Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

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Underneath its trigger-happy trailer is a slew of options for how to play. We immediately saw diverse dialogue options tailored to your character traits during the behind-closed-doors presentation at E3 2019. The "charming" option was readily available while the "intimidate" option was locked based on the characters' build. Those who love shooters can, of course, blast their way through the campaign, but those who are more interested in the story and RPG elements can use this to save their ammo. Besides the obvious options of bursting into a factory guns blazing or taking a stealthier route, you can also customize your character build to suit your preferences.

Sounds like one of them Arpeegees kidsters.

If you’re not the best shooter, you can take advantage of things like Tactical Time-Dilation System, an ability very similar to Fallout's VATS, which allows you to slow down the perception of time before shots are fired to get a sense of the area. You can build your character so that TTD lasts a bit longer, too.

VATS renamed is still VATS.

This is what makes Obsidian reject the general RPG label in favor of the term “reactive RPG.” “We're always trying to track what you're doing,” said Megan Starks, senior narrative designer for The Outer Worlds, “and then have the game change based off on what you're doing. “I apparently ran over so many mines or just got shot in the head so many times that I got offered a flaw to take a permanent concussion,” remembered Stark, “which made my character dumb.”
I just want to point out that we are at the point where cause and effect is a FEATURE! LOOK KIDS! SKILL CHECKS!

You won’t have to worry about customizing yourself into a corner. “You will be better if you want to specialize, but we do allow you to respect your characters,” said Starks, “so you can always rebuild your character.” It’s not perfect, since some attributes are picked up as you play, but your base stats build can be reconfigured.

When it comes to choice-driven experiences, it’s all about negotiating the weight of your choices and feeling like you weren't sent to the point of no return without warning. This is something the team planned out carefully. You can’t come back from big, world-changing decisions – though you can always take advantage of the multiple save slots - “but for the most part we provide you with ways to change your mind right up until those like really big moments.”

Reactive RPG. Sounds like one of them buzzwords to make it sound like it is not a Bethesda style abomination with slightly better ingredients and less gametime. Enjoy.
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I want this game, partly because it's Obsidian. I'm still likely to wait for modding support.
Honestly, I am not sure about this game.

Ever since I saw the first trailer right after the shit storm that was 76, I couldn't stop thinking this isn't Obsidian anymore. They look like they've changed, and in a predatory way.
I am disappointed that this (at least implies) that it doesn't matter what tactic the player decides—it always ends up with the same outcome.

I would much prefer that a game (whose dev's claims to track what the player is doing) were to adjust the narrative on the fly, and lock out options as it opens up new ones; potentially leading to different area maps, and definite repercussions to how affected NPCs view the player-character.

To have it so that busting in like Rambo leads to its own ending, but nothing like the outcome for conning their way out with the prize.

Honestly, I am not sure about this game.

Ever since I saw the first trailer right after the shit storm that was 76, I couldn't stop thinking this isn't Obsidian anymore. They look like they've changed, and in a predatory way.
I suspect that this could be Leonard's experience with Blizzard influencing the direction of development.
(Just a guess)

*But Tim's theories & opinions from the last few videos were a bit jarring to say the least.
Like polymorphic attributes for the numerically adverse.

Though I can't blame them; seeing other—lesser— talents making money hand-over-fist selling relative swill; compared to their concepts... but to an audience that wouldn't appreciate it. This might be them trying to include that audience... Perhaps straddling the line between tolerable opposites—the way Bethesda tries (and has succeeded in the past).

Myself, I was marginally disappointed with the visuals; it was similar for me with with Cyan's Riven vs. Obduction, and even with InXile's Bard's Tale 4. I am beginning to think that Unreal Engine is partly the culprit, or an inexperience using it.

*Obduction also caused me Sim-sickness. :( I am hoping that Outer Worlds will not do the same.
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I am disappointed that this (at least implies) that it doesn't matter what tactic the player decides—it always ends up with the same outcome.

I would much prefer that a game (whose dev's claims to track what the player is doing) were to adjust the narrative on the fly, and lock out options as it opens up new ones; potentially leading to different area maps, and definite repercussions to how affected NPCs view the player-character.

To have it so that busting in like Rambo leads to its own ending, but nothing like the outcome for conning their way out with the prize.

While I was already turned off by the setting, this is a strong nail in the coffin. I'm more lenient when it comes to mechanics, but if the Devs can't pay attention to the small details and allow for multiple endings for quests, settlements, or the main plotline, then you ultimately have an interactive story. I'm sure they'll throw in a few ending cutscenes, sure, but me, I like my replayability, having half the map basically locked off for one reason or the other because you're not in some faction/uniform, and stuff like that. Why does it seem that the lack of detail and plot-paths is becoming more and more prevalent of late?
I am disappointed that this (at least implies) that it doesn't matter what tactic the player decides—it always ends up with the same outcome.
Do you mean in the demo IGN watched you still have to fight even if you sneak all the way through undetected? I'd guess maybe it's just one of the quests has scripted event (triggering alarms no matter what).
Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are behind this project, so I'm not really worried. If they guarantee that this game will be good, I find no reason not to trust them. They're responsible for games such as Fallout 1, Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, after all. What little gameplay I've seen so far has got me certainly interested in their game. But then again, the Outer Worlds might suck. We can't really know for sure yet. We'll just have to wait and see.
Do you mean in the demo IGN watched you still have to fight even if you sneak all the way through undetected? I'd guess maybe it's just one of the quests has scripted event (triggering alarms no matter what).
In this case, I was referring to the comment: "Those who love shooters can, of course, blast their way through the campaign [or not]". I am all for having the option to shoot their way though all encounters... but not if the end result is exactly the same as having taken a diplomatic or stealthy approach. IMO there needs to be side effects of the path chosen; and not so simple as just to steal/ buy / or extort by force.

For instance... A person coerced might give subtly different information than if genuinely conned or charmed out of it; while stolen (or overheard) information might be incomplete (or more complete —or missing certain context) such that the outcome (or later challenge) of each is not exactly identical to that gained of the other tactics.
Is that some big ass biased newspost for the sake of it?

Sounds like one of them Arpeegees kidsters.
It's just how it is in Deus Ex, Bloodlines, FNV, etc. What's the problem?

VATS renamed is still VATS.
So? Folks liked it.

I just want to point out that we are at the point where cause and effect is a FEATURE! LOOK KIDS! SKILL CHECKS!
You advertise what your game is good at. Bethsoft only advertises the shooting shit in Fo4, for obvious reason. Obsidian advertises c&c and it's not right either. lol.

Reactive RPG. Sounds like one of them buzzwords to make it sound like it is not a Bethesda style abomination with slightly better ingredients and less gametime. Enjoy.
Bla bla bla bla.

Obviously Outer World's is Obsidians take on recreating the success of New Vegas. Will it work out? Dunno. Probably not, because a big part of FNVs longevity also comes from its moddability, which the Outer World's won't have.
Besides that, so far it seems to be exactly what folks who liked FNV wanted ever since, and that Bethsoft was unable to deliver with Fo4.
In this case, I was referring to the comment: "Those who love shooters can, of course, blast their way through the campaign [or not]". I am all for having the option to shoot their way though all encounters... but not if the end result is exactly the same as having taken a diplomatic or stealthy approach. IMO there needs to be side effects of the path chosen; and not so simple as just to steal/ buy / or extort by force.

For instance... A person coerced might give subtly different information than if genuinely conned or charmed out of it; while stolen (or overheard) information might be incomplete (or more complete —or missing certain context) such that the outcome (or later challenge) of each is not exactly identical to that gained of the other tactics.

Exactly, the scenarios and opportunities that emerge from subtle or different actions is not only a treat but an exercise in fleshing out the world, rewarding actions, and an interest in detail from the Devs.
Is that some big ass biased newspost for the sake of it?

It's just how it is in Deus Ex, Bloodlines, FNV, etc. What's the problem?

So? Folks liked it.

You advertise what your game is good at. Bethsoft only advertises the shooting shit in Fo4, for obvious reason. Obsidian advertises c&c and it's not right either. lol.

Bla bla bla bla.

Obviously Outer World's is Obsidians take on recreating the success of New Vegas. Will it work out? Dunno. Probably not, because a big part of FNVs longevity also comes from its moddability, which the Outer World's won't have.
Besides that, so far it seems to be exactly what folks who liked FNV wanted ever since, and that Bethsoft was unable to deliver with Fo4.

Lexx you sound like a butthurt fanboy that can't take a joke. Feel free to write news for mindless shooters if you like. I offered a position to any competent person willing. We can use all the help we can get. You have complained about the quality of news here for some time with little contribution. You can see that the PR for this game sounds more like Deus Ex, less like Fallout New Vegas, right? Like FNV should be some gold standard in the first place....



The game is short. Touting the ability to use three methods of entry to complete tasks. YOU CAN SHOOT YOUR WAY THROUGH GUYS! Please buy our game!

That is what I read. Look I know you frequent Obsidian forums, but don't expect me to sugar coat another entry in a long line of FPS RPG-Lite ripoffs. I want isometric with real time with pause or turnbased combat. I want a game like that without dragons, elves, fireballs, and a save the world plot.

Should I feign excitement and awe for something that looks like everything else? I don't care either way. People read these posts as me being resentful and so bent out of shape, but I'm just doing my job. I could care less if Outer Worlds is a poor man's Fallout with a slightly better designer. It is Fallout 3 except...shorter apparently.
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I literally feel nothing for this game whenever i see gameplay. I have reached a point that some person that worked on a game i liked is not reassurance that their new game will be good. Everybody will eventually produce a blunder, nobody is perfect.

And games like Fallout 1, Arcanum and Bloodlines 1 were made literally decades ago, people change over time and some for the worst.

Some people may consider being negative the worst mentality to have, i consider being too excited just as bad, if not more.
In favor of the term "reactive rpg"
Wow almost sounds like what an RPG is! This genre/term is more hijacked and diluted than the survival horror genre I swear to God. They shouldn't have to specify shit like this.

And honestly from this "bad news" a lot of these descriptors sounds like another new Vegas which is probably one of the best games of all time so...
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Lexx you sound like a butthurt fanboy that can't take a joke.
I don't really care about the game as of now. Sounds to me like you are butthurt about my criticism.

You have complained about the quality of news here for some time with little contribution.
What? Since the forum theme changed I barely read & post here anymore.
Just checked my recent posts to be sure. Turns out I'm usually only in the modding board. Guess you are confusing me with someone else.

Yes, unnecessarily edgy and codex-esque.

Look I know you frequent Obsidian forums
I see what you're getting at, but the problem is - I'm only in the off-topic areas and only because of the people there. If there is Obsidian to criticize, it happens.

I want isometric with real time with pause or turnbased combat. I want a game like that without dragons, elves, fireballs, and a save the world plot.
Cool, but how is that a justification for the news writing style?
(That's a rhetorical question, I don't really care.)
That is what I read. Look I know you frequent Obsidian forums, but don't expect me to sugar coat another entry in a long line of FPS RPG-Lite ripoffs. I want isometric with real time with pause or turnbased combat. I want a game like that without dragons, elves, fireballs, and a save the world plot..

Nah, we don't need any more FPS rpg's or isometric RPG's just for the sake of it. The kinda RPG's we need are one that are based on innovating or shaking up pre-established rules. There needs to be more kinda games like Daggerfall out there. One thing Deus Ex did great is the fact that it incorporates the perk system directly into the worldbuilding via augmentations into it.
And people complained about Wasteland's 3 "talking heads", when gampleay mechainics are obviously remaining the same. Don't forget this is the company that gave us New Vegas, so while gameplay is obviously not what some of us like, game experience can still be good and the trailers may just be to attract new players. However I do share the worry that now that they have the money to make what everyone else does, they end up making what everyone else does, instead of offering their unique flavor. In this respect, thus far at least, I'm still having more hope for InXile than Obsidian. Only time will tell.
Just because they made New Vegas nearly a decade ago doesn't mean this will be good now. New Vegas itself was not perfect, far from it. It was just better than Beth's shitpile.
Just because they made New Vegas nearly a decade ago doesn't mean this will be good now. New Vegas itself was not perfect, far from it. It was just better than Beth's shitpile.
There are very few developers that worked on Fallout: New Vegas that are currently working on the Outer Worlds (only 20 to 30% if I remember correctly) and most of them are probably just programmers.
And in my opinion, New Vegas only suffers from some technical flaws, which can be blamed on the relatively clunky gamebryo engine. Other than that, I can't really see how the game isn't pretty much perfect.