Deleted member 93956
I liked TPMFallout 3 is more like the Phantom menace

I liked TPMFallout 3 is more like the Phantom menace
I like TFA.I liked TPM![]()
We can say that Fallout 4 is shit, period. Even AotC was trying to do something new actively, had a high production effort and value.I like TFA.
Can we both agree that Fallout 4 however is attack of the clones?
It's not laziness when it's deliberate? I think many would disagree on that one.
The Jackals and Vipers are still mentioned. The Vipers in particular are said to worship snakes.
West Tek's research was moved to Mariposa so it could remain under military supervision and lessen the chance of espionage. The Enclave didn't have any involvement with FEV until they stumbled upon Mariposa, so what was the point in Vault 87 having it as well?
So because Chris said one thing was a retcon every retcon is acceptable? Ok...
You misunderstand what I am saying. They had just lost their main base and countless soldiers, they still had soldiers in Navarro who were fighting off the NCR. Why would they suddenly listen to someone who claimed to be the President and move all that way?
That's not the point of the original game. And arguably if you don't help Amata Vault 101 remains sealed to a terrible fate.
The BOS had a lesser presence in Fallout 2 and had even suffered casualties after an Enclave attack. It's ridiculous to think a whole bunch of them traveled all that way for potentially nothing.
No you don't see, and don't put words in my mouth. Seeing the NCR again made sense because of the location and we get many new factions to see, not just all old ones that have no reasonable development behind them. There's a reason why the Followers are in the Mojave, there's a reason the NCR are in the Mojave. As for the Enclave, we don't even know Enclave members are still around unless we recruit Gannon. It's not like there's a massive Enclave base with troops roaming around.
Have a small reference or another group descended from the old government/inspired by it.
Nope you're just fucking with me now, there's no way you meant that.
But when the setting is completely different from before you need plausible reasons to include any old factions if they are included at all. Given F3 had the BOS it makes sense (a little) to have the BOS in the Commonwealth, though really it's still stretching it.
The Minutemen aren't boring because they are new, they are boring because the writing for them is shit.
Yeah but it wasn't good. They just walked from one coast to the other because they heard a guy claiming to be the POTUS. We don't ignore it, we think that it is fucking stupid.Basically a huge amount of effort went into justifying the presence of the BoS and Enclave in the game, which all gets ignored by posters
Yeah but it wasn't good. They just walked from one coast to the other because they heard a guy claiming to be the POTUS. We don't ignore it, we think that it is fucking stupid.
I think it's also the fact that they walk over post-war America and there's no mention of anything they find. It's as if there's this gap that Bethesda never bothered to fill between the radio transmission and arriving at DC.In this case, said person had access to the Enclave's codes and authentication numbers because John Henry Eden had been in communication with Dick Richardson. Furthermore, they didn't have a choice because they were being exterminated by NCR and had nowhere to flee to.
At the very least, they'd check it out and probably think they could take it over. There's not exactly a lot of places a large civilian population can flee too in the Fallout universe.
I am still not sure what exactly you liked about them though, don't get me wrong, I don't hate them as villain. It's just that they are not offering any debth.
They really are like a parody nazi villain and I think that is one of the least things a Fallout game needs. The Master and his Army had their lulz moments as well, but it fits into the theme of Fallout and the conversations you have with the Master, Lou and others was pretty good. I can't say the same about the President for example which was nothing more but 'lulz all mutants have to die!' and that's it.
Also, they really didn't give much insight into what the US was before the war, given the fact that they don't talk much about it, and that it was like 200+ after the bombs droped at this point.
By ruining it for many people that liked the old games, bravo.
I think it's also the fact that they walk over post-war America and there's no mention of anything they find. It's as if there's this gap that Bethesda never bothered to fill between the radio transmission and arriving at DC.
Why didn't Bethesda just made Fallout 1 and 2 in 3D using their (outdated and crappy to be honest) engine?Really, the game is basically The Force Awakens. It's an attempt to retell the original games in such a way that an entire new generation of fans can be introduced to all of the wonders of Fallout and its lore. It's why I have difficulty with a lot of fans who keep saying they should have introduced new factions for the East Coast.
Mentioned but not used.
Sorry, to clarify, the Enclave can refer to both the Post-War American themed Tribals and the Illuminati-esque conspiracy which secretly controlled the Pre-War United States government. In this case, the Pre-War government was setting up the Vaults for post-apocalypse research. Vault-87 being experimented on with FEV makes sense as the Vaults are a large source of human test subjects which would be completely disposable.
It shows retcons aren't inherently bad and have a precedent in the franchise.
I'm sorry, what? Didn't you just justify it yourself? The Enclave has lost their home for the past 120 years and the NCR is going to annihilate them. You have explained EXACTLY why they would listen to someone who claimed to be the President and move all that way.
They traveled there to do do their job. The Brotherhood of Steel is an organization with a goal of collecting technology and not just to sit on their asses doing nothing in bunkers. They had the secondary goal of making contact with the MWBoS. The technology collection goal also succeeded with a massive collection of power armor (which they needed new bodies to use) and Liberty Prime. Besides, Tactics also establishes the BoS has a history of sending their liberals on suicide missions to the East.
There's a reason for all of the above factions in Fallout 3 too.
I'd rather fight the Enclave rather than just eliminate them from the game world in the name of continuity.
Caesar's Legion isn't just the army we encounter. Presumably, the civilian areas are more Roman than the army.
I think there's a substantive difference between the writing justifying the BOS and Enclave than the Fallout 4 writing. You can argue the reasoning for the BOS and Enclave in the Capital Wasteland isn't good but at least argue it's THERE.
The Enclave doesn't do anything with it though, until the point they raid the Vault for the GECK. In fact, unless Colonel Autumn got the vial of FEV himself, there's no way Eden could possess it unless it had the vial from before the war. As stupid as that may be, it makes more sense for a military installation to have a vial than a civilian Vault.
They'd just lost their entire home base and had another base that was still defensible, yet they up and leave their comrades behind because some voice from the other side of the country claims to be the new President? That's ridiculous. The majority of the Enclave's citizens were on the rig, their numbers would be dangerously low and we know they won't recruit wastelanders. Leaving behind their last base only weakens them further.
Also in a later post you mention Eden being in contact with Richardson, which is said on the wiki but I can't find an actual source for this. Eden makes no mention of it and none of the terminals in Raven Rock do either.
And they are just sitting on their asses, hell it's the focus of a companion quest in Fallout New Vegas. The Brotherhood's power has diminished since the first game, they can't risk themselves on the surface.
There's no good reason for them to be there.
Eden would probably have the vial of FEV from the Enclave at Navarro base. It's something the Enclave would probably take from the original outpost on the West Coast given it's importance to their work. The difference being that subsequent Enclave members have no means of distributing it to the world until the creation of the Purifier.
The Enclave would also know about the Vault experiments with FEV because they had access to the original records--even if Poisdeon Oil Rig's survivors might not know what that means.
Well, the people stayed behind at Navarro and got slaughtered by NCR's military because they were morons who didn't realize they were going to be annihilated by the fact they had no ability to defend themselves against the wastelanders who had discovered them. They weren't going to be taken prisoner, weren't, and all ended up exterminated. They needed a secret and safe location to rebuild their numbers, which they got.
I remind you that the only reason Arcade Gannon and the Remnant survived was because they were fleeing as well via Vertibird. They crash landed or they probably would have ended up at Raven's Rock themselves.
I think it's mentioned by Word of God. However, the game makes it clear that John Henry Eden was already in the chain of command.
It's fun to join the Brotherhood of Steel and fight the Enclave.
Keeping a vial of a deadly bioweapon in a supply base wouldn't be the most sensible thing to do. Unless a vertibird happened to be carrying the vial just before the Oil Rig blew up I don't see how Eden would get it.
The purifier is a shit method of distributing the FEV. Sure you kill a bunch of D.C. wastelanders, but what about the rest of the world? And most of their records would have been aboard the rig, it's not like they expected anyone to actually destroy it.
Given the numbers of Enclave troops you see in Fallout 3, there's no reason why they couldn't have defended Navarro. Eventually they'd fall, but to up and run right away because someone claimed to be the POTUS? I can't buy that.
Gannon and the remnants weren't the only ones to escape and not head East. Others were eventually discovered after integrating with the NCR or are probably still out in the wastes.
That doesn't prove Eden was in communication with Richardson, he says he was next in line for leadership but that doesn't mean they were in contact. Besides Colonel Autumn is a walking contradiction, one moment he goes on about upholding the chain of command and the next counters and disobeys Eden's orders.
I played Fallout 3 first, then went back to the first two before New Vegas. I can honestly see why so many original fans take issue with 3 and 4. Bethesda have the attitude of "Wacky and cool is the best way to make a Fallout game!", which frankly in my opinion is immature and completely misunderstanding the core of Fallout.
One of the things I always think is lost with many critics of Fallout 3 is that it's a remake. It's basically a retelling of Fallout 1 and 2 in miniature.
The vast majority of console gamers will never play Fallout 1 and 2 but they deserved a chance to be introduced to the world and lore.