First time out of the vault

I started with Fallout 3 after my dad picked it up at Best Buy and said to me "This game is bad ass. You need to play it." Bought it for me, then bought me a PS3 to play it on. I didn't play it very far because I hate shooters on consoles, even before I played them on PC, but when I got a PC I bought it and was hooked. From beginning to end, I was intrigued and sucked into the world. I kept trying New Vegas but could never get into it. I bought the first Fallout game when my computer died and I was stuck with my mom's shitty laptop that couldn't even run Half-Life. I played Fallout 1 on there and was instantly allured and addicted, and played until about half-way through, dying over and over. I beat it a few years later, then played Fallout 4, felt it was okay, but it didn't feel like Fallout, even from the little I'd played. I played through New Vegas afterwards and it blew my fucking mind. I had beaten it before, but I quit at level 22 after playing past the ending using a mod, but I still hadn't liked it that much. I gave it a fresh chance though as a 17 year old boy (December of 2017) and roleplayed as the courier the whole way through, completely enveloped by the Mojave's dusty, desolate and harsh sands. I fucking loved every minute of it. It was like a flip had been switched, allowing me to finally see what everyone had been raving about. I 100%'ed my playthrough. I'm now a more intense fan than I ever was, and I really need to get through playing Fallout 2 as it seems to have more of what I want, but I can't seem to get into it, my same initial problem with New Vegas.
P.S. For those of you who are wondering; yes, I did mostly grow up with Fallout 3, and yes, I do like it. Is it Fallout? Not completely, but there are things about it I still like, even if a lot of you hate it. I have a lot of memories with it, and playing it now I still have fun exploring, but some of the magic is lost having seen what it could have been. I do realize though that it's not the same game as F:NV or the first two Fallouts; it's very much its' own thing. It revels in exploration and environmental storytelling, with tiny bits of clever writing few and far between. I may not agree that it's a great Fallout game, or even a great game, but I can see why people like it, and that's okay to me! I let them have their fun. F:NV and the first two Fallouts are not games about exploration, but of thinking. They're a thinking man's game, and force you to make difficult choices, showing the folly of man in its' full force. They tell intricate stories and plots. They're different than the Bethesda games because they're not about making a visual world to explore and plunder, and that's okay. I think if we had the world detail and exploration of Bethesda Fallouts, but the writing, gameplay, aesthetics and everything else of the OGs, we would have a game that perfectly shows what Fallout's always wanted to. As it is though, I find myself liking the OG Fallout and NV far, far more than the ones Bethesda has made.
P.S. For those of you who are wondering; yes, I did mostly grow up with Fallout 3, and yes, I do like it. Is it Fallout? Not completely, but there are things about it I still like, even if a lot of you hate it. I have a lot of memories with it, and playing it now I still have fun exploring, but some of the magic is lost having seen what it could have been. I do realize though that it's not the same game as F:NV or the first two Fallouts; it's very much its' own thing. It revels in exploration and environmental storytelling, with tiny bits of clever writing few and far between. I may not agree that it's a great Fallout game, or even a great game, but I can see why people like it, and that's okay to me! I let them have their fun. F:NV and the first two Fallouts are not games about exploration, but of thinking. They're a thinking man's game, and force you to make difficult choices, showing the folly of man in its' full force. They tell intricate stories and plots. They're different than the Bethesda games because they're not about making a visual world to explore and plunder, and that's okay. I think if we had the world detail and exploration of Bethesda Fallouts, but the writing, gameplay, aesthetics and everything else of the OGs, we would have a game that perfectly shows what Fallout's always wanted to. As it is though, I find myself liking the OG Fallout and NV far, far more than the ones Bethesda has made.