NMA’s only mutie
no matter who is elected, in a few years I'll get to play Fallout IRL
Unfortunately, for us Americans, all the parties are pretty shit ATM
Trump might weaken NATO but super hippy Jill Stein will demolish it, and our military with it. Of course countries won't attack you when you are at your strongest, they will wait for super duper idealist hippies to weaken the fuck out of the country then strike. Then the hippies will be like, 'gosh, I dunno why they attacked us'.
Johnson is no different. He is a big, 'Lets stick our heads in the sand', kind of guy as well. Let every other rival nation make strategic global moves and gain influence and build a bigger coalition while we just 'mind our own business'. Instead of being a super lefty, he is a mostly center left with small dash of right for show.
Hillary will bankrupt this nation with Bernies social psychosis. She is no better than Bammy in regards to dealing with out competitors (as in she isn't as clueless as the hippies but she is still all about playing more 'fair', in the global arena. She is will do jack shit about ILLEGAL immigration.
Trump, is better by the smallest fucking sliver of a margin.
He may wreak havoc on our global reach and ruin our image to friends who depend on us for protection. He may actually support less LEGAL immigration, which TBH is crazy but oh well. He may even be protectionist whos tariffs would hurt American consumers just as bad as we hurt others. But at the very least, there is a chance he might flip flop on everything and actually, 'make the country great again'.
So yea, pretty much shite all around though Our candidates are so fucking depressing.
I know man.....the hype is real.no matter who is elected, in a few years I'll get to play Fallout IRL
Fuck the desert, it's dry and hot there.
That's more like it. Woods are important. Also, rain and snow.Where else would we go? I suppose we could do it near me... I'm from Wisconsin and we have tons of forests and fields here.
That's more like it. Woods are important. Also, rain and snow.
I thought 50% of Americans were coming to Canada depending on who one? Well we don't want you, we are fucking up our own country without your influence.
Country is shocked as two men in a private conversation talk about women in a lewd way. Up next, Middle School kids say bad words too.Trump: “I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Bush: “Whatever you want.”
Trump: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Trump: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”
Country is shocked as two men in a private conversation talk about women in a lewd way. Up next, Middle School kids say bad words too.
Yea I'm sure if some of the off the wall shit me and some friends of mine have said when the topic of chicks came up it wouldn't be too flattering either. Theres a difference between these statements and Bill Clinton who has actually sexually assaulted women and Hillary who has defended rapists and derided rape victims.
wtf I'm #WithHer now.Men say lewd stuff, sure. But men rarely if ever say anything about outright sexual assault. There's a difference. If you don't see it, then by all means try to whisk this away, but for 80% of everyone else, it's as plain as day.
wtf I'm #WithHer now.
Literally you have some overtly sexual remarks between two buddies next to legitimate rape and defense of rape by the Clintons. This is reaching.
I can't wait for the future elections where they pull up someone's Xbox Live chatlog where they talked about fuckin someone's mother and calling people "Nigger faggots".
Wow, Trump must be a violent serial rapist then because he made lewd comments. Did you actually listen to the whole audio yourself? It's fucking nothing, literally just them joking around. He wasn't literally saying "oh yea I go around grabbing chicks by the twat all the time" he's saying "yea being so rich and famous I probably could these chicks are so easy". He also talks about a chick he failed to hook up with in the past. Earth. Shattering. I thought liberals were supposed to be the "sexual liberated ones" but a few promiscuous comments from Trump in private and all of the sudden you're all victorian era prudes. If you really think dudes don't ever joke around and shoot the shit like this you've got to be sheltered as hell.Trump was 60 when he made those comments and Billy 33. There's no equivalent to being little shits on xbox, these are grown men, whose comments are telling of what they earnestly and really think.
Yea I wasn't saying polygraph's work, the polygraph itself is besides the point and that picture wasn't referring to Bill Clinton. It's referring to a rape case where she was defending the rapist. The point is she's literally laughing about getting a rapist who she knew was guilty off almost scott free.Also...polygraphs *don't work*. I don't care if you're taking down Hill via Bill (though that seems roundabout), but just for the record - they don't work, and putting your faith in them is very strawgrabbing.
Hey guess what this isn't?Meanwhile anyone against Trump just has to look at his twitter page.