Which difficulty do you like to play on?

Fallout FL

First time out of the vault
What difficulty do you enjoy playing games from the fallout series on? Fallout NV hardcore mode on very hard has to be some of my best memories playing the series.
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NV Hardcore mode isn't a difficulty but a feature.

FO1: Hard/Normal
FO2: Normal/Normal
FO3: Hard
NV: Very Hard
FO4: Have not played
Personally I prefer the hardest difficulties so that I can enjoy the pure carnage the games have to offer.
BTW FO3 and FO4 difficulties just scale automatically and by increasing the difficulty you only increase the amount of enemy health. Just bullet sponges every where.

Playing Fallout 1 and 2 on the hardest difficulties was at times very very hard for me. When I first started out I noticed that the player does not get so much leeway in combat. Sure you can run away, but in some cases like with the Enclave or Super Mutants running isn't always going to work.

The survival mode for FO4 is poorly implemented in my opinion, but some people seem to enjoy it.
I was considering modding Fallout 4 with one of the new hard core survival mods, but every time I look at it I just feel like it may not be worth my time.

Also for Fallout 4 survival, why not give the player a vehicle of some sort, like a brahmin to help with carrying items or a bicycle or something. Such a wasted opportunity.
I tend to be fine wth normal difficulties, I like a good challenge every now and then but I don't need a constant balls in a vice punishment. New Vegas and Beth games of late that I've played are different, though, in that they have consistently required a "hard" difficulty (plus, New Vegas is just unplayable without HC mode - I tried, and it was... bad). Normal there is way too easy already and easier than that is just ridiculous (like "a game for 5-year-olds" level of ridiculous), and then "very hard" goes past the limits of frustration with the HP bloats. Hard is about as sweet a spot as those games can have.
i play the classic fallouts with the highest difficulties ; new vegas with the normal difficulty + HC + jsawyer mod , but i still test new mods to have a challenging and balanced game ( hate bullet sponges )
I play New Vegas mostly for the story, so I tend to play on Easy or Normal without Hardcore. Before anybody asks, I have played and beaten the game on Very Hard, though I have not bothered with Hardcore. It was just kinda tedious to me.
One thing which bothers me with difficulty sliders/options, is ultimately the game just lowers the practical builds the harder you go.

If enemies one hit kill you, while taking 899 assault rifle rounds to kill, chances are you're going to just snipe them to death.

I honestly have no idea how the difficulty slider in Fallout 1-2 works, IIRC it makes rolls harder? That's...Fair I guess, but ultimately just means 'get more skills to ignore it', no?
Playing Fallout 3 at level 30 since the very start is great. Contrary to what @Einhanderc7 said, Fallout 3 does not have scaled enemy health but instead scales the enemies you encounter based on level and by increasing difficulty you also increase their damage resistance while increasing the damage they do to you. It's the same system Oblivion used.

Since Fallout 3 is more about having the right weapons instead of how high your stats are starting at max level + Very Hard difficulty makes for a very interesting playthrough, especially in the first few dozen hours.

I play the rest of the series at the hardest difficulties as well. Playing New Vegas's DLCs at max level without high end equipment is both awesome and horrifying.
It...Really doesn't scale enemies very well, I still encountered bog standard bandits, mutants, and ghouls as a level 30 walking tank.

I honestly dislike scaled enemies. I like the world not to revolve around my character or his stats. New Vegas did this right and so did Fallout 1/2.
I honestly dislike scaled enemies. I like the world not to revolve around my character or his stats. New Vegas did this right and so did Fallout 1/2.

Of course, but at least Fallout 1-2 had mutants and enclave actually being fucking hard to kill.

Fallout 3-4-etc, from level 1 to 100, everything feels the same.
Fallout 3-4-etc, from level 1 to 100, everything feels the same.

You're kidding right, because those damn Super Mutant Overlords are a pain on the ass. And have you played Point Lookout at max level on Very Hard? Them tribals hit like trucks at 85% DR!
You're kidding right, because those damn Super Mutant Overlords are a pain on the ass. And have you played Point Lookout at max level on Very Hard? Them tribals hit like trucks at 85% DR!

Gee whizz, who would have guessed that making the enemies cheat via shooting multiple projectiles (so they can't miss), and at the same time, deal scripted damage to ONLY the player which ignores DR, and giving them the HP of deathclaws, makes for tough enemies.

Not that it matters, you can pause time at will, and by the time you fight them, should have 300 stimpacks.
You sound a lot nicer in your Let's Play - which I just started watching right now btw :wink:

But I don't really mind having enemies like that in the endgame. Hard is hard, gotta do it somehow.
You sound a lot nicer in your Let's Play - which I just started watching right now btw :wink:

But I don't really mind having enemies like that in the endgame. Hard is hard, gotta do it somehow.

I try to be friendlier in my videos. ^_^

Bethesda went the lazy route.

They didn't make enemies armoured, or weild high tier weapons, they just slapped a 10X health multipler onto a mook, gave him a weapon scripted to ALWAYS deal shitloads of damage to you, and you alone, and called it a day.
Bethesda went the lazy route.

Meh, it's only the Overlords and the Tribals. And it's not the weapon that has that flag, it's the enemy. Overlords and Tribals will always deal a flat 40 damage bonus to you no matter what weapon they use.
Meh, it's only the Overlords and the Tribals. And it's not the weapon that has that flag, it's the enemy. Overlords and Tribals will always deal a flat 40 damage bonus to you no matter what weapon they use.

Nope, its the weapons.

PS3 version of the game, you can still see the fucking script effect they tacked on, says something like +30 damage.

The assault rifle weilding overlords are hilariously weak, as are tribals who lack the scripted weapons.
Wiki says... "Overlords also have a 40 unblockable damage bonus when attacking with a tri-beam laser rifle and a +25 damage bonus when attacking with a special version of a super sledge."

And... "Tribals are much more dangerous than opponents in the Capital Wasteland because they do far more damage to the player due to an object effect in the DLC causing the aforementioned weapons, when wielded by tribals or swampfolk, to do an additional 35 points of unresistible damage per hit."

I still don't mind. I wish all Super Mutants were as strong as Overlords and raiders as strong as Point Lookout tribals.
Wiki says... "Overlords also have a 40 unblockable damage bonus when attacking with a tri-beam laser rifle and a +25 damage bonus when attacking with a special version of a super sledge."

And... "Tribals are much more dangerous than opponents in the Capital Wasteland because they do far more damage to the player due to an object effect in the DLC causing the aforementioned weapons, when wielded by tribals or swampfolk, to do an additional 35 points of unresistible damage per hit."

I still don't mind. I wish all Super Mutants were as strong as Overlords and raiders as strong as Point Lookout tribals.

Yes, they do deal more damage when using said weapons, because said weapons are the things which feature the scripts.

Notice how when using assault rifles, they deal normal damage? Because assault rifles don't feature the scripts.
Yes, they do deal more damage when using said weapons, because said weapons are the things which feature the scripts.

Notice how when using assault rifles, they deal normal damage? Because assault rifles don't feature the scripts.

I guess that is kind of lazy. But man, Broken Steel is epic so screw it.

Like I've said, I don't mind it. I'm actually kind of bothered that Obsidian nerfed Reavers for New Vegas.