
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.1%

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I Just want an excuse to die early. And in a cool way.
By getting murdered for recording sex.
Don't need an excuse to do that.

There is actually a ton of hype right now for starfield and even more 76 defenders these days. Bethestards don't learn or change. Only consoom.
I know Bethesda's battered wifes are excited, but people outside of that group expecting not to be shit are weird.
I know Bethesda's battered wifes are excited, but people outside of that group expecting not to be shit are weird.

I mean even the average gamer is often suckered into being hyped for anything. Like destiny, cyberpunk, or star citizen.
Yeah there are a lot of demographics beyond just Bethesda simps and bigbrainers knowitalls like us. There's the casuals that don't play a lot of games. People new to gaming. People who just grew up and don't have any past experience with Bethesda. People who genuinely just have dogshit taste in games. People who just love to be a part of the water cooler talk so whatever is the current "it" thing they'll hype up because they want to be a part of that community because, I dunno, they're lonely?

Lots of demographics that could be interested in Starfield and it's not weird. Just unfortunate, that Starfield will become a hit due to people simply not knowing any better. The only people I find weird are those that DO KNOW about Bethesda's track record and STILL preordered it the moment they could. Looking at some RPGCodexers for that one...
The only people I find weird are those that DO KNOW about Bethesda's track record and STILL preordered it the moment they could.
I'm gonna take a guess here and say all those people are sex preverts who want the new mod tools.
Lmfao according to Pete Hines the game doesn’t really start until after you slog through Emil’s story. And the rest is a whole lotta nothing.

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I don't trust anything Pete Hines have to say.

IIRC when someone on twitter criticized ghoul kid in a fridge he said he wasn't interested in talking about logic in a game with laser and mutants. He said that his favorite thing about Skyrim or Fallout 4 was the fact that he could just walk away from the dialogue but he wouldn't do that with a Naughty Dog game, meaning he thinks his own game's writing is dogshit.

Take anything he says with a grain of salt, if he praises something, it is probably going to underdeliver.
Anyway let's go over them 1 by 1.

"The game doesn't really start until after the main quest"
Well, that sounds like fun. So, am I forced into linearity to finish the main quest first or is there a bunch of content that is withheld from me until I finish the main story so I'll feel like rushing it just so I can get "full access" to the game? Or is he saying that this time around the generated content will totally be different, pinky swear?

Describes how he got sucked in to the vacuum of space after jumping on to an enemy ship and the pilot taking off
I don't know what this means. I'm trying to think logistically about what this would look like and I just don't get it. If you're in space you wouldn't get sucked into space. If you're docked then how would he be able to take off? What do you mean by "jump onto the ship"?

Modders will be able to create planets
Until we get to see what constitutes a "Planet" this statement is meaningless.

New Game+ relates directly to the main story so Pete couldn't really talk about it, however he does state it is different from most New Game+ mechanics and it is "rather special"
Remember how in No Man's Sky the point was to reach the center of the galaxy and then when you did it you had to do it all over again? Or was that Spore... Anyway, I have no idea what to make of this.

Said he felt like Iron Man at one stage due to the diversity of weapon mods being combined with skills

Cool, don't care. IIRC Anthem allowed people to "feel like Iron Man" as well and and that game was a massive piece of shit. "hey kids, you like Iron Man right?"

Museum on New Atlantis explains some lore for the game

And I'm sure that lore will be enthralling. Like mechs being outlawed and pirates being good lawobiding citizens who respect the laws.

There's an enormous amount of creatures, no clue how many

Of course there is, they're generated, like in NMS. But you'll see the repeat of these creatures real quick and once you do it will devalue them as nothing is "canonical" and nothing has proper "art design" behind it, it's just a randomized mess.

Says after 150 hours, he isn't even close to 100%'ing the game

Oh joy, I sure do love bloated slogs of games that don't know how to fucking end.

Lots of mod support post-launch

To be expected, but it's still good of Bethesda to support mods.

Mission boards can ask you to build outposts on planets


Plenty of easter eggs

I mean... That's... A given... Why would he need to say this?

No level cap (he thinks)

Of course there isn't, wouldn't want to remove that carrot dangling in front of people's face, we need them to spend 500 hours in our game after all.

People on PC who have played the game early have said performance is smooth

I don't trust anything Pete Hines have to say.

Idk in this particular case I think when the Bethesda PR manager says their new epic RPG doesn’t get “good” until after you drudge the game’s story and get to the endless procedurally generated slop it’s something worth more than a grain of salt. :lmao:
If modders can make planets I hope the terrain tools are good. Big problem with No Man's Sky is the terrain is still pretty bland and not really diverse enough. There are no cliffs or rivers. No mountains or anything that feels like a real forest.
Idk in this particular case I think when the Bethesda PR manager says their new epic RPG doesn’t get “good” until after you drudge the game’s story and get to the endless procedurally generated slop it’s something worth more than a grain of salt. :lmao:
I didn't think about that.

(this image is terrible)
When he says modders will be able to create planets I’m sure he means that modders will be able to create new worldspaces in the construction set/creation kit/whatever they want to call it this time, which is something modders have been able to do since morrowind, so I’m not sure what the point of saying this is.
I mean I doubt they created 1000 planets by hand, they probably worked on some kind of generation tool for planets. Depending on how simple it is imagine how flooded Nexus is gonna get with "my OC planet, no steal plz".
I mean I doubt they created 1000 planets by hand, they probably worked on some kind of generation tool for planets. Depending on how simple it is imagine how flooded Nexus is gonna get with "my OC planet, no steal plz".
I'm calling it now, modders will abandon making "planet" mods like they abandon most large worldspace expansion mods and by the first year anniversary of the game the Nexus page will be nothing but titty mods and anime outfits like Fallout 4.
Starfield looks pretty good honestly. I'm very much excited about the ship-building and the other features bethesda included in the game that has to do with living a space simulation life in space on some faraway planet. Like owning a house on a moon for example but having to pay a mortgage for it.

As well as building outposts on these planets.

but i hope the titty mods don't ruin Starfield modding scene. Like it did Fallout 4's soimewhat. though there are still a good selection of mods for Fallout 4 but not enough gameplay overhauls to try out. I wish Simon Magnus (popular TESV gameplay Skyrim mod creator) would make Fallout 4 gameplay mods honestly. but i guess that's wishful thinking.
I'm very much excited about the ship-building and the other features bethesda included in the game that has to do with living a space simulation life in space on some faraway planet. Like owning a house on a moon for example but having to pay a mortgage for it.

As well as building outposts on these planets.

All of this is already in No Man’s Sky, and probably more polished and hand crafted than Starfield ever will be, even after all the DLC comes out for that game (which will probably mostly be workshop DLC like they pulled with Fallout 4).
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If modders can make planets I hope the terrain tools are good. Big problem with No Man's Sky is the terrain is still pretty bland and not really diverse enough. There are no cliffs or rivers. No mountains or anything that feels like a real forest.
Glad I skipped.
So let me get this straight, Bethesda releases a bunch of trailers and gameplay footage for Starfield, all of which had shitty performance and stuttering, and now we’re supposed to take solace that it’s not actually going to play this way because a bunch of live action soyjacks speaking on behalf of Digital Foundry said so lmao. I think this is the most transparent paid off interview I’ve seen as of recent. They’re literally showing footage of the game running like shit and saying “This isn’t real it’s just the video recording of the gameplay.” Lmfao

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