Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
Much bigger than yours.
Jesus, how did they even walk then!? It'd drag along the floor...
Much bigger than yours.
Jesus, how did they even walk then!? It'd drag along the floor...
retractable penis
most ordinary mammals have very inconspicuous penises when not particularily "in use", only humans have developed a very prominent penis through the process of sexual selection.
everyday male elephant
male elephant when in the mood
But cetaceans and some birds do have the innie that becomes an outie when it needs to, and they rarely ever look anything like human penises (which would really throw off any furry fantasies, unless you are really into weird, snake-like stiffies
T.Rex had probably feathers.
the skin impressions of trex are also from body part that are now to be comonly featherless , and for his size an adult should be able to balance his body temparature since the feathers are good heat trap its probalble that only a small part o the body is covered in featthers , like mothern elephant and that have a few amount of haies .There's a little problem haunting this - one, there's "phylogenetical bracketing" - meaning that Tyrannosaurus is "bracketed" by feathered species, species more primitive than it - and more advanced than it, show featheryness.
Even more specifically, the species Yutyrannus of china IS a Tyrannosaurid, slightly more primitive than Tyrannosaurus, medium sized, and *fully* feathered, even feathered feet. Meaning, it was more feathered than most birds are today!
All skin imprints from Tyrannosaurus (and a few are known) show a scaly skin.
This means - either way - Tyrannosaurus had all the genes in place for feathers, and its forefathers had feathers up untill "just yesterday", but itself had either no feathers - or a combination of feathered body + naked patches, and we just so happen to only have found imprints of these naked patches.
the skin impressions of trex are also from body part that are now to be comonly featherless , and for his size an adult should be able to balance his body temparature since the feathers are good heat trap its probalble that only a small part o the body is covered in featthers , like mothern elephant and that have a few amount of haies .
You wanna stick your dick in it, be honest to yourself.
Ups >_<! I'm sowwyyou better not have plastered it all over some meme bank >:I