Most overrated/ game

Supreme Shah Ismail

Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
So the game doesnt need to be bad necessarily, it could be a game you think is good but the hype for it is way way over stated.

Bioshock- By no means a bad game, I actually like it quite a bit but System shock 2 and prey blow this title out of the water and this game didn't really deserve the scores it got.

Deus Ex- Great game too, best PC game ever? No. If its individual mechanics like combat and stealth were more refined and less janky I would agree but as of now they kinda suck tbh.

Hyper Light Drifter- This game is a great combination of dark souls and zelda. Fucking love it and its a shame there isnt enough people who have played it.

Prey-Bad marketing and the idiotic controversy over the name (like seriously since when was Prey 2006 a good game that must be preserved) this spiritual successor to system shock 2 is unfortunately underrated as fuck.
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Two of each.


Last of Us. Cool game and all, but THE BEST GAME OF THE GENERATION????? Hello?

Any Metal Gear Solid. Splinter Cell is better.


Desperados: Wanted DoA. Why only I played this game? Okay, it's a cheeky clone of Commandos, but awesome game despite this.

Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy: There will never be such a cool game of Jedi as these two. Where are the sequels? They left this aside to do that GARBAGE called Force Unleashed? Oh humanity.
Ignore my bias when I say this but... Skyrim. I really don't get why everyone loves this. World populated by characters with no personality and horrible voice acting. Linear dungeons. Copy/pasted dungeons. Broken guild quests. Limted weapon and magic variety. The dragons are lame. Inconsequenial war. Its so bland and stagnant.

Also morrowind. Love this game but lets be honest... With copy/pasted dialogue and Wikipedia dialogue sytem.. We just like how detailed the lore is.
Well, Skyrim is overrated to some degree, but it at least for some people it does the most important thing well: It entertains. That's why I like Skyrim, it's a nice, shallow power fantasy where you don't have to worry too much and can just appreciate the scenery.
Morrowind on the other hand is not overrated at all imo. It's flawed in more than one way, but the story, pacing and worldbuilding is still absolutely fantastic.

Underrated: Kingpin: Life Of Crime. I keep talking about it, but it is a solid shooter with some seriously awesome art design (and a dialogue system on par with Fallout 4).
Well, Skyrim is overrated to some degree,
I'd say to a rather large degree. Was it something like 200 awards? For what? Voice acting? Storytelling? Gameplay? Choice and consequence? Worldbuilding? Animation? Level design?

I can't say skyrim did any of that well without just straight up lying.

Underrated: not so much underrated so much as overlooked but Destroy All Humans! And Metal Arms: Glitch in the system. Are childhood favorites.
Skyrim is a product of its time. I'm not what you call a fanatic gamer, so I might be talking bullshit, but what was the popular Western RPG in a console before Oblivion? Honestly, I do not remember.

But Oblivion (and Fallout 3 / NV) were too ugly, too bad otmize in consoles, and in the case of Fallouts, they were kind of niche, especially Fallout 3, that hardly anyone knew the other two.

Mass Effect 1 is the same. A 10 years game that plays like a 20 years one (note: Mass Effect 2 is extreme overrated. 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3>2). Bad textures, bad loadings and exclusive on 360.

Skyrim came at the right time. Awesome E3 trailer, good visual, appealing theme, easy to play......I'm sure it was the first western RPG of thousands of people.
BiosHock Infinite. Never has such a mediocre game with such a shitty story ever gotten the amount of praise a pedestal erecting as that piece of shit.

Baldur's Gate
Seriously, that game is so mind-numbingly boring and tedious. I've started it three different times but never completed it.

Fallout 2
This one is controversial, I guess. I love Fallout 2, but let's be honest, it's shallow, illogical, nonsensical and lacking in so many aspects of its predecessor. Then again, such is the fate of those who are to succeed (near) perfection. Far from a bad game, but when you remove the rose-tint (and fan patches), you get a huge, fun but very flawed title.


LA Noire
The gameplay of this game is somewhat...problematic, namely the shooting segments and all that, but I found the story, atmosphere and acting to be fantastic.
Dev controversy and eventual studio closure basically killed any hope of sequel. I don't think it sold that well too.

Hotline Miami
This game is not really underrated, as much as it is...well, generally unplayed. People know about it, people own it, but not many people play it. It's an indie title with more depth and complexity behind it than most of the games ever made. And it's helluva lot of fun.
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  • L.A Noire. Get's boring after a while when you realise that most of the mysteries are generic as you can get. A detective/noir game should have plot twists and red herrings, and motives beyond "He owed me money" or whatever. It feels as cliched as you can get. I mean, I haven't completed it, so I can't really talk, gave up halfway through, but so far it seems overrated
  • Shadowrun Returns: It just seems linear, with the illusion of choice. No idea about the sequels, but it feels dull.
  • Underrail. Generally lots of fun, and a good RPG. Fallout could learn a lot from it, especially regarding skills tbh.
  • Arcanum: This game is brilliant, and one of the few games where the villain is completely and utterly right about everything.
I stopped playing LA Noire when I pressed "doubt" and this caused the protagonist to loudly and atagonistically guilt trip the person I was talking to.
I mean, I haven't completed it, so I can't really talk, gave up halfway through, but so far it seems overrated

Eh, halfway through? Sounds to me like you stopped way before that. Murder desk, and Vice desk later on feel very noir.

I stopped playing LA Noire when I pressed "doubt" and this caused the protagonist to loudly and atagonistically guilt trip the person I was talking to.

Game's interrogation system was sometimes problematic, especially the "doubt" option which sometimes produced cringey and/or totally inappropriate responses, but I think that isn't reason enough to stop playing.
Well i wasn't enjoying the non investigation gameplay either and the investigation bits were more simplistic than Phoebix Wright so I just didn't feel compelled to keep playing. I only paid like 5 dollars for it anyway.
Well i wasn't enjoying the non investigation gameplay either and the investigation bits were more simplistic than Phoebix Wright so I just didn't feel compelled to keep playing. I only paid like 5 dollars for it anyway.

LA Noire's first desk, Traffic if I'm not wrong, is kinda lackluster and most people who I know that have stopped playing drop during that bit. It is boring at parts, though you could argue that desk is supposed to be that way.
Game starts shining sometime during Murder desk when story starts getting more complicated and there's many hints and foreshadowing at what is going on behind the scenes, and the big picture starts to form.

Non-investigative gameplay boiled down to driving and shooting. I liked the former because of graphics and LA, but the latter was absolute shit. Also random stuff such as car collecting which I never cared about.
Main story is where it is, really, along with some street cases.
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More overrated:

Last of us, not a bad game and way more enjoyable then any of naughty dogs other games but its really just a mish mash of previous generation ideas with a enjoyable albiet not really ground breaking story with good writing. Hardly the greatest game ever imo.

Uncharted 4, remind me why was this so popular? Its at its best with the non combat segments, big set pieces and cut scenes. Shooting and puzzles in this are just so boring.

Fallout 2, its a great little title but I don't think its nearly as good as the 1st. The 1st was a well paced and tight game. A juicy well cooked filet. Fallout 2 is a tasty but covered in fat greasy and chewy steak you get at a low end diner. A good steak but its a bit too tough at the start and has a lot of good bits but also a lot of not so good bits. Also is a tonal nightmare.
LA Noire's first desk, Traffic if I'm not wrong, is kinda lackluster and most people who I know that have stopped playing drop during that bit. It is boring at parts, though you could argue that desk is supposed to be that way.
Game starts shining sometime during Murder desk when story starts getting more complicated and there's many hints and foreshadowing at what is going on behind the scenes, and the big picture starts to form.

Non-investigative gameplay boiled down to driving and shooting. I liked the former because of graphics and LA, but the latter was absolute shit. Also random stuff such as car collecting which I never cared about.
Main story is where it is, really, along with some street cases.
Maybe I'll give it a chance again later. I'll just ignore all the stupid firefight shit and check a guide before picking doubt. Altho maybe not in the near future I just started playing Chrono Trigger and the Ace Attorney trilogy.
Maybe I'll give it a chance again later. I'll just ignore all the stupid firefight shit and check a guide before picking doubt. Altho maybe not in the near future I just started playing Chrono Trigger and the Ace Attorney trilogy.

Atom is right. Skip any extra side quest bullshit that involves chasing people. Get to the murder shit. There are few games like it.
LA Noire could have been a much better game had they not wasted resources on creating an open world that the game doesn't even actually use.

As far as overrated games go, I would have go with Gears of War/Uncharted cover shooter shite.
Can Minecraft be called overrated? Or is it just overexposed? I think it is a mediocre game but that seems to be the most common opinion.