Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Anyway, Anita Sarkeesian is whorephobic.
That is the thing about Anita. She is a anti-sex feminist and a puritan. I mean she did go after New Vegas because of their portrayal of female prostitutes never minding the fact that there are male prostitutes as well.Anita certainly isn't a communist as she's done quite well for herself as a speech giver, which isn't an insult, just a statement of fact. However, I will state that she is a master of hyperbole and her particular branch of feminism is conflated with pacifism which means that every game review basically takes time to also talk about how women who fight as as bad as women who are sexualized.
I generally prefer sex-positive feminist Liana Kerzner who I feel has a much more rounded view of the subject.
Albeit, man, does she hate Anita. Like if internet celebrities were a fighting game, she'd be the one who follows her to do battle.
Oh my god, not this 'Putin's going to march into other countries' meme. He's got a hands full job fixing the Russian economy and is in no position to start another war/round of sanctions.
Frankly, that's good. Can't give these little shits-for-countries independence and the factories/infrastructure the the Soviets/Russian Empire made. But anyway, under present conditions Putin is in no position to go attacking other nations which is what I said, not that he doesn't have the wish to do so.Ehhh, part of the problem with Putin is that he was in a great position for Russia to reclaim its position as a global superpower but he's obsessed with rebuilding the Soviet Union republic by republic. Also, restoring its military supremacy. Which resulted, of course, in spending more money on the military than they have and sanctions which led to economic depression.
Like most dictators, he seems unable to keep his ego in check.
I mean, look at this bullshit.
THAT OCCURRED IN THE PAST WHEN THERE WERE NO SANCTIONS.Tell that to Ukrainians. Or Chechens. Or Georgians. And it's not just Russia, it's a two way street, the eastern European countries are also actively trying to provoke Russia. So it's a very volatile situation. But hey, looks like this is yet another "post funny pic"-thread.
That is the thing about Anita. She is a anti-sex feminist and a puritan. I mean she did go after New Vegas because of their portrayal of female prostitutes never minding the fact that there are male prostitutes as well.
It means she got shit tons of money being John Mcintosh's puppet and scamming SJWs out of their monies by crowdfunding for "Vidgy gaems is oppressing wimminz" video series and keeping it for herself.
Ohh... basically a communist.It means she got shit tons of money being John Mcintosh's puppet and scamming SJWs out of their monies by crowdfunding for "Vidgy gaems is oppressing wimminz" video series and keeping it for herself.
Frankly, that's good. Can't give these little shits-for-countries independence and the factories/infrastructure the the Soviets/Russian Empire made. But anyway, under present conditions Putin is in no position to go attacking other nations which is what I said, not that he doesn't have the wish to do so.
Ego? What ego is that?
How is that bullshit? Crimea is rightfully Russian, damn it. Hell, all of Ukraine is rightfully Russian, we held it for centuries.
Exploits others to gain money and power in the name of the greater good? Communist.Well, something like that.![]()
Exploits others to gain money and power in the name of the greater good? Communist.
All of the Baltic Nations (excluding Scandinavia) must be retaken. Ukraine must be retaken. Belarus... oh Belarus. They can keep on being independent. The Caucasus must be retaken. Central Asia must be retaken.I dunno, Russia beating the shit out of Europe is ludicrous (Satan nuke aside) but Latvia? Latvia could be taken over. Azerbaijan? That's a lot of oil there. Lithuania? Not exactly rolling in friends.
By that, all coins showing the face of a leader is tacky, for no other reason then that they are leader. It seems like you support legal independence... but only when it suits your views and beliefs. For me... USSR over all.The sheer tackiness of the coin by itself. However, I tend to fall under the belief countries should be entitled to determine their own status of independence (Brexit, Scottish independence or otherwise). Legally, I believe the Confederacy should have been able to leave but the treatment of their black population and denial of them representation justified the Civil War.
Which is the opposite of how Lincoln sold it--him arguing it was being done to preserve the Union.
Capitalism isn't done for the greater good.That's also capitalism man. It's kind of the definition.
Which is not a criticism as that greater good is what makes wealth.
Isn't that the Church too?Exploits others to gain money and power in the name of the greater good? Communist.
Church.Isn't that the Church too?
Capitalism isn't done for the greater good.
Capitalism isn't done for the greater good.
for the greater good
Looks like she used that money to stuff herself, I mean just look at her. It's not that hard to steal other people's youtube content into poorly made powerpoint like videos, but of course it doesn't hurt to run off with the cash of fanatics.Well she doesn't want to share and redistribute all that Patreon money that she got from scamming the idiot SJW's that hold her word like if it was Gospel.
Wealth. What a dirty word... with communism we don't need wealth!Marx had the view of that but, honestly, a rather limited one as the simple fact is capitalism generates wealth which flows in the system and grows. It is the basis for enlightened self-interest as capitalist systems in a modern technologically adept society, especially when regulated and taxed, can be used to create vast amounts of free-flowing wealth.