This kind of stuff, really gets the cynic out of me.
I love history, I love old structures and it's terrible when they are destroyed regardless why. But how long has it been now? 2 Days? And there have been 1 Billion Euros donated to restore it and If I understood this correctly most of the money was donated by a handfull of people. I swear this kind of stuff grinds my gears.
There is for sure no country, that has no issues. Be it with poverty, low wages, issues with the infrastructure, education, you name it. And often when I talk about those issues, it usually comes down to, It needs more money! And Who's going to pay for it?! I mean, there are people literaly dieing, because certain issues aren't fixed. And they could be fixed. Tomorrow. If simply the right people cared enough about it.
But, people are not 800 year old churches I am afraid. I guess I have to understand this. That's how it works. And I am the idiot.
Anyway, just had to get this off my chest.
I love history, I love old structures and it's terrible when they are destroyed regardless why. But how long has it been now? 2 Days? And there have been 1 Billion Euros donated to restore it and If I understood this correctly most of the money was donated by a handfull of people. I swear this kind of stuff grinds my gears.
There is for sure no country, that has no issues. Be it with poverty, low wages, issues with the infrastructure, education, you name it. And often when I talk about those issues, it usually comes down to, It needs more money! And Who's going to pay for it?! I mean, there are people literaly dieing, because certain issues aren't fixed. And they could be fixed. Tomorrow. If simply the right people cared enough about it.
But, people are not 800 year old churches I am afraid. I guess I have to understand this. That's how it works. And I am the idiot.
Anyway, just had to get this off my chest.