Either he's joking, or this is proof that you have to scrape really, really hard the bottom of the barrel to say anything positive about Fallout 4 outside of its shooting mechanics.
There are a scant few quests that are pretty much amazing if you can headcanon most of Boston is a ruined shooting galley. THink everything like Goodneighbor in terms of rough but not a warzone.
DC Blues, Big Dig, Cabot House minus ALL mention of Vegas, The Gilded Grasshopper (anything with Nick), The Silver Shroud, even the Combat Zone cut content fully restored is a fun time, as is the Railroad quests IF you have the imagination to see Boston as a dangerous neo noir city
The problem is without that headcannon, these quests are badly, badly framed. THat's the real sin of Fallout 4, the map doesn't match the feel of the main quest or the good side quests. There is a 15 hour good game in here, the problem is Boston, not the whole Commonwealth but Boston itself is an abomination/ If it were generally in the same shape as Boston from the Last of Us, in terms of infrastructure, security, crime, etc. Fallout 4 would be a decent game. The problem beyond any stupid lore bits of the Institute which can be worked around is all Boston.
The bad game design elements, the settlement system, and the junk salvage system don't really sink the game itself. They are TERRIBAD decisions and any focus on them cheapens the story. It's ALL Boston itself.
But a lot of the things that cause Fallout 4 to suck narratively, and narrative is always the key in a traditional RPG, have their roots in the Fallout Bible and Fallout 2: the Vault Social Experiment, the absolutely incoherent description of life right before the bombs fell (the Sino American War, at least the 11 year WW3 we have doesn't make sense), the notion the transistor wasn't invented until the 2070s and the notion of 120 years of cultural stasis, all of these things that irk to see in Fallout 4 are Chris Avellone's fault, Todd is only guilty of following his lead and not junking the Fallout Bible entirely in spirit as well as letter.
The series jumped the shark in 2. 2's a great game, but it's lore extensions mortally wounded the franchise. Because Fallout 2's worldbuilding was tropey and dumb and taken on face value rather than clever and subversive amazingly justified. Fallout 1 looked like a B movie in all the right ways, what made it the game it was is that it WASN'T, it was fairly serious SciFi.
Fallout has been on the road to self-parody for a long time. Fallout is an A movie that looks like a B movie and at it's best it ignores the B material (Honest Hearts, Point Lookout, most of New Vegas) or uses campiness and seeming silliness to set you up for a long series of gut punches (Old World Blues, Nuka World's non raider quests, the Hubbulogists and almost anything to do with Vault City's medical conversations from Fallout 2).
Fallout 4 does have a number of those moments. Not enough, but thi is not all of Bethesda's doing, they're just incompetent implementers of the rot.