I should save my game in a whole new slot
Wow... so much tryhard hate towards NV. Trying to be some new kind of edge-lord, Someguy? Because none of your points actually work
Assessment: "Enough said" is too preemptively
EDIT: In fact, I can copy your MO too except I will pre-face it and acknowledge it as a discussion rather than conclusive proof; here is a link to a discussion on Reddit on post-post apocalyptic world building and examples of it:
I like how you purposefully ignored other people who disagreed with those headlines/topic titles and argued back against it but go ahead and maintain your narrative for your own agenda. It is clearly 'not' disingenuous and not misrepresenting the truth but go ahead and keep lying about it.
The world is a post-post-apocalyptic world like @R.Graves said. The world has recovered from the nuclear apocalypse and some of its consequences (not all, like lawlessness and hostile environments) to rebuild. Keeping it post-nuclear after 200 years has passed keeps the franchise and setting quite stale and underdeveloped.
Plus look at Freeside; that area is in ruins with a few buildings restored and some completely rubble.
Why else would there be expansion towards new territories if not for similar reasons to what led to the kind of emigration that created the American Old West? Plus it would be time to get new tracks to fit the new elements and shift with old tracks still in it to make some kind of post-post-apocalyptic Western. A hybrid of post-apocalypse and Western with a touch of concept advancement since the world is clearly no longer a fresh post-apocalyptic one anymore (plus the whole Bethesda wanting their timeline and all).
Also, the actual areas hit with nukes in the base game begs to differ since they do have substantial levels of radiation for a setting that seems to not pull off 'post nuclear'. In addition, there is a lore reason for the region being different than others; an excuse perhaps but a pretty good excuse all things considered.
It's still set in a world ruined by nukes. It's just that Vegas fell apart due to complete societal collapse and anarchy as a result of said nukes destroying all form of conventional civilization. It's still post-nuclear but only because society fell apart as a result of nuclear war, not directly due to nuclear war.The city of Las Vegas was not directly hit by nukes. Therefore, the game does not quite qualify for being "post nuclear".
EDIT: Nope, you did not cite proper sources (discussions and forums, really?) and uses Wikipedia of all things for definitions. It does not prove anything except for your love of cherry-picking points that suit their agenda (and willfully ignoring others who disagreed in said discussions and forums) which anyone could do but knows better to not do.More people speak out: Post-apocalyptic "feel"
Does it look like F: NV has lost that post apocalyptic feel?
[. . .]
I just watched the interview from G4tv.com, and saw them go into a swanky hotel covered in lights... with people inside who look like their from 1940s-50s vegas - YES thats the mentaltity but shouldn't they look a bit bedgraggled?
The sky is blue - yea I know a lot of people actually got the fellout mod, but way more didn't. Having a polluted sky just makes the game feel bombed out.
The whole thing just seems way too organized to me, there's army sized factions in control of vast areas. . . .
They may have gone a bit too far with the whole "cowboy" thing. Almost every shot I see someone has a cowboy hat on.
[. . .]
If you ask me the game looks like it's set in a parallel world in the 1950s but with an 1870s "Wild West" twist and all the animals are different. It doesn't look like there's been a horrible nuclear war and everyone is eeking out their survival.
From another discussion:
The cowboy elements mentioned make me angry, I . . . hate westerns, and everyones recent fixation with Red Dead has further put me off, if its too cowboy-y I may just return it.
And another discussion:
my one concern is i hope it's not too cowboyish
To me, this just doesn't *feel* right:
It feels more like a western, with dotted [dilapidated] farms/huts [scattered] about rather than bombed ruins inhabited by desperate scavengers. . . .
What New Vegas lacks:
It doesn't feel very post-apocalyptic.
Vegas wasn't hit directly, and it's been 200 years since the War, so people have moved on and established new societies. . . .
Enough said.![]()
Assessment: "Enough said" is too preemptively

EDIT: In fact, I can copy your MO too except I will pre-face it and acknowledge it as a discussion rather than conclusive proof; here is a link to a discussion on Reddit on post-post apocalyptic world building and examples of it:
I like how you purposefully ignored other people who disagreed with those headlines/topic titles and argued back against it but go ahead and maintain your narrative for your own agenda. It is clearly 'not' disingenuous and not misrepresenting the truth but go ahead and keep lying about it.
The world is a post-post-apocalyptic world like @R.Graves said. The world has recovered from the nuclear apocalypse and some of its consequences (not all, like lawlessness and hostile environments) to rebuild. Keeping it post-nuclear after 200 years has passed keeps the franchise and setting quite stale and underdeveloped.
You clearly did not read the part where it was mentioned how Mr House forcibly united the tribes and had the New Vegas aspect of Vegas rebuilt and restored to astound newcomers like the NCR.the "New" Vegas was rebuilt and is not in ruins.
Plus look at Freeside; that area is in ruins with a few buildings restored and some completely rubble.
The world was reset by the Great War and recovered since then to the point of new nations forming. Nations in need of new lands and resources. The Mojave region is mostly untapped (with Hoover Dam in mind) and since the world is a post-post nuclear apocalypse one, the Mojave is a new frontier like the rest of unexplored America.It wouldn't be accurate to call a throwback to the Wild West as "evolving", considering what people of Nevada have already been chronologically exposed to; it's closer to a regression. Besides, however you interpret it, it ends up looking and sounding like a Western, which is a different genre from "post nuclear" or post-apocalyptic. Furthermore, the ambient music from Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout: Van Buren is more modern than that which represents the Wild West.
Finally, they've already changed the location; there is no need to jump so far forward in time as an excuse for a setting that doesn't quite pull off "post nuclear".
Why else would there be expansion towards new territories if not for similar reasons to what led to the kind of emigration that created the American Old West? Plus it would be time to get new tracks to fit the new elements and shift with old tracks still in it to make some kind of post-post-apocalyptic Western. A hybrid of post-apocalypse and Western with a touch of concept advancement since the world is clearly no longer a fresh post-apocalyptic one anymore (plus the whole Bethesda wanting their timeline and all).
Also, the actual areas hit with nukes in the base game begs to differ since they do have substantial levels of radiation for a setting that seems to not pull off 'post nuclear'. In addition, there is a lore reason for the region being different than others; an excuse perhaps but a pretty good excuse all things considered.
That does make me wonder where the series can go after New Vegas (and discounting 4 which did not go anywhere but merely wallowed in one spot). New energy and/or food crisis for the NCR? Legion lands in civil war? Expansion to lands beyond the North American continent?A western frontier is the only place a series like this has left to go set so far after the apocalypse what you're asking for would ruin what makes new vegas interesting. You're asking for the world to stay broken and for the universe to have no future. That's horribly nonsensical in universe and limiting creativity.
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