Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
Does it? What happens when Google stops the flow of information from reaching the sources, or it is altered, or what you are seeing isn't really the whole picture?
Then use duckduckgo?
Does it? What happens when Google stops the flow of information from reaching the sources, or it is altered, or what you are seeing isn't really the whole picture?
From a very reliable source I heard that Google also controls us all.
These days I feel like I spend more time fact checking the news than actually reading the news. There certainly is a drop in trust in professional media outlets in large parts of the population, and that's pretty terrible. You never could really trust "the media" in everything all the time (for example, reporting about nuclear power and its dangers and benefits is almost always fear-mongering and widely inaccurate), but it used to be that when I watched a report on something going on in the world I could trust it to some degree. Not anymore. Having to constantly fact-check everything induces a fatigue and I do find myself being less interested in the news in general due to that.
Hahahaha.If I see Newt Gingrich's shill ass spout off one more outright lie on Fox News I might make a drinking game of it.
I'm liberal on things like legalizing drugs, abortion, gay and trans rights, all that social stuff. Fiscally, I'm more conservative, when it comes to the economy. Yet I've never understood how I get called a "liberal SJW cuck communist" if I throw out some dissident opinion that Republicans/conservatives/alt rightists don't like. The same with feminists/liberals/sassy black queens: "Racist misogynist xenophobic Nazi". It's like people who aren't total hiveminds on either of the two sides, but actually formulate their own opinions, don't exist anymore.Liberals and alt right are tearing the country apart while the rational people are stuck in the middle.
From a very reliable source I heard that Google also controls us all.
These days I feel like I spend more time fact checking the news than actually reading the news. There certainly is a drop in trust in professional media outlets in large parts of the population, and that's pretty terrible. You never could really trust "the media" in everything all the time (for example, reporting about nuclear power and its dangers and benefits is almost always fear-mongering and widely inaccurate), but it used to be that when I watched a report on something going on in the world I could trust it to some degree. Not anymore. Having to constantly fact-check everything induces a fatigue and I do find myself being less interested in the news in general due to that.
The issue for me isn't Moores opinion, the problme I have is that he's a manipulative entertainer who's selling his 'movies' as documentaries. The kind of interviews Moore does for example, where he asks COEs questions (like with NIKE and why they closed a plant in the US), and completely rips the interview out of the contexts. Is moore lying? No, he isn't. But he's not showing you the whole inteviews and this makes the people look worse than they actually are. That's a real scumbag move in my opinion. I don't care if the media has a very right wing perspective - it actually doesn't though, the media is more leaning to liberal/leftist ideals by the way, what Moore does is despicable.About Michael Moore, I still actually like him. The US media is very right wing overall especially from a Euro perspective. So there is room for one Michael Moore in there.
Google holds no water in a courtroom though, and that for a reason you can't just convinct people based on some article or random searched for sources in Google. It is exactly what Toront says, you guys dismiss everythign that doesn't fit your narrative and the rest is 'fake news' - again, I think you really don't know what actual fake news really means. The internet, is NOT a reliable source, just because you can look at the images or footages by your self just as how reading acticles at Wikipedia is not enough for getting a doctors degree on a university.Because from there you can check a dozen sources, first hand footage, and more?
News is one dude/chick going 'dis happened, believe me plx'.
The internet allows you to see the event with your own damned eyes.
I am not disagreeing with you here, I am just saying that you can't know it for sure you're jumping to conclussions without knowing the full picture, I really hope you will never be caught at the wrong place and wrong time finding your self in a court room with a judge that is pretty certain to know what has 'happend'. I am pretty confident that you would demand from the police to conduct a clear investigation.Oh good God.
You've got to be kidding me. It was staged to make it look like Muslims are the good guys after those couple of Muslim attacks, I mean after all providing actual evidence still has you talking about how they did nothing wrong. That was not staged because...I read what someone happened to interpret from watching the footage themselves..right? I mean come on London has a Muslim mayor that said "part and parcel of living in a big city" when it came to talking about these terrorist attacks. You guys are screwed if you keep up this political correctness, maybe a small portion of Muslims actually are good and don't follow such a backwards religion but the reality is "death by political correctness".
Oh I'm so quick to judge huh? Maybe I should spend another year reading more bullshit from MSM outlets before I come to conclusions right?![]()
Although you may think that that word is thrown around more than enough times to be considered a 'buzzword', you have to understand that most, if not all, of the claims of a news source or outlet spreading around false information, is true.
At least in Germany hard- and software engineering wasn't exactly politically favoured in the 80s and 90s. Nixdorf missed the transition to personal computers and got swallowed by Siemens who in turn then mostly worked with Fujitsu and never really took off. And those were pretty much all the big german companies, really...Imagine there was a 'European Google'. A site that Europeans could use without handing their search etc. info for free to a corporation in a competing economic zone. Also I'd like to have a 'European Facebook/social media', 'European operating system (not Linux cause it's still sucky)', etc.
I'm liberal on things like legalizing drugs, abortion, gay and trans rights, all that social stuff. Fiscally, I'm more conservative, when it comes to the economy. Yet I've never understood how I get called a "liberal SJW cuck communist" if I throw out some dissident opinion that Republicans/conservatives/alt rightists don't like. The same with feminists/liberals/sassy black queens: "Racist misogynist xenophobic Nazi". It's like people who aren't total hiveminds on either of the two sides, but actually formulate their own opinions, don't exist anymore.
but it goes both ways. I know someone who does work in the media, but it isn't pertinent to any of these conversations of fact finding. In fact. I have fact found, only to be mocked. Trying to have a conversation with some here will just result in a long winded or something that lowers everyone's brain cell count like guys dismiss everythign that doesn't fit your narrative
Fact is you haven't shared anything. Nothing but cryptic references to bismuth and its half life.The problem with these arguments is that that is all they are. Some people like to retort with:
but it goes both ways. I know someone who does work in the media, but it isn't pertinent to any of these conversations of fact finding. In fact. I have fact found, only to be mocked. Trying to have a conversation with some here will just result in a long winded or something that lowers everyone's brain cell count like this.
I realized that I was trying to share information with people like this:
No point linking to facts or trying to have a serious conversation with people like that.
People who feel a sense of achievement or pride by pink badge on a website.
All you've been doing in that thread is posting "(Thing) is interesting", refusing to explain why, and assuming everyone will jump to the same conclusions you do.No point linking to facts or trying to have a serious conversation with people like that.
Seattle police shot and killed a mother of four inside her apartment in the presence of her young children after she called law enforcement to report a burglary.
The death of 30-year-old Charleena Lyles, who police say was carrying a knife, has sparked outrage across the country, with critics decrying the shooting as another example of US law enforcement using excessive force against black Americans.
Do black lives matter when the black life has picked 'cop' as a profession?