Mirin Lurker
It Wandered In From the Wastes

Hello, long time lurker, first time poster. Like the vast majority of folks I came into the series with FO3 as a loyal TES fan and instantly fell in love with it. Later I remember getting incredibly hyped NV and being completely underwhelmed with it. Then I turned like 15 played it again and my opinions flipped. NV has a level of writing that is seldom seen in videogames, especially nowadays. Really made me appreciate the medium and what it could do for a narrative experience. Felt a little like reading a good book or a golden age of television show, didn't treat the audience like it was stupid. Really made the FO3 writing (and pretty much like any videogame I'd played) look like shit. But I still viewed Toddout as...fine mediocre, then hbomberguys vid made me really realize just how stupid almost every aspect of the world building and writing is.
Mostly my plan here is to vent and clown on the bethesdatrons on the fallout subreddit. I feel like some of you guys would get a kick out of some of things these people say.
Mostly my plan here is to vent and clown on the bethesdatrons on the fallout subreddit. I feel like some of you guys would get a kick out of some of things these people say.