Supreme Shah Ismail
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Hmmmm, that's right resort to name calling, tell people to F off, yes yes that's the lefts way instead of discussing it.
1. I never said anything about it being all people in a religion I have stated as part of the continuing discussion that is was a few from some religions
2. The states is lax on there vetting process compared to some other countries including the bastion of peace that is my country Canada
3. Depends on where you draw the line quite a few fully support Sharia law over there governments laws which seems pretty extreme to me
4. I won't trash you for your beliefs but that does not help the discussion
5. What part about I don't support the ban can you not get through your skull, I have worked and discussed many things with muslims and have no problem with the majority of them I don't think anybody should be judged by their religion, but I also think people should not talk about their religion.
Sorry for the name calling as its a subject that hits close to home. Hope my actions can be forgiven but reading it made you sound like an ass sorry. (I am also Canadian)
1. I just felt it was an irrelevant point
2. It really isn't, there's a john Oliver segment detailing how that is very much not true. If you said about say Chinese or Indian people maybe id believe you. But considering the lack of immigrant attacks (aka non domestic to exclude Quebec and the Florida night club which are more in line with mass shootings than religious zeal) then I think its working just fine.
3. I have never in my life met a Muslim who supports sharia law openly. Im sorry but white people are obsessed with the idea that Muslims all want eye for an eye laws or something.
4.Fair enough, my insults were un called for.
5. Thats not for you to decide. People have the right to discuss or not discuss anything they please. Im glad you don't support it but I view anyone who does as a monster straight up.
Again apologies for the insults since this is a rather personal topic