Blastwave Dave
First time out of the vault

I read somewhere (or i might be misremembering) that the game was meant to be set 20 years after the bombs fell. Which would actually explain the state of the Capital Wasteland. Bethesda wanting to recycle a bunch of shit from the first two games instead decided to set the the game 200 years after the bombs fell.
Which is kind of confusing because they have no qualms in changing lore to fit whatever narrative they want to push, so they could have recycled all the crap from the first two games while keeping the game set 20 years after the bombs fell. Which is far too funny now that i think about it (just the amount of not giving shit that you twist the lore to allow things to happen but still don't care to set the game in the right time).
I vaguely remember reading that they already had a post apocalypse project in early dev before getting the Fallout IP so I can see some measure if that 20 years thing being true as well. The world would certainly make a lot more sense were that the case.
I do think Bethesda kind of tried (emphasis on TRIED) with Fallout 3 to write sensible reasons for traditional Fallout iconography to reappear so maybe they cared a little more back then than they do now. Fuck, maybe they just wanted to put the Harold quest in so much they shifted the timeline forward.
Anyway, I guess it's not too important now. It seems like they learned all the wrong lessons from 3's critique with 4, including with the world space.