General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

OK Toront, I played Arkham Asylum. It's great, but too short. Now what? Anyone else got a pick?

The short list redux:
Atom RPG (I know this will be Toront's suggestion. Played, never finished)
Bioshock 2
Fallout 2 RP
Metro 2033 (Owned, never played)
The Outer Worlds (Owned, never played)
Rage 2 (Owned, never played)
OK Toront, I played Arkham Asylum. It's great, but too short. Now what? Anyone else got a pick?

The short list redux:
Atom RPG (I know this will be Toront's suggestion. Played, never finished)
Bioshock 2
Fallout 2 RP
Metro 2033 (Owned, never played)
The Outer Worlds (Owned, never played)
Rage 2 (Owned, never played)

Have you never did the Restoration Patch before? If so do that for sure. Out of those that is what I have. Mad Max is 4 bucks and a good open world mindless thing if you need that.
I have played F2RP and it's AWESOME!!! I'm not getting any new games. Already have some I haven't played. I played Atom, but didn't finish it due to a game breaking bug when they were still ironing them out.
Wah. That is my short list of games >I< want to play. Why don't you just say "Atom" and get it over with. You know you want to.
PLAY ATOM GODDAMMIT SHHHHIIIIIIITTTTT. I do not wanna hype it up too much though you might be turned off by Ukraine/Russian weirdness and hate me for life. It is Fallout with crafting in Russia though.
AAAAAAAA I KNOW THAT ABOUT ATOM GODDAMMIT SHHHHIIIIIIITTTTT! Fallout with crafting in Russia. I got that. I've said that myself. Also, you don't try to go it alone unless you want to get pulverized in the wastes. Get companions ASAP.
AAAAAAAA I KNOW THAT ABOUT ATOM GODDAMMIT SHHHHIIIIIIITTTTT! Fallout with crafting in Russia. I got that. I've said that myself. Also, you don't try to go it alone unless you want to get pulverized in the wastes. Get companions ASAP.


I would say on Easy or Normal it is not as bad since you can save scum. Then again I play on survival now and it rapes me.

Fidel is in the Krasnomy town I cannot spell from memory. Dog is survival at 40 encounter. Hex is Red Fighter. Alex is Red Fighter upgraded. Have fun. Do not buy car from car salesman he should be dead somewhere instead due to being a piece of shit. Craft and sell. Fish and sell. Make your own armor at low level before you get the recipe by getting hare fur, scrap, wires, and wood and crafting. Think that is it make sure you have more than one quantity.

Do not think skill checks will help you win a dialog.
Gas and diesel will end up being your friend.
Molotovs are great.
The perk system is better in Trudograd.
I started Mad Max. I like to occasionally play a game like that to go back and forth with while doing harder games like RPG's and roguelikes.

Some retro gamer I was subbed to has put up loads of exploits of Mad Max. A few are quite good. He churns out very old commodore, Atari mainly. So what I meant was Mad Max seems buggy wuggy
It is buggy. I was gonna mention that because I encountered a bug in the first 15 minutes. It is solid enough to work upon reload however so likely engine related due to the dev working on the game forever.
I always found the U boats impossible to manage at x 2 speed so playing at x8 speed never totally exhausted the crew but left them feeling dazed and confused.

I once read a German guy had played it at normal speed. (Crazy fucker). Sailing from Saint-Nazaire to the mid-Atlantic would have taken hours and hours, must have had a bet with someone or was fuckin delusional.
I heard of people walking the whole distance in Arcanum but without gameplay made for that it is just larping tarded.
A friend bough it for me on Steam but I felt like a dick because I did not want it due to the GOG version being better. Now I gotta hunt down fixes and I already need to do that for Mafia so I am not doing it since i am tasked out atm.
I would rattle away trying to shoot down Messerschmitt Bf-109's. I got a few but I would always fuck up trying to land the
IL-2 Sturmovik. My days as a pilot ended.
Hey Will do you play any FPS's?

I have played much many. I went off them a bit as I get a bit wired lol. I even played the original game which developed into ARMA. Operation Flashpoint was rock fucking solid. I then went right of FPS in respect for real people that died saving our sorry arses.
Killing weird thing in Metro is ok though.
Fiddling with a few games atm, but recently got back into Age of Wonder: Planetfall.

Who wouldn't want a space game with space furry pirates at your doorstep?


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