So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I'm pretty sure Interplay could have made FalloutDoom in 1997 if they wanted it. And in terms of scope, Daggerfall was a thing by then, so yeah.It feels like they say that as if the games would have been just like Bethesda Fallout if it weren't for this limiting tech. I doubt people will look back at Fallout 3 and say the same thing. Which is now 13 years old. Older than Fallout 1 was when Fallout 3 released. Not a lot of people are going to adore Fallout 5 and look back at Fallout 3 and say, "Yeah, it's good if you can get past how outdated it is." These people don't mean outdated or limited by technological advancement. They mean they don't like turn based games and/or anything that isn't real-time action.
They were more interested in making a RPG and not a FPS dungeon crawler with light RPG elements.
It's just these morons can't just say they don't like turn based, or for another example tank controls with fixed camera angles a la Resident Evil games before 4. They just have to throw the word outdated without explaining why.
But of course, Bethesda fanboys aren't gonna say Fallout 3 is outdated, because FPS means it's current regardless of quality to them. Ignoring the argument that Fallout 3 was already dated back at release because it played worse than 90s FPS games.
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