Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Yea, Chris has tweeted he's not working on it. That's the clearest hint among the rest of the nonsense there.
Found this could be a "my dad works at bethesda" type thing but:
Yea, Chris has tweeted he's not working on it. That's the clearest hint among the rest of the nonsense there.
Fallout 2 and New Vegas aren't simply copies of Fallout 1s setting, they are an expansion of it. Northern California and the Mojave are very different to the Core Region. While there is some overlap between the regions, this overlap is addressed and treated realistically. 3 and 4 on the other hand simply take everything well known about Fallout and mince it toghether in to their wasteland and call it a day, making their settings have all the majorLike Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas.
I'm also conflicted about supporting obsidian after what chris avellone had said about the upper management.
Found this could be a "my dad works at bethesda" type thing but:
Depends how you define "Fix itself". Personally I'd disagree with the claim that having powerful merchant houses trading across the coast, and a massive expansionist republic is humanity "Fixing itself", so much as getting caught up in the same trappings it got itself caught up in last time.See, I'm fully of the school humanity will never fix itself.
It's broken.
The thing I'm concerned by Fo76 is the precedent it might set for future Fallout titles (not that I should care - but I still do deep down). Going off the credibility of the 4chan leak means that the success of ESO has essentially halted BGS' current interest in developing a singe-player title. Whether it's because Zenimax is saying "don't develop it" or BGS is making that decision to focus on other ventures is unknown.
If Fo76 is a universal success and performs better than Fallout 4 in every metric imaginable, what does that mean for future Fallout titles? If base building "just works" in 76, is it going to be pushed again as a major focal point in an official sequel. If the voiced character is dropped in favor of a mute character (that just kicks and screams when hit or downed ala Rust) is that going to be the translated into the next game?
If Fo76 performs mechanically better than anything the parent studio has ever produced, is the main studio going to immediately burn the child studio to the ground and cut ties with the developers because Todd Howard and Co. can do no wrong?
Actually it is because they are making a new engine.
I feel like Fallout 76 could be a good game if they don't do the following:
1. they won't make it forced multiplayer (though they probably won't because they literally a few months ago said they saved single-player )
2. if the rumors of it being multi-player true then it would have to not be an MMO because I have no idea how vats would work because that would mean everyone who was online there game would start freezing up because some one was fighting something or just wanted to troll everyone
For TES?
VATS is perhaps the most onerously ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a Bethesda title; utterly absurd.The Pip-Boy 2000 doesn't have VATS, which would be a valid reason for omitting VATS in this game besides the problem of slowing or stopping time in multiplayer, but the one we see is a variation of it designated as the Mark 4 version, just like how the Pip-Boy 3000 has a Mark 4 variant, which probably has additional features like a built-in Geiger counter and maybe VATS.
VATS is perhaps the most onerously ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a Bethesda title; utterly absurd.
They took the name of a location in the first game, and used it for a loose parody of the option to aim; making it a magical time slowing bracelet that allows real-time attacks on slowed enemies; and reduces incoming personal damage by 90% when used.
If anything, they should remove VATS from their games.