10 best games.

I literally did not like the game because I had to play it twice with a similar build, I got bored because the game is small with little to actually do, now I cannot be bothered to boot it up and figure out where I was last. Then it made people like you I guess feel like it was saying something important (I assume you are younger than me) when it really just repeated the same shit I heard and read online for the past 15 years or so. I think I have that covered. Have a good one.
You don't have to like the game. It's not your thing, that's okay. I was just responding to your criticism of the game, but since you haven't really played it there isn't that much to talk about. So let's leave it at that.
Dearest comrades workers and peasants ; not forgetting factory owners, crypto currency investors and land owning gentry.

Very much so I am liking the ' missiles ' to and fro about a top 10 of games.

I would put forward that the ' Golden Age ' of computer gaming was 2000 + and - say 5 earth years.

2005 onwards games improved graphics, lighting and so forth. The basic genres were already there.

Nowadays to make things seem fresh and new a mish mash of descriptions are displayed to a potential buyer. (sellers)

1st person action adventure game with RPG elements in an open world survivalist encounter set in a dystopian near future where society has fractured into various factions. Do you play as a rogue TV journalist in a hidden studio ?

A disgruntled army major who believes terror forming is the way to go.

The leader of the Yippies that grow grains and organic hallucinogenics and believe in flour power.

Or any of 12 other pre made characters you can upgrade.
Below the Root

Diablo II


Fallout 2

Ultima IV

Silent Hill

Donkey Kong

Xcom II


Battlefield 2
It always amazes me to see a registration date of something like 2007 with hardly any posts then the person posts.
1. New Vegas

2. Metal Gear Solid 3

3. Red Dead Redemption 2

4. Super Smash Bros. Melee

5. Space Station 13

6. Dishonored

7. Left 4 Dead 2

8. Fallout 2

9. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

10. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Pretty hard list to make, I'm a bit of a forgetful person, but this is what I came up with right now.
1. Nier Automata
2. Fallout New Vegas

The rest are in no particular order;
3. MGS 3: Snake Eater
4. Fallout 1
5. Nier

Honestly, I can only think of 5. I need to complete more games...
I really can't do another list. It feels like my brain is going to burst open. Ones I know for sure non-Fallout related...

1. Earthbound - I love everything about it.
2. Shadowrun (SNES) - still the most unique freaking game around due to the way it was designed. Awkward combat but good.
3. Castlevania 4 - this is the easiest, best looking, best playing game in the series. I used to try to speedrun it as a kid and often died at the gold bat.
4. Sunless Sea - they need to rip this game off more often. One where you are going around the PA wasteland as such would work.
5. Civilization 5 - because I have not got into 4 yet.
6. MGSV - not due to the game itself but due to Snakebite mainly.
7. Total War Warhammer - just played 1 so far but Total War is always varying degrees of good.
8. ?

I want to list various RPG's I played for the first time this year all the way through like BG 1 and 2 but I have not replayed them enough to know if they are my favorite game if you know what i mean. I also want to add more nostalgia to the list like Resident Evil but I can't replay those apparently I stopped at 2 hours in.
Well four years ago and some things have likely changed.
No order. Gonna do the best or best two from each franchise so it's my top 10 franchises in a way.
Fallout 1/Fallout New Vegas
Shadow of the Colossus
Starcraft (with or without Brood War)
Halo Combat Evolved
Doom II/Doom (2016)
Mortal Kombat III/Mortal Kombat (2011)
Spider-Man 2
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal (I can't stand grinding now-a-days but when I was a kid, these were the best Pokemon games)
I don't know what else
I guess Witcher 1 and both Wastelands? I really enjoyed those.

Planescape Torment isn't on my list but I foresee it happening, I've yet to play it but after I'm done with the Witcher series and maybe Tyranny I'll sit down and finally play it.

For what I value the most of games (theme/story/tone) my top ten is probably something like:
Fallout New Vegas
Shadow of the Colossus
Planescape: Torment
Disco Elysium
Dark Souls
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Nothing else really fits here, maybe STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl or Call of Pripyat? But eh that's more just atmosphere and tone than theme and story

As far as gameplay:
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dirty Bomb
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Halo 3
Hunt: Showdown
Prey (2017)

Honorable mentions:
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Fallout 2
Halo 1 and 2
Doom 1 and 2
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Spider-Man 2
Wasteland 3
probably something else.
Well four years ago and some things have likely changed.

For what I value the most of games (theme/story/tone) my top ten is probably something like:
Fallout New Vegas
Shadow of the Colossus
Planescape: Torment
Disco Elysium
Dark Souls
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Nothing else really fits here, maybe STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl or Call of Pripyat? But eh that's more just atmosphere and tone than theme and story

As far as gameplay:
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dirty Bomb
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Halo 3
Hunt: Showdown
Prey (2017)

Honorable mentions:
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Fallout 2
Halo 1 and 2
Doom 1 and 2
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Spider-Man 2
Wasteland 3
probably something else.

Being a nurse in a Cephalopod Hospital must be hard graft. Some decent games you mentioned although I thought F.E.A.R was shite.

The only dick I suck is Sean's, and that is purely heterosexual in nature. Since you don't know who that is due to you being a wannabe Orderite, I will now go laugh at you while I play with my asshole.

I am not Sean, even though they all said I was.
I think 10 best games should be 10 best game in the genre. Oh wait better make another thread.

10 best survival horror
10 best fighting
10 best yada yada
10 best rpg that is not a rpg but is called a rpg anyway so it is a rpg
Being a nurse in a Cephalopod Hospital must be hard graft.

The only dick I suck is Sean's, and that is purely heterosexual in nature. Since you don't know who that is due to you being a wannabe Orderite, I will now go laugh at you while I play with my asshole.

I am not Sean, even though they all said I was.
I mean ya kinda act like him but not entirely. Also I don't know why the fuck you said any of this and it's oddly suspicious.