Societies change all the time sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. Right now we can experience a growing neoliberalism in our societies after we had for more than 50 years a welfare state. I just don't believe that it's all set in stone. 60 Years ago, they would have thrown you in a hospital as homosexual, today you're shuned if you're homophobic and gay marriage is allowed. This change happend without preasure and control from the state and only by fighting for rights and changing societey by englightening people. I sincerely believe, that austerity, in the sense that we free our self from this consumerism and endless economic growth, we could actually gain more freedom, the freedom when you realize, that you actually don't need all of this 'stuff' to be truly happy and in balance with your self. Besides, I do not believe that you can dictate austerity anyway, I mean who should do it? People in Europe would rather destroy the world before they accept living in such a society, so any changes that is my opinion, can only happen if the majority of people actually see it as a good and positve change. And looking at anti-capitalist movements, minimalism, anti-grown movements, post-industrial ideologies/ideas gaining more and more popularity and so on, I would say there is a growing part in our societies that does undestand, hey if we continue with this kind of economy, we're kinda fucked. Just to make this clear! I am not saying that we should give up all kinds of comfort and that we should move in to the woods, living without electricity, or any kind of technology. That's not the point I am trying to make here. But, there are surveys that show that cities which decied to go green and support bicycling actually improved their quality of living. People are healthier and in general happier. An all of this was achieved by making cars less attractive to use.
You can encourage or oppose certain behaviour without making it in to laws and huge regulations for the individual, sometimes making regulations for large corporations can already do the trick. One big tool for our state, are taxes. Take global warming as example, where many propose a CO2 tax for decades and removing ALL subsidies for fossil fuels. Or maybe a tax on pollution in general. The more you pollute and destroy the enviroment as industry, the higher the taxes you pay, the higher the price of your product, the less people will buy it and eventually they will chose alternatives.
For example, if the environmental damage and adverse health efects caused by the mining and buring of coal in Germany, was completely paid by the companies that mine coal and use it for generating electricity the price would be so high, that it becomes unfeasible. One issue with fossil fuels today, but not only here, is that very often the companies that make the profit, do not pay for the caused damage. Be it the damage to the people which destroy their bodies as cheap labour or the damage to nature by destroying large areas.