guys say while jokingly trying to one up eachother in a bit of macho posturing a decade ago get in the way of actually important shit and theres no reason they should now. I'm sorry he's not a civilized Victorian upper classmen of the aristocracy who would faint at such vulgar words but we separated ourselves from you pretentious cunts over 150 years ago so I'll stick with the guy whose real and gets shit done even if he said some "naughty words".

Look, I know you have no real opinions on anything and just like to flamebait (just look at every one of your threads) but at least try to pretend to know what you're talking about.