Trump is winning

I'd expect nothing different from the same person who thinks Fallout 3 and 4 are good.

Trump is a criminal who has openly admitted to tax evasion and his entire real estate empire is a mass of shady dealings, payoffs, and even ties to the mafia. He is a poor businessman who inherited his money and has made his fortune starting most of the things which resulted in the collapse of the economy during the Obama-McCain election. He appeals to the lowest common denominator in his speeches and I deeply question his qualifications let alone his actual policies.

But hey man, it's your vote.
Trump is a criminal who has openly admitted to tax evasion
Income tax is criminal. Plus I don't care that he gamed the system, I want him to do that for America.
his entire real estate empire is a mass of shady dealings, payoffs, and even ties to the mafia.
And Clinton's career isn't a mass of shady dealings, payoffs and even ties to terrorist organizations?
He is a poor businessman
>literal billionaire
>poor businessman
who inherited his money
He got a loan of one million and made enough money with that to pay back the loan within the same year. To say that Trump inherited all his money is just downright retarded, even if he did, he's turned millions into multi-billions.
has made his fortune starting most of the things which resulted in the collapse of the economy during the Obama-McCain election.
He appeals to the lowest common denominator in his speeches
>says he's against Trump for appealing to the lowest common denominator
>is voting for Hillary "Pokemon Go to the Polls;Watch me dab;I always carry around hot sauce with me" Clinton

I deeply question his qualifications let alone his actual policies.
But theres nothing questionable about Crooked Hillary's qualifications? Do you even know any of Trump's policies.
Income tax is criminal. Plus I don't care that he gamed the system, I want him to do that for America.

America provided Trump with an environment to make his fortune and he doesn't pay while all the rest do to sustain the programs which care for America's people. As for gaming the system, he gamed it by exploiting the poor to his advancement.

And Clinton's career isn't a mass of shady dealings, payoffs and even ties to terrorist organizations?

I'm aware of the Clintons record. I also note the Clintons were the first to advocate bombing Al-Qaeda and ISIS. My biggest issue with them is their economic policy, not their plan for defeating terrorism.

>literal billionaire
>poor businessman

His father gave him his business and money, which has repeatedly included branches that have gone bankrupt.

He got a loan of one million and made enough money with that to pay back the loan within the same year. To say that Trump inherited all his money is just downright retarded, even if he did, he's turned millions into multi-billions.

Trump made his fortune by buying depressed New York real estate, driving out the poorer residents, and then flipping it before charging outrageous fees. Both his father and he are pretty much responsible for gentrifying the city and exploiting every loophole possible to make themselves rich at the expense of the poor.

But theres nothing questionable about Crooked Hillary's qualifications? Do you even know any of Trump's policies.

I'm well aware of Senator Clinton effectively setting herself up in her career in New York despite not living there, her participation in the worst of the Obama administrations activities, and generally being at his side during the worst expansion of the Executive's powers.

I don't see Trump removing any of the Presidential powers which are the primary flaw of the Clinton era during the Obama Administration and started during Bill's era.

Just saying.
America provided Trump with an environment to make his fortune and he doesn't pay while all the rest do to sustain the programs which care for America's people. As for gaming the system, he gamed it by exploiting the poor to his advancement.
Most of the money spent in taxes doesn't go to the American people or those lovely welfare programs. In it's current state I don't blame Trump for finding a way to out wit the current government. Also I don't see how he exploited the poor at all on that.
I'm aware of the Clintons record. I also note the Clintons were the first to advocate bombing Al-Qaeda and ISIS. My biggest issue with them is their economic policy, not their plan for defeating terrorism.
Are you trying to claim that the current policy for defeating ISIS and terrorism has been good and effective because it most certainly has not. I'd like to note Clinton was helping essential found, fund and send weapons to terrorist groups like ISIS alongside Obama.
His father gave him his business and money,
Trump's father's estate was only worth about $100 to $300 million at the time of his death. Not even taking into consideration that it was spread amongst all his children, Trump is worth about 8$ billion. That's a whole fuck load more than what he potentially inherited.
He got a loan of $1 million in the 70s to enter the Manhattan market. By 1982 he was already worth $200 million on his own. When his father died in 1999, he was already worth over $1 billion on his own. He's now worth about $10 billion.

His father's company was only based on Brooklyn and Queens. He managed it in the 70s, but he didn't own it. He couldn't have just sold it while his father was still alive. He finally inherited it in 1999 when it was worth $200 million. But then again, much of that success what thanks to Donald's management, who was already worth over $1 billion dollars on his own by the time.
which has repeatedly included branches that have gone bankrupt.
He didn't go personally bankrupt. 1 of his 515 businesses was restructured through Chapter 11, a procedure that involves a reorganization of a debtor's business affairs and assets.

To be more precise, one of his companies was restructured three times before he decided to sell it just in time before the 2008 crisis took a major hit on Atlantic City, a decision praised by pundits and experts alike. Even Bill Gates has gone through this kind of bankruptcy with Optim Energy LLC per instance.

His success rate is around 90%. That's a very high success rate considering the fact that 80% of startup companies end up in failure.


So his failure rate is about 9 to almost 300 or so? Hardly what I'd call the work of a "poor business man who lives off daddy's money".
Trump made his fortune by buying depressed New York real estate, driving out the poorer residents, and then flipping it before charging outrageous fees. Both his father and he are pretty much responsible for gentrifying the city and exploiting every loophole possible to make themselves rich at the expense of the poor.
That's the real estate business. Imagine that ruthless efficiency put to work for America's interests.
I don't see Trump removing any of the Presidential powers which are the primary flaw of the Clinton era during the Obama Administration and started during Bill's era.
Not sure what you're trying to say here.

Look, you're a nice guy but you seem to have bought into all the Clinton propaganda hook, line and sinker. You come off as very ill informed and oddly hypocritical, citing Trump as immoral for his business dealings but you'll vote for Clinton who has literally gotton people killed to maintain/increase her political power.
Just sayin.
But there are deeper implications when it comes to those 33k deleted e-mails. Her handwaving it isn't a good answer. The reason she didn't elaborate is because she couldn't, she was very clearly doing shady shit so she could either admit she intentionally did something shady/illegal or do what she did which was lie about it being "little mistake" and then ignore the subject entirely. Trump didn't do that because unlike Clinton he wasn't actually in the wrong. he elaborated because Lester/Clinton were being disingenuous about the situation by not mentioning that Clinton was also guilty of doing the same thing. He didn't admit to making a mistake because he didn't, he wanted Obama to release his birth certificate and he did. Not to mention the whole "birther" situation is nothing compared to Clinton's actions with the e-mails, or any of the other things she's done the moderator never bothered to bring up.

I'm not. That part was less directed towards you and was more mainly referring to how I see a lot of other people on here almost never say a thing about Hillary but will jump on Trump every chance they get despite claiming to maintain neutrality to virtue signal their "intelligence" but in practice they act the same as Clinton supporters.

The only thing I can't deal with is people being against Trump for retarded reasons.

I'm not talking about the morality of it all, jeez. Yes, Clinton's emails are shady shit. She went through a half-dozen investigations and subcomitees for it last I checked, some headed by political enemies, that cleared her of criminal charges. What is there to say at this point? She made a mistake, correct course in this situation is to admit it and don't start dwelling on it and justifying yourself during a debate where you barely got half an hour to make the best impression. She handled the question better, simple as that. Trump could have swallowed his pride and just say he was wrong and changed his mind, closing the door to further prodding. He didn't, so observers say he handled himself worse. There's not much more to it.

Of course the journalist is going to prod further if Trump starts explaining himself and begins to go on the defensive. It makes for better TV. Trump should have been prepared for that. It's also pretty funny that he then goes on to whine about media not being impartial to Fox News of all freaking places.

Besides, a moderator asking a midly uncomfortable question is peanuts to a politician. What's Trump going to do when he goes before Congress and they question and/or stonewall the ever living shit out of him? Throw temper tantrums at the face of the Senate? He's going to face far more persistent and dogged adversaries than one semi bored journalist if he is elected into office. I don't actually think the debate is actually indicative of much, by the way, but if he reacts so defensively all the time over trivial matters, he's gonna have fun when the real party starts in Washington and abroad.
Vergil, you're a real tool, you know that?
It's hilarious. Does Trump pay you? If he does that, then cool. I really hope he does.
If he does not, then you really are getting way too much butthurt over random politics thread on a gaming forum.
Vergil, you're a real tool, you know that?
It's hilarious. Does Trump pay you? If he does that, then cool. I really hope he does.
If he does not, then you really are getting way too much butthurt over random politics thread on a gaming forum.
I don't see how responding to and engaging in an on-topic discussion is getting butthurt but aight.
Calling me a tool and getting pissy about it though, sounds like you might be a bit fanny flustered yourself friend.
3/10 made me reply
Calling millions of racists deplorable doesn't seem like a big deal. Saying millions of millennials are living with their parents isn't that bad either considering it is true. Her involvement in the middle east crisis is unfortunate but lets be real for a minute - they want to destabilize the region. It is their modus operandi. It seems anytime we can't control a leader somewhere in the world they get overthrown or a group of rebels comes out of nowhere to fight them. Proxy wars are the way of the future. The middle east is a never-ending source of revenue due to oil and war. It always will be as long as the middle east is divided. If they weren't divided the US would lose power in the region and we just can't have that. Russia needs to expand its power in the region as well, so the US ends up butting heads with them over that.

The US and Russia always act like they are doing things for the good of mankind, like in Syria for example, when they really try to capitalize during these situations. You can never let a good crisis go to waste they say. I do find it funny that Hillary is lambasted as untrustworthy after all the dumb shit Trump has been involved with. If Trump wins he will be the next Bush meaning his advisers will be running shit behind his back while he marvels in the mirror at how great he is. If Trump never came out supporting a stupid wall or talked about banning all Muslims from entering the country, I could maybe understand supporting him. He did talk about infrastructure and revitalizing our military, as well as his ideas on the economy, which I am all for. I noticed not long after he spoke on the crumbling bridges, roads, and dams in our country that Hillary started mentioning it.
long images

Food for thought or reek of bias?

Its both haha

Trump has a lot of minor/med scandals, Hillary has a few med/major scandals. Both are shit and voting for either one of them is a hugely bad idea for the whole world. To those Americans on this forum please vote for someone sensible, you have more than 2 parties in the states, look at some of the other ones and don't fuck the rest of the world over with your shitty choices.
Unfortunately, for us Americans, all the parties are pretty shit ATM

Trump might weaken NATO but super hippy Jill Stein will demolish it, and our military with it. Of course countries won't attack you when you are at your strongest, they will wait for super duper idealist hippies to weaken the fuck out of the country then strike. Then the hippies will be like, 'gosh, I dunno why they attacked us'.

Johnson is no different. He is a big, 'Lets stick our heads in the sand', kind of guy as well. Let every other rival nation make strategic global moves and gain influence and build a bigger coalition while we just 'mind our own business'. Instead of being a super lefty, he is a mostly center left with small dash of right for show.

Hillary will bankrupt this nation with Bernies social psychosis. She is no better than Bammy in regards to dealing with out competitors (as in she isn't as clueless as the hippies but she is still all about playing more 'fair', in the global arena. She is will do jack shit about ILLEGAL immigration.

Trump, is better by the smallest fucking sliver of a margin.

He may wreak havoc on our global reach and ruin our image to friends who depend on us for protection. He may actually support less LEGAL immigration, which TBH is crazy but oh well. He may even be protectionist whos tariffs would hurt American consumers just as bad as we hurt others. But at the very least, there is a chance he might flip flop on everything and actually, 'make the country great again'.

So yea, pretty much shite all around though Our candidates are so fucking depressing.
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When has Trump been against legal immigration?
He talks about making people come in legally at almost every rally lol
Unfortunately, for us Americans, all the parties are pretty shit ATM

Trump, is better by the smallest fucking sliver of a margin.

He may wreak havoc on our global reach and ruin our image to friends who depend on us for protection. He may actually support less LEGAL immigration, which TBH is crazy but oh well. He may even be protectionist whos tariffs would hurt American consumers just as bad as we hurt others. But at the very least, there is a chance he might flip flop on everything and actually, 'make the country great again'.

So yea, pretty much shite all around though Our candidates are so fucking depressing.

So Trump is the best by a small margin because he may do the complete opposite of what he says? lol.