Yes it was and I still regard it as one of my favorite games ever. Kind of a silly thing to say but I still play Fallout 3 from start to finish doing everything once a year. I did so at the start of this year and will do so in 2018.
I have been "playing" it nonstop for almost 6 years, I enjoy "playing" it although not in the same way as I enjoy other RPGs. I am a P&P fan so I prefer P&P style games, I get bored of action games really fast. Fallout 3 while bad in many levels still manage to keep me interested (while Skyrim or Fallout 4 already make me bored easily). Although it is true that it becomes more fun when you play it with all the improvements from the more polished Fallout New Vegas engine.
I gave the game a fair unbiased shot and it blew me away. It seems some here in NMA simply never let go of that bias and so hate the game unfairly. The criticism I have seen over the years regarding Fallout 3's story and writing is frankly ridiculous. Especially when said people hold Fallout 2 as the Holy Grail of RPG design.
You know that most people here prefers Fallout and/or Fallout New Vegas over Fallout 2, right? Also for me, Fallout games are not the Holy Grail of RPG design (although they were the most innovative for their time). That honor still goes to Planescape: Torment, for me.
Yes Fallout 3 rehashes the Enclave and Super Mutant/FEV but Fallout 2 rehashes the "find the McMuffin and save your people" plot of Fallout 1.
While Fallout 2 rehashes the "find the McMuffin and save your people plot of Fallout 1" it also adds a lot more. It shows the evolution and advancement of people and civilization over the area. Adds more stories and background, adds new factions and expands old ones, adds more settlements that are totally different from what we see in Fallout 1, like New Reno and Vault City, etc. Fallout 2 expands a lot on Fallout 1. While Fallout 3 doesn't expand anything on the lore and just mindlessly throws "elements" from the older games around for no good reason (yes I am looking at you Harold, Enclave, Super Mutants, GECK, BoS, etc).
Both games do this and nobody seems to care.
Oh, but people do care. You should have seen the anger in the late 90's early 2000's

even today there are classic fans who hate Fallout 2 a lot. The thing is that Fallout 2 had plenty of stupid or nonsense stuff, the plot basis was the same, but it had also a lot of redeeming qualities. Not to mention the game was rushed to hell because Interplay pushed Black Isle to release it way before it was supposed to reach the deadline. While Fallout 3 wasn't rushed at all, they had all the time in the world to make it (they had just got tons of profit from Oblivion, so they weren't even pressured financially) and still they did a worst job in world building that make sense (yes, it is fun to explore in Fallout 3, but the world doesn't make much sense most of the time), in story (Fallout 3 main story contains so many plotholes an entire train can fall into it), characters (most characters are bland and boring), etc.
Fallout 2 gets lot of hate too, but it has more good things that make it more liked, than Fallout 3 has compared to the past games.
At least Fallout 3 did not rip off Fallout 1 & 2 too much. There's the Enclave and a new breed of Super Mutants. But their goals are the same and they kinda aren't at the same time. It makes sense the psychotic mutants want more of themselves to rule the wastes. What else would psychotic human-eating mutants want?
This is a bit stupid though (how Super Mutants and Enclave are represented, not your opinion

), the Enclave follows a president they do not respect/obey, where a Colonel has the support of 100% of the troops. Why do they even follow Eden to begin with? They are against his plan of decimating all the living creatures (humans included) in the wasteland but they still follow his orders of setting extermination camps around the wasteland that promises pure water for anyone who goes there, while they just want to kill anyone who is mutated or irradiated (which is 100% of the wasteland population)? Makes no sense.
Super Mutants are even worst. First they have the brain power of small children, how do they learned how to use and administrate the precise amount of FEV to turn humans into Super Mutants? We see in the vault many failed experiments from the time real scientists tried to do it, but how come stupid dumb SM can do it by themselves? How did they also managed to make Centaurs on their own? Which is a complex and precise scientific project? Remember, they locked Fawkes because he is smart and likes to read computer terminals. That means other Super Mutants do not use computer terminals, everything in their vault is controlled by terminals so how do they make more Super Mutants and Centaurs?
Where did they got their weapons and how did they learned how to use them? They are very stupid and don't read or use terminals, how did they all learn all of these things. How did the Super Mutants even began? I mean, if the first East Coast Super mutants were made before the bombs fell but were contained in the vault, how did they survived for more than 200 years until they came out, how did they reached their numbers? No settlement besides Big Town (and this raid is only recent) mentions any Super Mutants raids or problems, so how did they got such big numbers? They have to not only make more SM from the captives they get, but also feed themselves with the captives so where do they get so many humans? How did Little Lamplight kids manage to keep SM away (they say they got pretty good at that) when only five kids have weapons and they are all low tier weapons (.32 pistol, Chinese pistol, Sawed-off shotgun, Assault Rifle and the Wazer Wiffle) that wouldn't scratch a SM (also the kids weapon skills are really low, like less than 20).
How do Super Mutants capture humans when they always attack to kill? They do this to the PC, to the PC companions, to raiders, to BoS, to Talon Company, to Merchant caravans, to Slavers, to hunters, etc.
It would be ok if one or two of these things existed, but when so much stuff like this happens and the game doesn't even try to justify or explain or show any way it could work... It's just horrible writing and world building.
For example, the Master explains all of the things in Fallout 2 about his SM and how they work/function, he has his cult to get people to become SM, he has scientists and researchers, he has psyker powers that allows him to send orders and control in some ways his Super Mutants, which are still smarter than the ones from Fallout 3 so many of them can function perfectly well by themselves (some even become smarter than they were being human).
And the reason why Eden wants what Richardson wanted also makes sense. He himself admits he is an amalgamation of all presidents up to Richardson.
So you're saying that every single other president in the USA (land of the freedom) history would want to exterminate all the innocent humans in the wasteland? To me it seems like there would be way more that wouldn't want to do that. Why does Richardson win? Eden keeps quoting other historical presidents on his radio, but he secretly follows the reasoning of just Richardson? Doesn't make sense to me.
Check this out because I really like it; Fallout 1 had The Master, leader of the Super Mutants. An amalgamation of multiple personalities which forced him to stay in one location as locomotion was impossible by 2161.
In Fallout 2 the Enclave had Frank Horrigan, a superior Super Mutant in Power Armor.
In Fallout 3 we have President Eden who is like The Master. An amalgamation of multiple personalities, an abomination of ZAX computing and unable to move from Raven Rock.
I just like how The Enclave have a foil for Fallout 1's main enemy and Big Bad; those being the titular Super Mutant and The Master.
Makes me all warm inside to see clever similarities like these in the two biggest enemies we have ever fought in the world of Fallout.
Connections like these are overlooked by 99% of gamers sadly. I'm not saying this alone makes Fallout 3 a good game. I'm not here to convice anyone of that.
The thing is that the Enclave doesn't have a foil for the Super Mutants and the Master, it has a foil for everyone and everything that is alive in the whole USA (maybe the world). The altered FEV will kill anything that has mutations, which is every living thing that ever set foot on the wastes. It is not just the Super Mutants, it is all the humans, animals, mutated plants, insects, etc.