Trump wins

let's talk about obamacare.

It was like most of Obama's policies in that it was Centrist by design and went further right and watered down as time went on while also including many assumptions of people being able to afford it when we should have had a plan for making medical aid a public service for Americans.

Nevertheless, it's literally saved the lives of friends who could not afford treatment for life-saving procedures and kept others I know from destitution. Personally, it also saved my wife $16,000 in hospital treatment bills.
the wall street journal is of course paywalled, so linking it is pointless, but i'm sure you can find discussion of the recent interview on some website catering to your taste in dipping tobacco
the wall street journal is of course paywalled, so linking it is pointless, but i'm sure you can find discussion of the recent interview on some website catering to your taste in dipping tobacco
That's better

also we already talked about it. He liked two clauses, the one where parents can put kids on their insurance and not blocking out people with pre-existing conditions. It's getting repealed
BTW: Those riots caused by the liberals. I, as a liberal myself, fully dissaprove of them. The US is a democracy, and Trump won, so I think the best course of action is to begrudgingly accept that. The people who are resorting to violence are stupid, and I dislike how they reflect on the left.
Not to mention that they are all rioting in cities that voted overwhelming against Trump. "Lets burn and destroy businesses of people who share our political beliefs." That is some grade A logic that these protestors have right there.:V
Just got onto the forum and I just wanted to say that there are legit idiots who want California to secede from the Union. Like it's so dumb to do that it hurts.
What is funny is if those idiots have their way with having California secede then a democrat will never be elected as president ever again. They tried to do that with Oregon only to have sane people blow it up in their face:
Their tears are so sweet. I literally have a life-time supply of it to drink at this point LMAO.

Hey, you're Mormon right? Have some Freedom.

Also, out of curiousity, how many people do you know that voted for McMullin? He was supposed to win in Utah by a landslide (he didn't) because he was both Mormon and Conservative. This is of course assuming you even live in Utah, I'm taking a guess.
Hey, you're Mormon right? Have some Freedom.

Also, out of curiousity, how many people do you know that voted for McMullin? He was supposed to win in Utah by a landslide (he didn't) because he was both Mormon and Conservative. This is of course assuming you even live in Utah, I'm taking a guess.

Yes I am Mormon. Thank you for this, it's a great song and also I sung it today for the Veteran's Day celebration in my city with my High School's Vocal Ensemble. The upside being there was I got to meet Ms. California and my city mayor (plus I got free goodies). Downside being there it was hot like I was in Hell itself. Also, I'm not sure exactly how many votes he got, but he had more than Hillary. Also 31% of Utah didn't vote, which i assume were Mormon folks. And I live in the state of MOSTLY idiots known as California.