What's your poison?


Just a Sweet Irradiated Transvestite
It's Saturday night... What do you guys like to drink/smoke on a weekend night?

I used to smoke grass, not much anymore. Lager beer and whiskey are my choice beverages usually.
Non-alcoholic drinks I like are Coke Light, tea, and water.

Quite fond of this stuff.
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Double bourbon neat, served room temperature as it was meant to be. The choice of middle management alcoholics everywhere. Partial to Buffalo Trace when I am buying, Knob Creek single cask on someone else's dime.
Cranberry juice and coconut rum. The run gives the cranberry just enough sweetness to overpower the bite.
coffee with Halva/lokum and yoghurt

And maybe a glass of kumys...
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Don't like to deal with hangovers and stuff so I don't drink or do anything else unless I'm at a social event of some kind. So it's just the usual, coffee and cigarettes.
Beer. Too much around here to list the ones I like most.
But also Scotch for when it'd supposed to be a bit classier.
I don't drink alcohol but Saturday is the only day I can eat anything with sugar so I drink very sweet Iced Tea and order a Hamburger.
Yesterday I went to a music event, a small 'festival', and before I went there I drank a few ciders (yea I know, but still) and when at the music thing (lot's of people there, way over 10 k, maybe even 15 k) I drank some more ciders but the price was pretty expensive. I paid 8 euros for one small (0,33 liters) can of cider. That's fucked up. Later I drank more, some ladies bought be a drink, I drank some more ciders and also energy drinks.

Energy drinks used to be my poison. You can easily get hooked on those things.

Beer. Too much around here to list the ones I like most.
But also Scotch for when it'd supposed to be a bit classier.

From what I hear, beer is probably quite cheap there, and I mean quality beer like Becks, Leeuwenbrau (sp?) etc.
I really like Rum and Coke, mainly because I like to drink but I don't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks.

I'd say I prefer dope tho, although it's much more hassle to buy.
I don't drink often, cause of the whole underage thing, but when I do I like Wild Turkey because it's pretty cheap and doesn't suck. I like the kind with honey.